Package: Util.Pathes


Copyright © 2001, 2002 by Thomas Wolf.
This piece of software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License with this distribution, see file "GPL.txt". If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception from the GPL, if other files instantiate generics from this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by the GPL. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by the GPL.

Version: 1.1

Thomas Wolf (TW) <twolf AT acm DOT org>
Operations for manipulating file names. The package is intended for use on Windows or Unix systems. Upon elaboration, it tries to figure out the host operating system by examining the PATH environment variable: if that contains Windows-looking pathes (i.e., a '\' is found before a any '/'), it assumes it's being used on Windows. If, on the other hand, it finds a '/' first, it assumes Unix. If it finds neither, it uses GNAT.Os_Lib.Directory_Separator as its directory separator. (If you intend to use this package on a non-GNAT system, you'll have to change the body of this package as appropriate.)

All operations in this package are pur string manipulation operations. There are no file system operations involved.

Tasking Semantics
Neither task- nor abortion-safe.
Storage Semantics
No dynamic storage allocation.


package Util.Pathes is
pragma Elaborate_Body;
A Full_Name can have a path component, and a file name. Both are optional, i.e., a Full_Name can also be only a path, or only a file name. A File_Name may or may not contain an extension. This package considers anything beyond the last '.' in a file name the extension, unless that last period is the first character of the file name, in which case the extension is the empty string (this handles names like ".cshrc" as they are common on Unix-like systems).

This package uses a purely syntactical distinction between file and directory names: if the Full_Name terminates in a directory separator, it is considered a directory name; otherwise it is taken as a file name.



Other Items:

function Directory_Separator
  return Character;
Returns the directory separator used. Returns whatever the package elaboration concluded was the directory separator on the host environment.

function Extension
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Returns the extension of Full_Name, which may be the empty string.

function Name
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Returns the file name component of Full_Name including a possible extension. Returns the empty string if Full_Name is a path only.

function Base_Name
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Returns the file name component of Full_Name without a possible extension. Returns the empty string if Full_Name is a path only.

function Path
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Returns "" if Full_Name does not contain a path component; otherwise it returns the path component (absolute or relative) including the final directory separator.

function Drive
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Returns "" if Full_Name does not contain a drive component; otherwise it returns the drive specification (ending in a colon).

function Has_Drive
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return Boolean;

function Node
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;

function Has_Node
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return Boolean;

function Normalize
  (Path      : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Path is assumed to be a path only. Returns '.' & Separator if Path is empty, otherwise returns Path terminated with a Separator.

function Is_Absolute_Path
  (Name      : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return Boolean;
Returns True if the name given has an absolute path component.

function Concat
  (Path      : in String;
   File_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Concatenates the Path with the File_Name, which may contain a relative path. Returns Path if File_Name = "", and File_Name if Path = "". Otherwise, raises Path_Error if File_Name contains an absolute path component. Note that File_Name not necessarily must contain a file name, it may also be a relative path.

function Replace_File_Name
  (Full_Name : in String;
   File_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Equivalent to Concat (Path (Full_Name, Separator), File_Name, Separator).

function Replace_Extension
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Extension : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Replaces the extension of Full_Name. Extension should not include a leading period! If Full_Name has a file name component, but no extension yet, a period and the Extension is appended. Raises Path_Error if Full_Name doesn't have a file name component at all.

function Parent
  (Path      : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Tries to move up one directory in Path, which is interpreted as a path name even if it has no trailing Separator. Raises Path_Error if Path is an absolute path and specifies a root directory. If Path is a relative path, the result it may start with "../". the result has a trailing Separator.

function Clean
  (Full_Name : in String;
   Separator : in Character := Directory_Separator)
  return String;
Cleans up Full_name, which is interpreted as a path even if it has no trailing Separator. Removes all extraneous separators and "./" sequences, and also executes "../" components. Raises Path_Error if the path is invalid, e.g. execution of "../" would go beyond the root directory, if Full_Name is an absolute path. If Full_Name is a relative path, the resulting path may start with "./" or a sequence of "../". The result has a trailing Separator, unless it is a Windows relative path name consisting only of a drive letter and a colon, in which case it ends with the colon.


   --  Implementation-defined ...
end Util.Pathes;