Report from Germany, 40 m       

Now I received an E-mail from Germany with a report of a builder of the 40m antenna:
Here follows the report: (translated from German language)

Hi dr OM Felix,

I was using the Room-Cap antenna (40m band) first time on May 19th, 2007.

First, I tried it with 100 watt. There was a pile up for SL9MRO/8. He was using a
4 ele mono band beam. Many stations were calling, I called just once, hi, and was
asking him to give me a REAL report. I was very surprised to obtain 30 db over S9,
and then it continued with EA, OK, PA, I, DL, HA, 9A and so on, and received
throughout 58 to 59 Plus reports. Just wanted to see how it works with 100 w,
..... very good.

As I am a QRP fan (2857 stations from 173 countries, with 2.5 watt) I started a
new test on the 20th May 2007. Unpacking the FT-817, 2.5 w and on-the-air.

Was phantastic, even so the conditions were not so good, I was working more than
40 stations with 2.5 w in USB and digital mode, and again received throughout 57 to
59 plus reports. The following QRP stations worked:
SP,DL,OK,EA,I,S57,ON,PA,SM OZ,F,HA...and ... and  ...HI.

Finally I have an antenna that works without tuner. Have built many, but most with
very bad results.

Felix, I send you a picture enclosed, wishing you all the best, and maybe we meet
at the HAM radio fair at Friedrichshafen.

VY 73 de DL5GBP Peter

Then I called Peter by phone to congratulate for his construction.
I asked him, if he had other antennas to compare with this new one.
He told me:
Yes, I have a GP5 (Fritzel) vertical for 40m, about 8 m long.
I could switch between the two antennas, that was day and night.

What he understands exactly with "day and night" you have to
ask Peter, DL5GBP directly.

Felix Meyer
