









Please find below a short selection of enlighting statements that (sometimes) help us to better understand today's complex world...


"Failure is our most important product."

R.W. Johnson, Jr., former CEO of Johnson & Johnson


"If you put fences around people, you get sheep."

W. McKnight, former CEO of 3M



"When I'm working on a problem, I never think about beauty. I think

only how to solve the problem. But when I have finished, if

the solution is not beautiful, I know it is wrong."

R. Buckminster Fuller (1895 - 1983)



"The deepest definition of youth is life as yet untouched by tragedy."

Alfred North Whitehead (1861 - 1947)



"Good advice is something a man gives when

he is too old to set a bad example."

      Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680)



"Half of the American people have never read a newspaper.

Half never voted for President. One hopes it is the same half."

Gore Vidal (1925 - )



"I may not have been the greatest president,

but I've had the most fun eight years."

Bill Clinton


"Strategy?...isn't that this vision-thing!"

George W. Bush (senior)



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