Let moles burrow their dark pathways with snout and paw. You need not move an eyelash to find your royal road. Sit in the nest and send Imagination forth. A tree can spread not further than its roots whilst man can spread unto Infinity, for he is rooted to eternity. Set no limits to yourself. Spread out until there are no regions where you are not. Spread out until the whole world be wherever you may chance to be. Spread out until you meet the higher power in you. Spread out. Spread out. Accept a misfortune as if it were a fortune. Do not will of any man a pleasure that is to him a pain lest your pleasure pain you more than pain. Enormous is the task, but sweet the victory. Words, at best, are flashes that reveal horizons; still less are they those horizons. Avoid disputes. Truth is an axiom; it needs no proof. "It is not so much what enters the mouth that defiles man, but what leaves the mouth"

Let's go

Let moles burrow their dark pathways with snout and paw. You need not move an eyelash to find your royal road. Sit in the nest and send Imagination forth. A tree can spread not further than its roots whilst man can spread unto Infinity, for he is rooted to eternity. Set no limits to yourself. Spread out until there are no regions where you are not. Spread out until the whole world be wherever you may chance to be. Spread out until you meet the higher power in you. Spread out. Spread out. Accept a misfortune as if it were a fortune. Do not will of any man a pleasure that is to him a pain lest your pleasure pain you more than pain. Enormous is the task, but sweet the victory. Words, at best, are flashes that reveal horizons; still less are they those horizons. Avoid disputes. Truth is an axiom; it needs no proof. "It is not so much what enters the mouth that defiles man, but what leaves the mouth"
  1. As you create an enemy, you can also uncreate him and re-create him as a friend
  2. If you need anything first seek understanding
  3. Man's real illness lies in "not knowing that he doesn't know"
  4. As long as love is necessary in this world, hatred will be its twin brother

  5. Lasse den Mensch in dir denken
  6. Sundlos und unbefleckbar ist nur das Amt und nicht der, der das Amt bekleidet
  7. Do nothing in the dark in the belief that darkness is a cover impenetrable
  8. There is no darkness. There are degrees of light so graduated as to meet the needs of every creature in the world
  9. Your broad day is twilight ot the phoenix
  10. Your deep night is broad day to the frog
  11. The most unsparing judge of Ignorance is Ignorance itself
  12. Is not the sea - though vast and deep a single drop
  13. Is not the Earth - though flung so far a single sphere