Shuttlebus-opportunity for People from Tessin - Aarau - Zürich - Basel
(Last Update 7.11.06)

Shuttle-service will be organized, if there are at least 50 Persons.

The latest Infos --- The latest Infos --- The latest Infos


Last possibility for the Shuttlebus-booking. Hurry up.
Ifelse the shuttlebus will becanceld.

A small guddy: If you get the bus nearly full, then

--> the Journey incl. entry and 2 drinks (Alc or Non-alc)
costs: 70.- Fr.

Bus: 50.-Fr
Entry: 20.- incl 2 drinks ( Entry: 0.-Fr / 2 Drinks: 20.-Fr)

Cu soon and Greetz Georit




Departure time & prices
(The exact departure time will be showed as soon as possible:)

Departure: Tessin-AG-ZH-Basel

Departure: Basel-ZH-AG-Tessin

ca. 17:30 o'clock from Tessin;
ca. 20:30 o'clock from Aarau;
ca. 21:00 o'clock from Zürich;
ca. 22:00 o'clock arrival in Basel

03:30 o'clock from Basel;
ca. 04:30 o'clock in Zürich;
ca. 05:00 o'clock in Aarau;
ca. 08:00 o'clock arrival in Tessin

The journey costs per Person 50.- Fr.
Entry to Party incl.. 1 drink costs 25.- Fr.

--> Journey incl. entry and 2 drinks (Alc or Non-alc)
costs: 75.- Fr.




contaktpersons in the areas

Contakt Zürich:

Manoj Vimalassery

Contakt Aarau:

Deepa Kizhakekara

Contakt Tessin:

Sobby Vettickal




IMPORTANT (Agelimit)

The agelimit for the entry in combination with the journey will be reduced at 18-years but only by pre-reservation.
Ifelse the agelimit is by 20 years.




In the lower box you can give up your notice.
Give in your personal datas and send it.

For that we can close the bus-reservation as soon as possible,
the notices should be given up until the end of the first week of November and max. in the middle of the next week.

Reservation Bollywood-Fever reaches Basel

Prename and name:

Count of persons, for whom you are reserving:


Areas: ZH, AG or TI?

IMPORTANT: don't forget your eMail-adress :





The count of momentanious reservation will be shown here with names as soon as possible:

The reservation out of ZH, AG, TI

























