Journal Index



  • October 22 - In which a journal begins, Copperplate Gothic Bold Font is sought, and stories without humans are pondered.
  • October 23 - In which we fiddle with the "Amra story" and write "Other Cities". 
  • October 27 - In which we think about research, but are too lazy to actually do any.
  • October 29 - In which we become a glorious Web Rat, and endure a burst of productivity.
  • November 1 - In which we are frightened by Halloween.
  • November 23 - In which we begin "The Trouble With Danny" and toast "The King Who Ran Away".
  • November 24 - In which we have a plan for revising "Corporate Anthropology", but fail to carry it out.
  • December 12 - In which we mope about being overcommitted story-wise, and in which Sanctum rises from DA's ashes.
  • December 17 - In which the most wonderful thing ever happens. 
  Here is a picture of my New Year's Eve.(That's my sister Shana, her beau Eric, my sweetie Esther, and Aviva Queen of the New Year).


  • January 3 - In which Esther survives a shark attack to find a wonderful Monkey, but empty mailboxes still suck.
  • January 5 - In which there are both baby pictures and "Baby Love", an apology and a long rave about the markets.
  • January 8 - In which "The Duck" is sold, "The White City" rejected, and "A Siege of Cranes" begun.
  • January 11 - In which a Muse is discovered, giving rise to many words.
  • January 15 - In which the day job returns, characters talk to authors, and a Theory and a Clarion Application are considered.
  • January 19- In which we brag shamelessly about being rejected, being stubborn, and not being Yog-Sothoth.
  • January 30 - In which the true star of this journal releases a few factoids to the paparazzi.
  • February 6 - On the joy of short shorts, notebooks, and finding one's hands.
  • February 26 - In which we fret about "A Siege of Cranes", play computer games, and get into Clarion.
  • March 6 - On milestones and smiles.
  • March 29 - In which we get pounded on a bunch.
  • April 18 - Which is very brief, and in which there are big pictures of Aviva and a poem publication.
  • May 16 - In which we are reviewed, write "Droplet", and live in a neighborhood. 
  • June 9 - In which we scramble to get everything ready for Clarion West. 
  • June 20 - Embracing the New at Clarion West. 
  • July 12 - In which we procrastinate during a story sprint at Clarion West.
  • August 17 - In which we are back from Clarion West and sorting through the debris left in its glorious, raging wake.
  • September 18 - On grief, rage, "Other Cities", and standing up.
  • November 6 - In which we sell "Droplet", write many stories, and catch bottles in midair.
  • November 22 - In which there is much selling and reviewing of stories, and the journal's true star releases many archival photos.


  • January 23 - In which stories are revised, SF is defined in the absence of a pointing Damon Knight, and snails are ridden .
  • April 5 - A gush of publication, a rush of politick pontification, a mush of infantile linguistic consternation...
  • June 20 - On reviews, stubbornness, and an expanding vocabulary.
  • August 2 - In which there are aphorisms, flamewars, genre borders, boycotts, verbs, and other sorts of troublemaking.
  • September 27 - In which there is a surfeit of parties, publications, and pondering on Worldcon
  • December 29 - In which our heroes battle restless dilletantism and walk a pig-long way in the alpine tropics


  • March 20 - In which there are successes, sermonizing, and a snow boy. And a war.
  • May 27 - On Blue Heaven, Bulgarian, bullying with Barney, and the Happy Boy.