last updated March 20, 1998
all Photos copyright © 1997 Michael Rieder
This section is meant to be my own personal "Astro-Photo Gallery"
Astrophotography is probably the most challenging Amateur-Astronomers do.
Here's what I have so far ...
Hale-Bopp, March 2. 1997
Comet Hale-Bopp on March 31, 1997
This is a "home-made" b/w print of a colour neg.
15 Min (20:15-20:30 UTC) on Kodak PPF 400 Pro, 500mm f/8 Tele Lens,
Bronica ETRS Medium Format Camera mounted onto my Meade 10" LX-200
SCT Telescope.
Hale-Bopp "wide field" through 50mm lens HB31_50.JPG
Me and my Telescope at the observing site after sunset ...
Comet Hale-Bopp on March 17. 1997
3 Min on New Kodak Ektacolor Pro Gold 1000
75mm f/2.8 Lens, Bronica ETRS Medium Format Camera mounted
onto my father's Celestron C5+ Telescope.
This was the first time I used this new film! Seems as if it is really
a fast one and it brings out a nice blue sky.
Apparently I over exposed this shot as the sky is clearly lit up ...
30 sec on Kodak Ektacolor Pro Gold 400
Same Camera was used, now mounted on a tripod for unguided
Incredible what you can capture on film within only short period of
Comet Hale-Bopp on March 2. 1997
10 Min on Kodak PPF 400 Pro (hypered)
500mm f/8
HB2397KL.JPG (23kB)
[b/w] HB2397bw.JPG (90kB)
Large: HB2397GR.JPG
Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1) with M71
Date: 7. Feb. 1997
30 min on Kodak PPF 400 Pro (hypered)
500mm f/8
HB070297.JPG (167kB) (Color Photo)
HB0702bw.JPG (110kB) (Inverted)
HB0702sw.JPG (70kB) (Black & White Photo)
Orion Nebula (M42)
Date: 7. Feb. 1997
20 min on Kodak PPF 400 Pro (hypered)
500mm f/8
Horsehead Nebula in Orion
Date: Feb. 6, 1997
45 min on Kodak PPF 400 Pro (hypered)
500mm f/8
Partial Sun Eclipse on 12 October 1996
eclipse took place in the afternoon with a maximum at about 14:29 UTC.
This photo was taken between 14:00 and 14:20 UTC. The sky was rather
hazy and this shows up clearly in the picture!
Image was made through a 80-200mm Zoom Lens with 2x Tele Extender (total
focal length of 400mm) on Kodak Gold 100 film.
Moon Eclipse, Spring 1996
On April 3/4 1996 we were lucky being able to observe the Moon Eclipse
from the beginning until the end.
The "seeing" was excellent all night long and I took a couple
Celestron C5+ mounted on Meade 10" LX-200 (azimutal) / Kodachrome 64 ASA