Weather - Menu


Ticino  *  Lombardy  *  Lake of Como  *  Lake of Lugano  *  Lake Maggiore


Weather - Conditions and Forecast

Sun - Rain - Clouds - Haze Fog - Snow - Temperatur at daytime

For planning your trip:
When is easter sunday ?



Weather - previous month

Sun - Rain - Clouds - Haze Fog - Snow - Temperatur at daytime


 short movie

% Y   

Statistics - Years / Months - - -

Sun - Rain - Clouds - Haze Fog - Snow - Temperatures at daytime

% M   

Statistics - Months / Years - - -

Sun - Rain - Clouds - Haze Fog - Snow - Temperatures at daytime

°C Y   

Statistics - Years / Months - - -

lowest / highest Temperatures at daytime

°C M   

Statistics - Months / Years - - -

lowest / highest Temperatures at daytime 

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