国民投票 2011年02月13日
明子 ヒューリマン
未だ先の事と思っている内に、1月半ばに地元自治体から国民投票の資料*1) が送られてきた。今回の国民投票に気付いて資料を集め出したのは昨年11月初旬頃だったが、政府資料は2010年11月3日付なので、比較的早く気付いたようだ。今回の議案はドイツ語では <Fuer den Schutz
vor Waffengewalt> となっている。国民発議の表題は心情に訴えるような「何々の為に」等という表現が多いので、簡潔な和訳には苦慮する事が多い。今回の議案の要点は、武器の不正使用を防ぐ事だ。その方策として、兵士の自宅に置いてある銃を武器庫で集中管理し、州レヴェルの管理体制を連邦レヴェルに引き上げるという内容だ。この発議の依って来るところは、「女性や子供を銃から守る為」と、自殺に銃が使われる事を問題視した事に依ると報じられている。
発議委員会 *2) には92の団体が名を連ねているが、発議を主導したグループと発議を支持するグループに分けて掲載されている。発議を主導した政党はSP(社会民主党)と緑の党。その他のグループとして、各種平和団体、宗教団体、各種女性保護団体、GSoA(スイス非武装グループ)、精神科の専門家集団、独立系医師会、自殺防止団体等広範なグループが発議に名を連ねている。発議支持の団体には中道政党の地方支部(CVP、FDP)やその婦人部、労働組合、児童保護団体等様々な団体が名を連ねていて中々興味深い。アムネスティー・インターナショナルの名前もある。犯罪だけではなく、自殺防止効果も可なり期待されている事が伺える。
一方、反対派 *3) には中道・保守政党が名を連ね、政府・議会も反対投票を勧めている。今回の議案には犯罪や銃器の違法取引を抑止する効力は無く、自殺をする者は銃が無ければ他の手段を取ると反論。銃器を武器庫で管理する事になれば膨大な事務手続きを要すると否定的。兵役の初年兵訓練では銃火器取り扱いの試験に受からなければならないし、これまで各州は銃の管理を厳重に行っている等々、反対派の理論武装は堅固だ。
賛否の形勢は、ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙が折々世論調査の結果を報じている。2010年12月7日付オンライン調査は賛成49%、反対46%、未定5%と賛否が拮抗していたが、2011年1月15日付では賛成52%、反対39%、未定9%と賛成の比重が過半数に達している。ところが、投票日を直近に控えた2011年2月3日では、賛成47%、反対45%、未定8%と反対が追い上げてきたとSRG(スイス放送協会) *4) の調査結果が報じられた。TV討論番組「ARENA」でも取り上げられ、新聞各紙の読者欄でも賛否共に多くのコメントが寄せられている。だが、国民の意思は揺れ動いているようで、結果は蓋を空けてみないと分からない、というところだろうか。
そもそもスイス国民が銃を自宅に保管するようになった起源を考える必要があろう。スイスの国是である永世中立は国民皆兵 *5) が基本なので、兵役を務めた国民は実弾無しで自分の武器を自宅に保管し、決められた射撃訓練を行う事になっている。民間防衛 *6) の要だ。国防の為日頃から武器に慣れておく事が求められている訳だ。スイス民兵の銃は置物ではないということだ。日本でもかつて封建時代には、武士階級は平時から武具の手入れを怠らず、武術の鍛錬をしていたのと同じ理由だ。武器は手にしても習熟していなければ危ないだけで役に立たないものだ。四方を列強に囲まれた山岳民族の小国にとって、ウィリアム・テルの時代は弓矢、現代は銃でゲリラ戦を戦って民族の自決権を図るという伝統がある。未だに世界各地の局地戦では銃も使われているので、銃は今でも時代遅れの武器とは言えないのが現実だ。米国のように頻繁に銃撃事件が起きている訳ではなく、軍隊の銃器管理は相応に行き届いていると言われている。
【 参照 】
*1) 政府・議会による詳細情報:
www.parlament.ch www.ch.ch
*2) 発議委員会:
*3) 発議反対委員会:
*4) スイス公共放送「国民投票」キャンペーン:
*5) 国民皆兵:
*6) 民間防衛:
【 編集後記
【 訂正 】
弊誌 Vol.
123 - December 26, 2010 の目次欄の表記に誤りがありました。国民投票 2010年11月28日 <続編> とお読み換え下さい。
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
National Voting on
February 13, 2011
<For protection
from force by arms>
Akiko Huerlimann
I thought I still
have some time to think about next polling, in the meantime, the polling
documents were sent by the local government in the middle of January.
When I was aware about the polling and started to collect material, it
was around the beginning of November last year. The government document
is dated November 3, 2010, therefore, I noticed the polling relatively early.
The title of the bill is "Fuer den Schutz vor Waffengewalt" in German. Titles of people's
initiative are often words with
<for ~> that
appeals to peoples' sentiment; I often have to struggle for the
translation in simple Japanese. The point about the bill is how to
prevent misuse of war weapons. As for the measure, the machine-gun for
militia should be deposited at the armory instead of at home, and the
control system at cantonal level should be transferred up to federal
level. Reportedly the motivation of the initiative is "to protect
women and children from weapon", and it's seen as a problem that a
weapon is used for committing suicide.
The initiative
committee *2) is formed by 92 organizations; a group led the initiative
and the support group was separately listed up. Political parties
supporting the initiative are SP (Social democratic Party of Switzerland)
and Green party of Switzerland. As for other groups, there are various
peace organizations, religious organizations, women's protection
organizations, GSoA (Group for a Switzerland
without an Army), psychiatric specialists groups, independent medical
societies, suicide prevention groups and etc.; wide-ranging organizations
are on the list of the initiative. Among the support groups are also
interestingly such as local body of middle-of-the-road parties (CVP, FDP)
and their women's organization, labor union, child protection
organization, and so on. There is even a name of Amnesty International.
An effect seems to be expected not only against crime, but also suicide
On the other hand,
major middle-of-the-road parties and conservative party are opposed to
it. Federal government and parliament recommend also voting
"NEIN". They presented counterarguments that the bill cannot
prevent crime or illegal trade of weapon, and people committing suicide
can take other measures if they have no weapon. They are negative
opinions about a deposit of firearms at the armory due to the enormous
administrative work which would be necessary. Newly-recruited soldiers
have to pass an exam of handling weapon during training. So far, each
canton controls efficiently about the registration of weapon. The
doctrine of the opposition is quite robust.
As for the trend
of polling, Tages-Anzeiger reported the result
of opinion by survey. Online survey dated December 7, 2010: JA 49%, NEIN
46%, and Suspense 5%; Pros and cons were close. As of January 15, 2011:
JA 52%, NEIN 39%, and Suspense 9%; JA reached majority. However, close to
polling day of February 3, 2011 by SRG (Swiss Public Broadcasting)
survey: JA 47%, NEIN 45%, and Suspense 8%; it was reported the opposition
had caught up. TV debate program ARENA also took this theme, and letters
from readers in newspapers introduced many opinions. But the intention of
the constituency seems to be swinging between JA and NEIN; at the moment
the result is not unforeseeable.
We have to think
about the conception that Swiss people storage weapon at home. Permanent
neutrality is the Swiss national policy that is based on universal conscription
*5); people who serve in the army basically store their personal weapon
without ammo at home and shooting practice is restricted. That is a
keystone of the civil defense. *6) Militia is supposed to be familiar
with their weapon for the defense. The weapon of Swiss militia is not a decorative
object. The idea is the same as in feudal Japan, the warrior class
well-cared their weapons and trained themselves on a routine base. The
weapon is not useful and simply dangerous if it's not well-seasoned. For a
small mountain tribe nation surrounded all around by powers, their
tradition is to keep the right of national self-determination by
guerrilla warfare with bow and arrow at the time of William Tell and
firearms in modern times. Firearms are still used in regional battles in
the world even now; in reality firearms are still not yet out of date.
Shooting incidents do not happen frequently like in the U.S., and it's
said the control of military weapons are reasonably well controlled.
It is reported
that people's initiative is active year by year. We can consider the
phenomena as eagerness of people's political commitment. On the other
hand, there is a problem that many bills of initiatives are difficult to
form as a law. The committees have to study years, therefore, rulemaking
process takes long time, and there are many cases that the government and
parliament propose amendment for the referendum. But I think this is an
unavoidable process for the democracy and should not be avoided. These
measures could be a good opportunity to deepen the awareness of both
nations and government/parliament; this must be the cost of democracy.
Now in the twenty-first century, world industrial nations appeal loudly of
superficial democracy, but they vigorously push forward producing weapons
and spread them all over the world on the side. Nuclear disarmament
between US and Russian must be the reason that they possess too many of
them and they are in trouble with it. Recently it was reported that the
treaty was rendered ineffectually and then agreed. This is the reality of
the world. As long as Switzerland wishes to maintain permanent
neutrality, they'd better not to abandon the self-defense measure that
they've built up.
【 Reference 】
*1) Government explanation:
www.parlament.ch www.ch.ch
*2) Initiative
committee: www.schutz-vor-waffengewalt.ch
Anti-Initiative committee: www.waffeninitiative-nein.ch
*4) Swiss public
broadcasting, <National voting> campaign:
*5) Universal
conscription (Levee en masse):
*6) Civil defense:
【 Editor's comment 】
There is an
opinion that a big country like Japan cannot introduce a direct democracy
system like in Switzerland, but the system can provide good opportunity
to the people for discussion and is an effective system to mature
democracy. When Japan goes forward with the promotion of
decentralization, I think many points can be used from the Swiss direct
democracy as a reference.
【 Collection 】
There is a failure
at index in our magazine Vol. 123 - December 26, 2010. Please read as
follows: [Sequel] of the National Voting on November 28, 2010
We are intending
to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global
view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release: Weekly Swiss News
Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail
magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News
Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。
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