国民投票 2010年11月28日 <続編>
1. 「国外追放発議」と連邦議会対案
2. 「公正な税制発議」
明子 ヒューリマン
122発行後、読者から「本文中『今日犯罪者の殆どが外国人だという現実がある。』とありますが、具体的な現状を知る方法があればお教えください。」というメールを頂いた。折り返し関連するURL *2) をお伝えしたのだが、同様の疑問を持った読者は少なくないと思い、今号でもう少し事情をお伝えする事にした。
1. 「国外追放発議」と連邦議会対案の結果 *1) は以下の通りで、SVPによる国民発議は承認された。「国外追放発議」:賛成 52.9%、反対47.1%、「連邦議会対案」:賛成 45.8%、反対 54.2%。一様に驚きを持って受け止められたという報道だった。
この国民投票の結果を見て、「スイス人は外国人が嫌いらしい」、という判断は誤りだと思う。スイスの外国人に対する処遇は、日本や諸外国と比べて寛大過ぎると思う事が多々ある。国籍の付与も寛容で、重国籍者も珍しく無い。主に人道的観点から採られている措置だが、社会保障制度を悪用する外国人が少なくない事が律儀なスイス人の神経を逆撫でしている事情もある。そうは言っても、スイスの若者の意識調査 *3) では、「外国人は友達」という認識で、敵意を感じる対象ではないという結果もが報じられている。
2. 「公正な税制発議」の結果 *4)は、賛成
41.5%、反対 58.5%で、SPの発議は否決された。事前予測では僅差が予想されていたのだが、州別の結果は、4州だけが賛成多数で、他の22州は反対が多数を占めた。SPの戦略は国民の支持を得られない結果となり、今後の党勢に大きな影響が出そうだという見方が報じられている。卑近な例を挙げると、企業に対する税率が低い事で知られ外国企業の誘致に積極的なツーク州も、50年前は大赤字を抱えていた小さな貧しい州だった。多くの反対を押して企業への大胆な税制優遇措置を導入して以来、多くの外国企業が進出している。活気溢れるメルヘンのような美しい土地という代名詞が与えられる今日に至っている。カトリックの保守性を維持しながらも革新的な住民の気質が今日を築いたと見る。
【 参照 】
*1) 「国外追放発議」と連邦議会対案の結果:
*2) 外国人による犯罪率の関連URL:
*3) Neue Luzerner Zeitung December 14, 2010
"Schweizer Jugendliche haben eine positive Einstellung.!
by Damir Skenderovic, Professor Uni Fribourg
*4) 「公正な税制発議」の結果:
【 編集後記
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
[Sequel] of the
National Voting on November 28, 2010
1. <Initiative
of deportation> and
Alternative draft
by the parliament
2. <Initiative
of fair tax system>
Akiko Huerlimann
After issuing Vol.
122 last month, a reader sent us a message, "Please let me know, if
there is any way to know the specific condition regarding the text <as
a matter of fact, today a majority of the criminals are
foreigners>". I replied giving some related URL *2) by return; I
thought not a few readers might have got the same question, and then I
decided to explain the circumstances a little more.
1. The result *1)
of <Initiative of deportation> and Alternative draft by the
parliament are as follows and the initiative of SVP was accepted.
<Initiative of deportation> Yes 52.9%, No 47.1%, <Alternative
draft by the parliament> Yes 45.8%, No 54.2%. Reportedly the result
universally has surprised.
Swiss Federal
Statistical Office opened following figures of crime rates by foreigners
in 2009. Human traffic 91%, violation 62%, murder 59%, burglary 57%,
abduction 56%, serious injury cases 54%, and etc.
Apart from
published figures, there is great number of crime by Swiss with foreign
roots which does not appear at statistics. News reports often mentioned
"crimes done by immigrants". Frequently happened crime that
threat everyday civil life, even normally calm Swiss people feel an air
of crisis and they cannot wait any longer that showed the result of
polling clearly. It is focused about crime rate that is concentrated
especially on <refugees> from former East European and African
countries which were war-torn. Apart from that, it is known the
temporally stayer or group of criminals, those
who repeat embarkation and disembarkation.
On the day, Simonetta Sommaruga Justice
Minister answered interview by media "We have to plan an
institutional design of the nation's will that does not meet
contradiction with matter of human rights and international
agreements." The minister repeatedly talked "we should not
target trivial crime, but one should be judged as a criminal by
court." It is reported that the Justice Minister will visit Brussels
soon after and will explain the European Commission about the result of
the national voting in order to sweep away their concern. EU countries
are watching Swiss national voting with great interest.
Under the Justice
Minister, already 69 years old eminent Mr. Heinrich Koller
who was the top of Justice Officials for 18 years was appointed as a
member of the <deportation Initiative Committee>. He called himself
as a <servant of justice> said to media that enshrine the matter
into law is extremely difficult, though, they will examine it. At the
present, whether former Federal Councilor Mr. Christoph
Blocher who now is in charge of SVP party
strategy will join the committee or not is paid attention. Mr. Blocher himself said that if the spirit of the
initiative is not guaranteed, that'll be useless to join the committee.
However, he is at demand from many directions that he has to owe the responsibility
of the initiative. The justice minister has announced to prepare the
report of the committee by next June, but up to that she is not going to
disclose the discussion context. Against this measure, SVP claimed
transparency of the committee, but finally they decided to send
representative to the committee before Christmas.
With this result
of the national voting, if you think that Swiss people seem to dislike
foreigners; such judgment is wrong. I often find that Swiss policy for
foreigner is generous compared to Japan or other nations. Granting
nationality is also fairly liberal, and dual citizenship is not very rare
in Switzerland. The measure is taken mainly due to humanitarian point of
view. However, not few foreigners misuse social security systems that try
dutiful Swiss patience. On the other hand, attitude survey of young Swiss
*3), the recognition of majority was "foreigner is friend" and
not animus target.
2. The results of
<Initiative of fair tax system> *4) was Yes 41.5%, and No 58.5%.
The initiative of SP was rejected. According to earlier focus a narrow
margin was expected, however cantonal results showed only four cantons
with Yes and the rest of 22 cantons were occupied by the majority of
against. SP strategy could not get support from nation, and future party
power would be affected. As a familiar example, canton Zug is known for
lower institutional tax and eager to invite foreign companies; 50 years
ago the small canton was poor with big deficit. Since kicking against
opposition and introducing drastic tax privilege to companies, many
foreign companies have settled down there. Now the canton is called active
and like a wonderland. I think, maintaining conservative Catholicism, but
innovative mind of people has created today's wealth.
On the other hand,
the problem is happened that people have to leave from their long lived
dear old flat in the area. The real estate prices have risen up, and even
middle-class families are facing difficulties to pay rent or to buy home.
This matter is recognized as social problem, as the first time in
Switzerland, the City of Zug decided to introduce limit of rent in
certain district reported by the Tages-Anzeiger
of front-page headline on December 22. The area of Lake Leman and Zurich,
real estate prices are also unusually risen up and the same problems
become obvious. Left wing of Zurich marks that the case of the City of
Zug will be an exemplary case. Immigrated super-rich are not integrated
into local society and they live just for a while and sell their house.
That makes real estate price run-up; local communities feel disturbed and
insecure. The momentum of reconsideration to local citizen who have to go
out must have been pushed the decision making of the City of Zug. Instead
of giving excuses, after careful consideration, they just try to act.
This spirit must be motive power of sustainable development.
【 参照 】
*1) The result of
<Initiative of deportation> and Alternative draft by the
parliament: http://www.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/va/20101128/det552.html
*2) Related URL of
foreign criminal ratio:
*3) Neue Luzerner Zeitung December 14, 2010 "Schweizer
Jugendliche haben eine positive Einstellung." by Damir Skenderovic,
Professor Uni Fribourg. The answer was
from 1,011 people between 15 to 25 years old inhabitant
*4) The result of
<Initiative of fair tax system>:
【 Editor's comment 】
In Japan, also
many people might have the impression that crime by foreigners have
increased. The number of foreigners has increased in Japan though they
are still easy to notice in the society. Crime by Japanese is common and
many criminal organizations settle down all over Japan. In case of the
Swiss society, I feel as if Swiss people are among foreigners. Public
safety and the reign are stable in Switzerland that is due to a highly
developed well-ordered society. Well integrated Swiss citizens in the
society, they have built up a common consensus that crime doesn't pay. A
sign of that, I hardly ever heard about Swiss criminal organizations.
Recently a lack of Border Patrol agents was reported; this must be an endless
trouble of a country surrounded by contiguous borders.
Best wishes for a
happy new year!
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