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Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine ┃ ★
jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 87 –
05, 2007 (Swiss
Time) ┃ ☆
http://www.swissjapanwatcher.ch/ ■━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━■
【 目次 / INDEX /
【J】 |
明子 ヒューリマン
【E】 |
environment in Switzerland
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
明子 ヒューリマン
グローバリゼイションの波が世界経済を大きく揺さぶっている今日、世界が認める「美しい国」スイスの労働環境も変化を余儀なくされている。弊誌[スイス事情「美しい国土を保つには?」Vol. 47 - July 13,
http://www.seco.admin.ch/ 日本国外務省/スイス連邦: http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/area/switzerland/ フリードリッヒ・シュナイダー:
people Not in Education, Employment or
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English
environment in Switzerland
Akiko Hürlimann
Today the wave of
globalization is shaking world economy;
Switzerland as world
recognized <beautiful country> is also forced to change. After
having issued our magazine [<Swiss Circumstances "How to keep a
country beautiful?"> Vol. 47 - July 13,
2003], I'd like to try
doing a further validation about changing Swiss society, especially
working environment. Comparing to EU countries, Swiss working hours
are rather long. Despite, it was recently reported that Swiss worker
are satisfied with their working conditions, because they have
established certain self-control about their working environment.
Actually, I've got also the impression, that at the working place,
employees get minimum instructions by the boss, and people work
independently. The weekly working hours are 44 hours in
Switzerland, whereas
at EU average there are 41 hours. In
Germany, it is 40
hours, and in France 37 hours,
which is less than 39 hours in
Italy! Though
even in Switzerland, 40
working hours a week at foreign companies has
established. However, a change of the actual working hours seems
to be forced.
Since free movement of labor has come into
force, less than expected labors from EU countries have increased on
the Swiss labor market; there is however still concern about salary
dumping. Today, every fifth people in
Switzerland are a
foreigner. As from June of this year, restriction about labor force
will be diminished against the 15 old EU countries. As new
phenomena, it was said that up to about 1980s, high salary workers
worked fewer hours than lower salary workers; but today, for
instance, a surgeon has no time to spend money, but road workers
have enough free time. Nevertheless, as the industry enjoys an
economic boom, though there is a tendency that even blue-collar
workers at factories have to work longer. <Burn out syndrome>
of highly qualified worker is now also talked about. Swiss worker
will be involved further in a competition at inland labor
It is unusual for the Swiss who like going their own
way, however uniformed employment agreements have been enacted
nationwide. Working full time and part time, both are considered as
permanent employment, and basically the treatments are the same.
However, temporary work ratio has changed comparing to 10 years
ago.The Netherlands is on the top with
2.5%, then comes Switzerland with nearly 2%, followed by Belgium and
France that draw apprehensiveness of social instability by
penetrating irregular employment status. Swiss society has a base of
respecting part time work. Especially female workers want to work
part time, and it is normal to negotiate with employers about
flexible working hours. It is sure that because of that habit, it
has enabled the country to
be proud of a higher ratio of Swiss female workers. Nevertheless,
the working environment for working mothers is still hard.
Furthermore, women tend to be better at school, though the gap of
promotion chances and salaries between men and women still exists,
and is often mentioned at media. It is acknowledged to be a problem.
The government has often mentioned too to observe the employment
conditions. Federal Councilor Leuthard, as
a representative of young career women, acting to change recognition
that working women wouldn't pay, and she's been actively proposed
solutions, however she's been encountered
resistance and could not improve the situation as she wished, that
is the actual situation.
Normally, the salary is paid for 13
months a year, and a 50% part-time worker is paid half of a full
time salary. It depends on the type of job and company, but no
general bonus is common so far. However recently employers tend to
hesitate to give annual rises and pay bonuses as a one-time
compensation instead. A retirement allowance is also not paid, but
at the time of retirement, it's been common that a normal family
could save a similar amount of retirement allowance like in
Japan. Such
savings are considered as reserved fund, and people can afford to
pay for household expense by the national pension fund and the
company pension fund. With the tax privileged savings, called
<the third column>, people can pay back housing loans. Those
circumstances gradually seem to be not anymore optimistic. 29% of
Federal taxpayers last year had no savings. Wealthy people are also
eccentrically located. Anyway, the authorities say that taxation is
quite different in each prefecture, and there is also retainment, which doesn't appear in statistics,
therefore, the depth of Swiss pocket isn't as bad as it is shown on
the figure. On the other hand, huge amounts of rewards for the top
management have been often criticized. Since some years, the minimum
salary hasn't been raised, but managers' salaries have been
substantially risen up; labor unions have beome also active by demanding fitting
By the way, increasing poverty has become a common
theme even in industrial countries now, and
Switzerland is also
not in an ignorable situation about that issue. Criteria of poverty
in Switzerland are as
follows: The border line (poverty level) of the minimum income for a
single person is at SFr. 2,200. --; for single parents with two
children it is at SFr. 3,800. --, and for both parents with two
children it is at SFr. 4,600. --. After deducting expense for rent,
health insurance, clothes and food, taxes, social insurance, if
remains only SFr. 100. --, then, it is considered such a financial
situation. Lower income workers are considered to be at that salary
level by working 38 hours per week. Regarding to my actual social
experience, that must be the border of a
healthy and cultural living standard, I think. Fortunately, the
poverty ratio in Switzerland was only
at 8.3% in 2004, and the figure of working poor was at 4.2%; however
the figure tends to have dropped off slightly. Nevertheless, the
social security ratio against the GDP had exceeded more than 20% in
1992, and now the ratio has increased to nearly 30%. High qualified
workers can enjoy high salaries, so the advancement ratio is
increasing also in Switzerland; more and more students think that
master's degrees is not enough and aim to acquire even
The holiday, that is guaranteed to full time workers and
part time workers is normally between three to five weeks, however,
according to law, young workers below the age of 20 years, and elder
workers over the age of 50 years get 5 weeks. Factories, small
family companies (shops etc.), practitioners, etc. are closed to
same level. In case an employee doesn't consume his holidays
according to the law, employers could be pointed out, on the
occasion of a financial control, and as an ultimate measure, even
business license could be revoked. Vacation is considered as
indispensable for producing a high productivity. In passing, the
trial period is normally 3 months. The period of giving notice for
quit and dismissal depends on the service years, however, for less
than one year of employment, it is two weeks, and for more than a
year, it is a period of two to three months. Pension fund scheme and
welfare program are also an important factor of employment
conditions. It is needless to say, that even by different working
hours, there should be the same employment conditions. When that
point is disregarded, social divide can be fueled, disturbing the
dissemination of technology, and
disrupting the securement of necessary
manpower in the future.
The unemployment ratio of March 2007
was at low level with 3%, but decreasing employment opportunities
for elder and younger people is concerned in
Switzerland too. It is
said, that for elder people, age is a major disadvantage than origin
of country and gender at the job application. The employment rate of
ages between 55 and 65 years old is at 68% in
Switzerland, followed
by 69% in Sweden; that is
much higher than 45% in Germany as well as
the average in Europe. As for
younger people, the apprenticeship is in danger because of hypobulia by business enterprises, and that
concerns the society. More and more companies demand applicants some
years of experience upon job recruitement;
employment chances for fresh men become certainly narrower.
Reportedly, every third of newly acquired commercial diploma holder
cannot get job; that is a fairly serious situation. If such a
situation is left behind, there is concern that we will not be able
to hope for further economic growth; media have repeatedly reported
by demanding business fields to change their attitude. On May Day
2007, after the permitted official demonstration march, 300 to 400
mostly (very) young people turned into thugs, doing subversive activites in district 4 in the City of
Zurich. Two cars
were set on fire, and 100 people were arrested based on property
Swiss economy enjoys
business prosperity; despite good business results, appropriate
employment has not increased. The labor market will be liberated in
the future, and people are concerned about bad influence to the
society. According to Dr. Friedrich Schneider (economist), the
illegal employment (Schwarzarbeit) ratio
in 2003 among 21 industrial countries showed, that
Switzerland had the
lowest level with 9.4%. The figure said for the
USA with 8.4%
is doubtful, the average is at 16.3%, and in
Japan it is at
10.8%. Excessive competition makes the society definitely exhausted.
If a fundamental labor environment, based on middle and long-term
point of view is settled, people can create a healthy and cultural
life without having sorrows, and business fields would enjoy
prosperity; that should lead to a nation's progression. Recent
surveys among young people showed, that they consider security and
public order. Even being exposed to various changes, if the society
can keep a stable value judgment, social stability should be
assured. I see the assets of
Switzerland must be
the inheritance of that value.
Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO: http://www.seco.admin.ch/ MOFA
of Japan: http://www.mofa.go.jp/region/europe/switzerland/index.html Dr.
Friedrich Schneider: http://www.econ.jku.at/?staff=0800
【 Editor's
comment 】
am deeply concerned about the widely known words of NEET and working
poor, and the increase of welfare families in Japan. As we cannot
say that there is no problem in
Switzerland too,
however, I don't feel a drastic change of the situation yet. In case
of Japan, at first,
the extreme centralization is to be changed, local governance is to
accelerate, and deregulation is to be controlled. I consider as
theme of the next issue, the subject about national voting [Revision
of disability insurance] that will be voted on June 17. I apology
for the delay due to circumstances.
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□ We
are intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland
and Japan
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Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please
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