Friday, September 27, 2002 It was insane partying month in Ben's universe. I celebrated my birthday, Aug. 23, by flying to California (note that this lets you have a 33 hour birthday if you time it right!) with Esther and Aviva. There we spent a week visiting family and friends: my sister Shoshana and her husband Eric (who have just moved to Palo Alto so Eric can get his MBA at Stanford -- as a preparation for being, check out how cool this is, a high school principal -- and Shana can teach 7th grade), my parents (who came out to see us), friends who live there (my quantumly entangled soulsister, the Tae Kwan Do blackbelt, triathelete, former semiot, science maven, and ER doc Terri; her husband, Unix hacker turned day trader and misanthropic philosopher-king Jeff; computer game designer/coder and sculptor of really cool things, Ethan; aspiring cave yogini Tien; queer activist and high school guidance counselor Rebecca; etc.) and my co-author Ramin aka David Ackert, who came up from LA just to see us. Aviva was sick and jetlaggy, but delighted in all the attention; much frolicking and barbecues and such things. Saw some of my Clarion West class for pizza before they retreated to a house in the woods for a Milford-style crit workshop. This first week made a nice ramp-up towards full-on extroversion, sleep deprivation, and socializing frenzy, followed as it was by WorldCon. And here is my great sprawling con report about that, which I was asked to write by fanzine Sleight of Hand. And then the day after I got back from Worldcon, I went on my company's annual company outing. This year we didn't go to Norway or Mallorca, we stayed in Switzerland and a little of Northern Italy, but we did go canyoning and go-karting. Whew.
There's lots going on in my author topic, including some discussions of the aphorisms I posted here last time. Come drop by and chat. I also started a writing news notify list. You can add yourself to that: and I will send a brief update if I publish something, no more than once a month or so, so you can check it out. Because let's face it, I update this journal about quarterly.
Lots of publications lately. The last "other city", Stin, is up. Also up is another short story, "on the cliff by the river", at Infinite Matrix. My very short story "The Orange" will be reprinted in the Readings section of the November issue of Harper's. And my story "Fig" will appear sometime soon in the wacky and punching-beyond-its-weight-class little zine Lady Churchhill's Rosebud Wristlet. Yay!
The Veevster rides on the back seat of our bicycle now! She loves it. She wants to wear her bicycle helmet all day. Today she also wanted to wear sunglasses all day. Little movie star... |