Werner: Emerging patterns of cross-boundary commuting between Hong Kong and Mainland China. Occasional Papers of The Centre for China Urban and Regional Studies, No. 31 (April 2003), 16 pp.
This paper is an investigation into the changing “openness” of the Hong
Kong and Mainland China boundary, as illustrated by the emerging phenomenon
of cross-border commuting. It is common for people in transborder metropolitan
regions to take advantage of price and wage differentials by crossing the
border frequently. In Hong Kong, however, this is a relatively recent process.
In this context, the paper discusses the growing cross-boundary passenger
flows and especially the even stronger increase in short distance and high
frequency trips. The number of people crossing the boundary several times
a week has grown by about double the general rate, more than one third in
only two years 1999 to 2001.
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(HKD 30 per copy) Das Entstehen von Grenzpendelbeziehungen zwischen Hongkong und China.
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