Pictures Setting to Music - Explanations


The Music for  Holiday

Like Josef Bauer has constructed the picture based on time, in the same way the setting to music was carried out, at which however the temporal component is added recognizable.

The individual elements of the picture, which have an effect on the viewer, can be followed musically in the composition by the listener.

The effect of the individual elements together with the totality finally lets the picture or the compostition appears to be an opus.

But only the viewers, respectively the listeners participation are giving the work of art, especially the abstract, it's final predicate and character.

Pictures setting to music

The short musical sections available here are representing merely one fifth of the complete composition.

The complete composition contains about 12 minutes, which I'm willing to make available for a download as an MP3 file.
Please, request by eMail.

Have fun with the visual and musical wander through of the picture.


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