A scene of Grandgnu...
How To Tell A Girl About Your Fantasy
I'm ashamed of my fantasy
You should never EVER be ashamed of your fantasy!  I used to feel like you did.  I thought I was the only guy in the world who watned to be stepped on, shrunk and squished, kicked, stomped, beaten up by girls, etc.  But then I found so many others like me online, and it inspired me to make this site.  If you have a fantasy, there are bound to be others who share it, no matter how strange you think yours is.
But I can't actually SAY what I want her to do to me!
It was really hard for me at first to tell a girl "yes, I want you to step on my face." It just sounded so weird to me, and I was worried she would reject me.  It was easier if she would actually say "you want me to step on you?" and I could just say "yes".  I'd recommend not jumping right out and saying "yeah, I want you to shrink me and crush me like a bug" .  While I believe there are tons of girls who will be happy to accomodate your fantasy, most have to be eased into it.  Start off with telling her how much you like her violating you or something.  You like her on top.  You like to be held down.  Or you'd like to kiss her feet or suck her toes or something.  That is a little easier for them than "crush my head like a grape, please!"  I've introduced easily 100 plus females to these fetishes, and I've experienced them with close to 30 chicks, so don't be so down about your fantasy. 
Do girls actually enjoy this stuff?
Well, there are a number of variations here.  Do most girls find this arousing?  NO.  Will most girls do this for you?  YES.  In my experience, I have found that most girls find it amusing to beat on a guy.  They find it really funny that they get to step on you.  Most girls aren't used to having guys want this, and most will appreciate how honest and open you are with your fantasy (it will help them to devulge their fantasy.  Girls have fantasies too, and most are ashamed and afraid of rejection just like we are!)  A lot of girls will also enjoy the power/control aspect of these fantasies. They have been with guys who have hurt them, or mistreated them, controlling assholes.  You're allowing her to feel in control, which she'll wind up enjoying in most cases.  In a few rare instances, I have found females who are actually AROUSED by this stuff.  It actually makes them horny to hurt you, humiliate you, etc.  This is a rare treat, because they can truly understand more than any other female how this gets you off.
What if she rejects me?  What if she winds up telling other people?
Well, in some instances girls will not enjoy any aspect of this fantasy, and will find you weird. So what?  My website had 8,000 hits in it's first week online, and that's small in comparison to other related sites!  You aren't alone!  If that bitch downs you for your fantasy, fuck her! What good was she anyway? If she can't service your fantasy, then it's not a match.  Just like if you can't fulfill hers, what good are you? It's a mutual thing. 

So what if she tells other people?  I've had that happen to me.  Big woop-de-doo!  Most girls will NOT make a big deal out of it.  All of my friends know what I enjoy (I know a LOT of people)  I'm not ashamed of it.  While they may not like my fantasy, most of them don't make a big deal out of it.  Because they find me easy to talk to and they reveal their fantasies they are ashamed of.  There are lots of kinky women out there, so if she tells people and they don't want to hang with you because of it, then they weren't going to make very good friends anyway. 

Hey Grandgnu, can't you just hook me up with some of those girls you know?
Sorry guys, I'm a selfish midget!  Why would I take away from my pleasure???!!!  Ha!  Be a man, get your own women!  Suck it up, and accept your fantasy.  Embrace and be one with your fetish! There are plenty of chicks out there just waiting to step on YOU!  (squish)
