
Appointed member of the Commission for
Tourism Geography
of the Geographical
Society of China (2013-2017)

Hong Kong Baptist University
David Lam Institute for
East West Studies 

Renfrew Road
Hong Kong

Building DLB, Room 810
Tel. +852-34115339 (direct)
Email: breitung[at]gmail.com 

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©  Werner Breitung, 2001
Last updated: 13.01.2017




   Tourism Masterplan for Ganzhou Prefecture (Jiangxi Province)

Year: 2004
Principal investigator: Prof. ZHU Hong (then: Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou)
Brief: The border regions of Jiangxi, Guangdong and Fujian are all peripheries in their respective provinces. They are the settlement area of the Hakka people, whose culture is the most outstanding tourism resource of this region. Tourism development should thus focus on rural cultural tourism. The region is also very suitable for cycling tourism. The provision of quality cycling routes with good signage and home stay opportunities in the dispersed and underused Hakka buildings would trigger rural development, heritage conservation, cultural encounters and ecological sustainability. 
Summary of my contribution (PDF)

  Tourism Masterplan for the Lake Kanas Area in Xinjiang

Year: 2005
Principal investigator: Prof. BAO Jigang (Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou)
Lake Kanas is situated in the Altai Mountains, one of the remotest regions of China at the borders to Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia. It is a beautiful cultural landscape, sparsely inhabited by nomadic minorities, and for long time inaccessible to tourists due to its sensitive border location. After the opening up of the border region, the number of visitors has increased rapidly, which made it necessary to develop a feasible plan for sustainable tourism development, which would also protect the ecologically and culturally sensitive landscape.
Summary of my contribution (PDF)

   Provincial Tourism Masterplan for Hunan Province

Year: 2006
Principal investigator: Prof. BAO Jigang (Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou)
Brief: The task was to
prepare a provincial tourism master plan, including the development of resources and destination marketing. A crucial contradiction in this task is that provinces want to market themselves as destinations, whereas tourists define destinations unrelated to administrative boundaries. In this situation, I suggest to focus the international marketing strategy on Zhangjiajie, a recognised world heritage site and top destination, and then to guide the visitors along a yet to establish “Romantic Road” into other attractive parts of the province.
Summary of my contribution (PDF)

   Tourism Masterplan of Sanshui (District of Foshan in Guangdong)

Year: 2008-2009
Principal investigator: Prof. ZHU Hong (South China Normal University, Guangzhou)
Sanshui situates in the Pearl River Delta and is therefore a suitable destination for short trips from nearby cities. My concept for tourism development centres on the water landscape as main resource. It includes concrete idea, how and where the water landscape can be experienced by tourists in a sustainable way.
Summary of my contribution (PDF)
Presentation (PPT)

   Tourism Co-operation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau

Year: 2011-2012
Principal investigator: Prof. ZHU Hong (South China Normal University, Guangzhou)

Brief: The task of this project was to facilitate the collaboration and joint tourism development among the three different jurisdictions in the Pearl River Delta.