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RJ Electrical System

Normal Operation in flight


Abnormal operation

Engine N° 4 failure, Generatur ENG N° 4 out


Inflight, Engine N° 1 and N° 4  failure, Generatur ENG N° 1 and N° 4 out, APU GEN online, only AC Bus 1 will be powered, on

ground both AC 1 an AC 2 are powered


Inflight, Engine N° 1 and N° 4  failure, Generatur ENG N° 1 and N° 4 out, APU not working, STBY Gen from  green Hydraulic

System starts running (green system lost!). Electrical System runs on ESSENTIAL  LEVEL



Inflight, Engine N° 1 and N° 4  failure, Generatur ENG N° 1 and N° 4 out, APU not working, green hydraulic system lost

no STBY GEN available, Electrical System runs on EMERGENCY LEVEL, only on battery power, STBY inverter online

(Engine Panel --> Start Master is ON -> SDC online!!)