Beers of Switzerland


Samichlaus used to be the most famous Swiss beer.

It became famous as the strongest beer in the world, and later as the strongest lager in the world, with it's 14% alcohol content (ABV).
Initially produced by
Hurlimann Brewery, during the 80's, its production was discontinued in 1996 after that Feldschlossen group bought Hurlimann.
In the following years, many people claimed for it and finally, in 2000, it came back to shops, this time produced by
Eggenberg Brewery (Austria); the image at the top of the page represents the old bottle.

Its name comes from German name for Santa Claus, and was traditionally brewed on the 6th of December and distributed right one year later.

Here you are a list of web articles about Samichlaus:


And the ratings on
  Hurlimann Samichlaus
  Eggenberg Samichlaus


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