AdaBrowse DTD 1.1

This file is part of AdaBrowse.

Copyright © 2002-2005 by Thomas Wolf.

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   Thomas Wolf

   XML 1.0 Document Type Definition for AdaBrowse XML files.

   AdaBrowse DTD 1.1 (generated by AdaBrowse 3.4).
Earlier versions: AdaBrowse DTD 1.0 generated by AdaBrowse 3.0 up to 3.3. (Has no PRIVATE attribute for the UNIT and CHILD elements.) Newer versions: AdaBrowse DTD 2.0 generated by AdaBrowse 4.0. (Includes indices.) Revision History 20-AUG-2002 TW Initial version. 28-AUG-2002 TW Corrections in cross-references. 30-MAY-2003 TW Added private attributes to UNIT and CHILD elements. --> <!ENTITY % pure "#PCDATA|KEYWORD|ATTRIBUTE|XREF|LITERAL" > <!ENTITY % inline "%pure;|ANCHOR|COMMENT|CODE" > <!ENTITY % lib_no_container "A_PROCEDURE | A_FUNCTION | A_GENERIC_PROCEDURE | A_GENERIC_FUNCTION | A_PACKAGE_INSTANTIATION| A_PROCEDURE_INSTANTIATION | A_FUNCTION_INSTANTIATION | A_PACKAGE_RENAMING | A_PROCEDURE_RENAMING | A_FUNCTION_RENAMING | A_GENERIC_PACKAGE_RENAMING | A_GENERIC_PROCEDURE_RENAMING | A_GENERIC_FUNCTION_RENAMING" > <!ENTITY % lib_container "A_PACKAGE | A_GENERIC_PACKAGE | A_GENERIC_SIGNATURE_PACKAGE" > <!ENTITY % no_lib_no_container "A_PRAGMA | A_USE_CLAUSE | A_USE_TYPE_CLAUSE | A_TYPE | A_SUBTYPE | A_VARIABLE | A_CONSTANT | A_DEFERRED_CONSTANT | AN_OBJECT_RENAMING | AN_EXCEPTION_RENAMING | AN_ENTRY | A_PROTECTED_PROCEDURE | A_PROTECTED_FUNCTION | AN_EXCEPTION" > <!ENTITY % no_lib_container "A_TASK_TYPE | A_PROTECTED_TYPE | A_TASK | A_PROTECTED_OBJECT" > <!ENTITY % boolean "FALSE | TRUE" > <!ENTITY % lib "%lib_no_container; | %lib_container;" > <!ENTITY % container "%lib_container; | %no_lib_container;" > <!ENTITY % no_container "%lib_no_container; | %no_lib_no_container; | A_TASK_TYPE | A_TASK" > <!-- Tasks and task types can also appear as items. --> <!-- Inline elements --> <!ELEMENT KEYWORD (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT ATTRIBUTE (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT LITERAL (#PCDATA) > <!ELEMENT CODE (%inline;)* > <!ELEMENT XREF (#PCDATA|LITERAL|KEYWORD)* > <!-- Actually, I'd like to specify that an XREF may contain either PCDATA, or a LITERAL, or a KEYWORD. It cannot contain PCDATA with interspersed LITERALs and KEYWORDs (which is what the above spec really says). However, there is *no* way in XML 1.0 to specify this! Literals and keywords are allowed within an XREF because of operators such as "&" or "or". --> <!ATTLIST XREF UNIT CDATA #REQUIRED POS CDATA #REQUIRED IS_TOP (%boolean;) "FALSE" IS_LOCAL (%boolean;) "FALSE"> <!-- XREFs always contain the Unit, even if the cross-reference is local. Local cross-references have IS_LOCAL="TRUE". Cross-references to other compilation UNITs have IS_TOP="TRUE". --> <!ELEMENT ANCHOR (%pure;)* > <!ATTLIST ANCHOR UNIT CDATA #REQUIRED POS CDATA #REQUIRED IS_TOP (%boolean;) "FALSE"> <!-- ANCHORs always are local, so Unit always will equal the Name of the enclosing compilation UNIT. It is still explicitly repeated in each anchor to facilitate processing: there's no need to go look up the enclosing UNIT's name. Is_Top is TRUE only for the anchor on that compilation unit's name. --> <!-- Note: I briefly considered using attribute types ID and IDREF for ANCHORS and XREFs, respectively. However, that wouldn't have worked, for any IDREF must correspond to some ID in the XML; but our XML may contain references to units in other files. --> <!ELEMENT COMMENT (%pure;|ANCHOR|CODE)* > <!-- Comments cannot be nested --> <!-- Block elements --> <!ELEMENT UNIT (DEPENDENCIES?, DESCRIPTION?, (CONTAINER|ITEM)) > <!ATTLIST UNIT NAME CDATA #REQUIRED KIND (%lib;) #REQUIRED PRIVATE (%boolean;) "FALSE" POS CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Name and Kind of a UNIT can be used to generate indices. Pos can be used for cross-reference purposes; it is the position on the unit's CONTAINER's or ITEM's defining name. PRIVATE is "TRUE" if it's a private compilation unit. --> <!ELEMENT ITEM (SNIPPET, DESCRIPTION?) > <!ATTLIST ITEM NAME CDATA #IMPLIED KIND (%no_container;) #IMPLIED UNIT CDATA #IMPLIED POS CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Name and Kind of an Item can be used to generate indices. Unit and Pos can be used for cross-reference purposes; it is the position on the item's defining name. --> <!ELEMENT SNIPPET (LINE)+ > <!-- Used for code snippets. Implies <CODE> --> <!ELEMENT LINE (%inline;)* > <!ELEMENT DESCRIPTION (BLOCK)+ > <!ELEMENT BLOCK (LINE)+ > <!ELEMENT DEPENDENCIES (SNIPPET, DESCRIPTION?) > <!ELEMENT CONTAINER (HEADER, CONTENT?, FOOTER) > <!ATTLIST CONTAINER NAME CDATA #IMPLIED KIND (%container;) #IMPLIED UNIT CDATA #IMPLIED POS CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- Name and Kind of a CONTAINER can be used to generate indices. Unit and Pos can be used for cross-reference purposes; it is the position on the container's defining name. --> <!ELEMENT HEADER (LINE)* > <!ELEMENT FOOTER (LINE)* > <!ELEMENT CONTENT (TOP_ITEM?, CHILDREN?, EXCEPTIONS?, TYPE_SUMMARY?, CONSTANTS?, VARIABLES?, OTHERS?, PRIVATE?) > <!ELEMENT TOP_ITEM (SNIPPET?, DESCRIPTION?) > <!ELEMENT CHILDREN (CHILD)+ > <!ELEMENT CHILD (#PCDATA|XREF)* > <!-- Actually, I'd like to specify that a CHILD may contain either PCDATA, or an XREF. It cannot contain PCDATA with interspersed XREFs (which is what the above spec really says). However, there is *no* way in XML 1.0 to specify this! --> <!ATTLIST CHILD NAME CDATA #IMPLIED KIND (%lib;) #IMPLIED PRIVATE (%boolean;) "FALSE"> <!ELEMENT PRIVATE EMPTY > <!ELEMENT EXCEPTIONS (EXCEPTION)+ > <!ELEMENT EXCEPTION ((EXCEPTION_NAME)+, EXCEPTION_RENAME?, ULTIMATE_EXCEPTION?, DESCRIPTION?) > <!ELEMENT EXCEPTION_NAME (#PCDATA|ANCHOR)* > <!-- Actually, I'd like to specify that an EXCEPTION_NAME may contain either PCDATA, or an ANCHOR. It cannot contain PCDATA with interspersed ANCHORDs (which is what the above spec really says). However, there is *no* way in XML 1.0 to specify this! --> <!ELEMENT EXCEPTION_RENAME (%inline;)*> <!ELEMENT ULTIMATE_EXCEPTION (%inline;)*> <!ELEMENT OTHERS (CONTAINER|ITEM|PRIVATE)+ > <!ELEMENT CONSTANTS (ITEM)+ > <!ELEMENT VARIABLES (ITEM)+ > <!ELEMENT TYPE_SUMMARY (TYPE)+ > <!ELEMENT TYPE (TYPE_NAME, TYPE_KIND?, PARENT_TYPE?, OPERATIONS?) > <!ELEMENT TYPE_NAME (#PCDATA|XREF)* > <!-- Actually, I'd like to specify that a TYPE_NAME may contain either PCDATA, or an XREF. It cannot contain PCDATA with interspersed XREFs (which is what the above spec really says). However, there is *no* way in XML 1.0 to specify this! --> <!ELEMENT TYPE_KIND (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT PARENT_TYPE (#PCDATA|XREF)* > <!-- Actually, I'd like to specify that a PARENT_TYPE may contain either PCDATA, or an XREF. It cannot contain PCDATA with interspersed XREFs (which is what the above spec really says). However, there is *no* way in XML 1.0 to specify this! --> <!ELEMENT OPERATIONS (OPLIST)+ > <!ELEMENT OPLIST (XREF)+ > <!ATTLIST OPLIST KIND (OVERRIDDEN|OWN|INHERITED) #REQUIRED> <!-- Document root --> <!ELEMENT ADABROWSE (UNIT)+ >