Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal
━ Vol. 100
– September 11, 2008 (Swiss Time)
【 目次 /
明子 ヒューリマン
Trend of national
land for natural park
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
明子 ヒューリマン
前述の傾向は、日本の観光産業に大きな商機が訪れていると言えよう。実際、近年日本各地を旅すると外国人が増えているのを実感する。日本列島には満遍なく国立公園*13)が29箇所、国定公園*14) が55箇所点在している。その他都道府県立自然公園は300箇所以上もある。国土面積に対する比率は平成19年現在でおよそ14%だそうだから、スイスが小国とは言えもっとスイス並みに増やすべきではないかと思う。農産物の耕作地そのものが自然公園を形成する一部になるので、食糧生産の障害にはならない。日本の美しい田園を保護する農家に自然保護手当てのような補助金を支給するのは大いに賛成だ。食料自給率の向上と災害対策、経済の活性化を図るためにも、日本は今以上に資源としての自然を意識的に活用すべきだろう。スイスも日本も天然資源が乏しいお陰で、先の大戦以後血生臭い国際紛争とは縁が無い。美しい国土と文化の保全で、豊かな国民生活を築けるのではないか、とスイスに暮らしていてつくづく思う。日本でひところ「脱サラ」が流行ったが、「脱都会」が本格的なトレンドになる事を期待する。因みにスイスではとうの昔に「脱都会」が定着している。職場は都会でも、住むのは田園が、大方のスイス人の理想になっている。
*1) ユネスコ生物圏保護区エントゥレブーフ:
*2) ラヴォー:
*3) スイスアルプス・ユングフラウ・アレッチ・ビーチホルン:
*4) モンテ・サンジョルジョ:
*5) レーティッシュ鉄道アルブラ-ベルニーナ線:
*6) スイス国立公園:
*7) スイス・テクトニック・アレーナ・サルドーナ:
*8) スイス連邦環境省:
*9) 農林水産省:
*10) 21世紀新農政2008のポイント:
*11) 宿坊:
*12) 修道院:
*13) 国立公園:
*14) 自然保護データ:
私事ながら、筆者も日本旅行は年々ディープ・ジャパン志向が強くなっている。日本に着いたら出来るだけ早く喧騒の都会を脱け出して、緑濃い森や海辺の自然を訪ね歩こうと思っている。因みに、「 21世紀新農政2008のポイント」は見やすいプレゼンテーションの体裁になっているので、ご一読をお勧めする。日本の農水省の役人が本腰を入れて取組んでいると期待したい。
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Trend of national land for natural park
Akiko Hürlimann
In summer 2008, it was reported
about the planned natural parks and nature protection projects in Switzerland; they have mushroomed. The entire area of the existing 6
natural parks and one nature protection district account for 20% of the
national land. The seven include names such as the <UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch UBE> *1), <Lavaux>
*2), <The Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn>
*3), <Monte San Giorgio> *4), <The Albula
and Bernina railway lines> *5), <The Swiss
National Park> *6), <Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona>
*7). Many of these places seem to be very well known by Japanese who loves Switzerland. On that occasion I learnt about all of them; so far I had
known only two or three of them. Unexpectedly, there is only one Swiss
National Park located in the canton of Grisons; the others are UNESCO World
Heritages. In addition to these seven places, if the presently planned more
than 20 projects become realized, nearly half of the country would be a natural
park! The Federal Government also judged the natural park projects
positively as reported by the NZZ dated September 3, 2008.
It is said, the main purpose of
the projects is to protect environment, to increase food self-production
ratio through sustainable agriculture, and to maintain national tourism as
well as to promote regions. The registered areas receive government
support. The budget of the Federal Ministry of Environment *8) for that
purpose amounts to SFr. 3.5 millions this year, and as from 2012 the amount
will be increased substantially to 10 millions. It is still difficult to
earn a living in areas located in rich nature. Government support to
agriculture is not sufficient; more and more local governments aim to be
appointed their area as a natural park and try to promote tourism. In the
core of nature protection areas, it is prohibited to cultivate; however, as
far as people have lived in the surrounded areas, they are allowed to stay.
People affected by natural parks have wide skirts of workforce such as
agriculture, forestry, natural scientific research, environment protection,
tourism, etc. In many places, first-class resorts with a long history have
established and wealthy and prominent people, or royal families come to
visit there for spending their holiday each year. As you know, the annual
WEF takes place in Davos; that event is a joint
effort of the public and private sector. Besides, there are many boarding
schools providing education to VIP's children from the entire world. Such
shape of industry is only possible with a beautiful nature.
Major players of maintaining
national land are at first farmers, but a lack of farmer's bride is a
serious problem. Farmers say their work without wife is almost impossible.
Media promoted the topic by publishing photos of attractive young female
farmers in their barns, or reported openly about arranged introductions (omiai) for farmer's son. However, as repeatedly
reported that there are not many Swiss women who adopt farmer's hard work;
instead many women from developing countries have owed that position. The
present trend is owed by women from Poland. Farmers in Japan have a mutual problem; though innovative farmers manage their
business in many areas, and the young generation has awaken its interest in
agriculture, as I learned. In addition, the Japanese government should
build up political measurements to be able to create opportunities for
so-called young working poor that are hired by the day, I think.
Fortunately, for the securing of foods safety, new entrants from outside
the agricultural industry joined, and people's interest towards agriculture
becomes trendy than ever before. Japanese tend to obsess, once they take up
something, this character creates the world's top quality of agricultural
products. MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) *9)
released fundamental measurements [The Direction of New Farmland
Policy]*10) and promotes export. I'm also one of them, who is looking
forward to be able to buy absolutely delicious Japanese beans or healthy
dried foodstuff at natural food shops or even at super markets in Switzerland.
By the way, it was reported
that small luxurious accommodations are popular for Swiss tourists in
abroad. In Japan indeed, I've read an article at the monthly magazine <Sentaku, September 2008> that currently European and
American tourists prefer to stay at provincial old established <ryokan> (Japanese inn) rather than luxurious Western-style
hotels in urban area in order to explore Japanese culture or <deep Japan>. Thanks to a cheaper Yen, business at mighty luxurious ryokans where the Japanese way of services is offered
in foreign languages, run their business very well. Whereas old ryokans which don't offer such services have closed one
after another. Thatis so wasteful. There are many
major hotels in Tokyo having a big Japanese garden, however, the atmosphere is only
a digest of Japanese culture. I think that's not the same as the real
thing, which can be deeply enjoyed. An enormous number of shrines and
temples all of Japan form nature sceneries accompanied with spiritual and
traditional culture. These are the genuine things. Many Japanese temples
provide <shukubo (dorter)>
*11) with inexpensive prices; you can listen to preach, meditate or
experience ascetic training, and taste shojin-ryori
(maigre dish). In comparison, people who spend
their holiday at a monastery or nunnery are in the news in Switzerland as well. Nearly burnout people or busy managers place
themselves on simple living and think of themselves.
Aforementioned trends show a
big business chance to Japanese tourism. Actually, I observed many foreign
tourists through my travel in Japan. 29 National Parks *13) and 55 Quasi-National Parks *14) are
evenly established in the Japanese archipelago. Apart from that, there are even
more than 300 prefecture nature parks in Japan. About the ratio to the whole national land, it makes 14% as
of 2008. I think that ratio should be increased to the same level as in Switzerland; even it is a small country. Farming itself forms a part of a
nature park; it doesn't disturb food production. I fully agree providing
nature protection allowance to farmers, who maintain beautiful Japanese pastoral.
For increasing self-food production ratio, measures against natural
disaster, and activation of economy, Japan should consciously utilize nature as a resource more than now.
Thanks to a lack of natural (underground) resources, Switzerland and Japan haven't been involved in bloody international conflicts since
the last world war. I'm convinced that maintaining a beautiful land and
culture can create an affluent life by living in Switzerland. In the past, <Datsu-sala (corporate
dropout)> became popular in Japan, but I hope <Datsu-tokai (urban
dropout)> becomes a steady trend. In Switzerland, <Datsu-tokai> took hold
already a long time ago. Working in the city, but living in the countryside
is ideal for a majority of Swiss people.
*1) UNESCO Biosphere Entlebuch
UBE: http://www.biosphaere.ch/ (D/E)
*2) Lavaux:
*3) The Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn
UNESCO World Heritage:
http://www.welterbe.ch/ (D/E)
*4) Monte San Giorgio:
http://www.montesangiorgio.ch/ (I/F/D/E)
*5) The Albula
and Bernina railway lines:
*6) The Swiss National Park:
http://www.nationalpark.ch/ (D/E/F/I/R)
*7) Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona:
*8) Federal Office for the Environment
*9) Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
and Fisheries:
http://www.maff.go.jp/ (J/E)
*10) MAFF Update:
http://www.maff.go.jp/e/maffud/2008/index.html (E)
& The Direction of New
Farmland Policy:
*11) Shukubo (Temple
Lodging in Japan): http://syukubo.com/ (J/E)
*12) Live-in experience in the convent:
*13) National Park
of Japan:
*14) Nature Protection Data:
【Editor's comment】
We also have become a <deep Japan> type when traveling in Japan year by year. When we arrive in Japan, we try to escape from the City as quick as possible, and want
to walk around deep green forest or in the nature of coast. Why don't you
take a look at MAFF reports *10). I hope Japanese bureaucrats of MAFF are
seriously got down to work with it.
We are intending to offer you
current topics, based on Switzerland and
Japan with global view as a
multi lingual magazine. Irregular release:
Weekly Swiss News Headlines
will inform Issuing schedule.
Please subscribe both mail
magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly
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