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★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 65 - May 07, 2005 (Swiss
☆ http://www.swissjapanwatcher.ch/
明子 ヒューリマン
neighbors what are they doing?>
protests in neighboring countries
Translated by
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
明子 ヒューリマン
2005年4月9日北京で始まった反日デモについて、世界の多くのメディアが触れていない極めて重要な点がある。それは現在一般の日本国民には反中感情は無く、かつて無かった程友好ムードが広く行き渡っていたという点だ。今や日本国民の外国への関心は最早かつてのように欧米一辺倒ではなく、近隣諸国をはじめ、東南アジア、更にはアフリカ諸国にまで向けられている。 特に中国とはあらゆる分野で相互交流が広く深く進行していると言えよう。だから、まさに突然の反日デモという感じで、大方の日本人はびっくり仰天、「どうして? 今!」という思いは拭えないでいるようだ。
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
<The neighbors what are they doing?>
protests in neighboring countries
Akiko Huerlimann
Regarding to the anti-Japanese demonstrations that started from April 9, 2005 in Beijing, there is one significantly important point that was not mentioned
by many mass media of the world. The point is that so far, normal Japanese
citizens do not have anti-Chinese feelings, and that a friendly mood
towards China prevailed in Japan
as never ever before. Nowadays, Japanese people's interest regarding to
foreign countries is not only about Western countries, but it goes also to
neighboring countries, Southeast Asia and as far as African countries. I can say that especially the
mutual exchange between Japan
and China has deeply and widely proceeded in many areas. That's why; the
anti-Japanese protests came suddenly and happened unexpectedly for Japanese
people. All most all Japanese were absolutely astonished, and they could
not stop thinking "Why? Now!"
Since diplomatic relations between Japan
and China were normalized in 1972, the fact is well known that Japanese
manufacturers rushed to China
to establish their factories, and they played a major role in the
development of China. Many Japanese went to China
for sightseeing, and many students for studying the Chinese language. Not
only financial support and technical aid, but also academic exchanges have
become increasingly active. Originally, Japanese classic culture has some
of its basic roots in China,
many Japanese intellectuals hanker after China,
and for years we can see TV programs that show many aspects of contemporary
China. Just recently, mass media reported that China
has stridden over the USA
becoming the number one trade counter part of Japan.
I clearly felt, we've just entered a new era regarding to that fact. Japan
and China have become indispensable partners.
Recently also many Chinese students have come to Japan
for their education, and Japanese language schools have opened in various
regions of Japan. Many Chinese women have married to Japanese farmers, and
Chinese musicians, researchers, or artists are any more seldom in Japan
doing activities in many fields. Lots of Chinese tourists visit Japan
now, and they stay at Japanese inns, enjoy Japanese hot springs and
Japanese cooking. Japanese tourist spots have unused capacities now,
therefore hotel owners pay close attention to Chinese tourists, and it's
become normal to describe sightseeing brochure for foreigners in English,
Chinese and Korean. <Made in China
products> flood the nation more than anything else. As interchange has progressed,
illegal stay, illegal work, and the increasing number of crime have become
visible and causing social problems in Japan.
However, anti-Chinese feelings are not yet noticeable at all in Japan.
How about the attitude of Chinese people in abroad towards Japanese?
According to my personal experience, when I said, "I am Japanese"
I have never been given chilly looks so far. On the contrary, I have many
good memories of friendly people treating me very kind as if I were just
like their relatives.
On the other hand, I guess that many Japanese find it hard to understand
the anti-Japanese mood in South Korea at the same period even though at a smaller level. For some
years, the interest regarding to the Korean culture has increased in Japan.
Especially, the image culture has created an enormous popularity producing
even a buzz word the so-called "Hanryu
(Korean boom)"; furthermore thousands of Japanese tourists visit South Korea. Even Korean media reported with surprise about that
phenomenon; Japanese tourists do not care about the anti-Japanese mood at
all and still carry on visiting Korea.
Regarding to my experience in South Korea, dating back more than 10 years; local people were amazingly
kind to us at that time. I still remember things, as I was born just after
the war; I was not accused by anti-Japanese feeling there. For instance, in
a downtown district of Seoul, a young man kindly explained us the way in
fluent Japanese, or at a local restaurant, middle-aged men sat next to us
offering us food from their dishes for tasting.
Now we are free from confusing ideological arguments after the cold war
era, Japanese education of history faces a big chance to change its
traditional method of teaching; modern and contemporary history should be
taught now precisely. The reason for anti-Japanese feeling now might be
that neighboring countries claim for remorse to posterity. It's the same as
the anti-nuclear movement of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. When it makes sense, Japan
can use the opportunity to apology to nations having suffered during the war.
Speaking out against any invasion of other countries could support that attitude;
Japan could earn recognition as a peaceful country in the world. Centering
on the United Nations (UN), countries forming now a mutual moral value; I
feel that human beings have made a progress as never ever before.
Such aggressive anti-Japanese demonstrations surely woke up Japanese having
enjoyed so far a peaceful sleep. It was however a healthy shock. It was so far
unthinkable for most Japanese people to believe "that China
could be a potential enemy". China
seriously provoked Japan. Furthermore, Chinese authorities organized unbelievable acts
through diplomatic channels and direct disturbance by the police, not to
let Japanese press into the Japanese Embassy or Consulates, suffering
enormous damage, however, that time Japanese press, said to be normally
gentle, threw off Chinese inhibitions and went into the Japanese Embassy,
and presented repeatedly the horrible damage. Afterwards, the authorities
seemed to correct their measure in order to stop the demonstrations.
Constructive measures for the future might be that the Chinese government
promotes the commemoration mood of the resumption of diplomatic ties with Japan
in 1972 instead of celebrating the <anti-Japanese anniversary>.
Otherwise, it's not hard to anticipate that China
will loose too many things among the international society in the future.
There is a famous Haiku "Late autumn, the neighbor what is he doing?"
There is only one way left to help each other by dropping all pretenses,
and working together for mutual harmony and benefit.
[ Writer / 筆者 ]
明子 ヒューリマン / Akiko Hürlimann: jp-Swiss-journal
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