明子 ヒューリマン
2011年10月23日に連邦議会議員選挙 *1) の投票が行われるので、スイス政治の現状を概観してみよう。2011年1月28日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙の一面トップに民主主義の質がスイスは14位で中程度という記事が掲載された。ツューリッヒの民主主義研究の調査結果だ。民主主義の模範国を自認するスイスがこの程度の評価を受けた事にスイス国民は驚愕し反発し、調査の信憑性を疑う意見が多数新聞紙上に寄せられた。憲法裁判制度が無い事がスイスの評価を低めた要因らしいと報じられたが、同紙のDaniel Foppa編集長は論説で、「選挙の年なので議論を喚起する目的だ。」とこの評価を否定し、言論の自由が保障されているスイスでは、議会に対する裁判所の過剰な介入を避ける意味でも憲法裁判所は不必要と一蹴した。国民議会の法務委員会はこの問題について、現行法との整合性の検討を始めていると報じられている。
スイスは民主的連邦制故、地方政治の基盤であるカントン(州/県)がかなりの自治権を握っている。上院議会に相当する「全州議会(シュテンデラート/Staenderat)」*2) は州益を背負う代議員46名で構成される議会だ。各カントン *3) から2名、半州からは1名づつ選出される。各カントンの議員数は大都市を抱えるカントンも郡部のカントンも同じ数の代表をベルンの連邦議会に送る。農業が主要産業のカントンがあり、化学産業、精密機械産業、金融・貿易が主要産業のカントンもあるので、国に求める重要政策はカントンに依って異なるのは当然だ。代議員を均等に配分する扱いは、ドイツ語、フランス語、イタリア語等主要な公用語が異なる国民の権利にも一定の配慮が出来る。
選挙戦の争点は何と言っても、原子エネルギーの扱いと持続可能なエネルギー政策だった。此の事が各政党の支持率に確実な変化をもたらした。が、極端なスイスフラン高が進行する中で経済への懸念が高まり、危機感を募らせて大量の移民阻止を訴えるSVPの宣伝が至る所で目に入ってくる。他にも、税制、健康保険制度、年金制度、外交・防衛と重要課題が多数控えており、選挙戦の終盤では争点が多極化してくるのはいつもながら当然と言えば当然の傾向だ。国民議会議員 *4) の各政党の現有議席数は、SVPが59議席、SPが41議席、FDPが35議席、CVPが30議席、Grueneが20議席、BDPが5議席、グリーンリヴェラルが3議席、その他が7議席。選挙前の趨勢は、カントンに依って事情は異なるものの、大勢は脱原発のグリーンリベラルが支持を増やし、中途半端な政策のFDPが支持を下げると予想されている。他方SVPから追い出されたBDPが支持率を最も急速に伸ばしていると報じられている。BDPの寛容さと知的な姿勢が支持されているように思える。
【 参照 】
*1) 連邦議会議員選挙:
*2) 全州議会議員:
*3) カントン別全州議会議員:
*4) 国民議会:
【 編集後記
連邦議会議員は4年間法整備に取り組み、随時国民にその活動や発言が報じられ、4年後の選挙で国民の信を問う、という環境がスイスでは成立している。更にスイスの国家元首は輪番制で、政府を構成する7名の閣僚も各政党が推薦して議会が承認する。このように権力の配分がきめ細かく制度化されていて、絶妙のバランスが取れている。こういう成功例を長年見ていると、総理大臣が衆議院の解散権を持つと言われている日本の制度は怪しいと思うようになった。司法が政治家に対して違法な捜査と裁判を行い、マスコミがこれに協調する異常事態が続いている現在、日本でまともな議会制民主主義が成立していない現実を憂えているのは筆者だけではない。兎に角、今回の連邦議会議員選挙の結果 *4) に興味深い現象が見られるなら、後日お伝えしたい。
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Federal parliament
elections 2011 overview
Akiko Huerlimann
Federal elections
*1) are going to take place on October 23, 2011, therefore, let's have an
overview of Swiss politics. The top page of Tages-Anzeiger dated January
28, 2011 reported that the quality of Swiss democracy is ranked around
middle with a ranking as number 14. Swiss people were startled and acted
repulsively by such a level of judgment as Swiss avouch itself as the
model of democracy. Many letters were sent to newspapers with questions
to the believability. The missing of a constitutional court seems the
major reason for the lower judgment of Switzerland. Mr. Daniel Foppa,
editor of the newspaper, wrote in his editorial "the purpose was to
provoke dispute for the election year" and deny the evaluation. He
concluded that Switzerland is assured freedom of speech and press, a
constitution court is not necessary in order to avoid overmuch interference
to the parliament by the court. Reportedly the matter is under the review
by the legal committee of National Parliament for consistency with the
present law.
Because of the
democratic federal system, the canton as the base of local politics has
great deal of autonomy. The "Council of States" *2) is
considered as upper parliament that is formed with 46 members who
represent the cantons. Two representatives are chosen from each canton
*3) and one representative is chosen from the half Canton. The same
number of representative are sent to the parliament no matter the canton
has a big city or is a rural district. Each canton has different major
industries such as agriculture, chemical industry, precision machinery,
financial and trade, therefore key policies to demand to the central
government are different. The measurement of equal representative
allocation can make certain consideration to the peoples' rights in
different major official language such as German, French, and Italian.
As Bern is an agricultural
canton, therefore, their representatives are from a conservative party.
Zurich is the biggest city that's why the representatives are from a
middle conservative party. In general, French parts have representatives
from radical parties, such as the canton of Geneva and the canton of
Vaud. The representatives of the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden were
approved in May, and the representatives of the canton of Nidwalden in
September, both from the CVP. The Japanese upper house is to be cynical a
"blind gut", but the Swiss Council of States has proper power,
therefore, comparing both parliament members, the former is considered
with a much higher prestige. Presently the power landscape is as follows:
the middle party CVP occupies 14 seats as top, the middle-right party FDP
occupies 12 seats, the left party SP occupies 8 seats, the conservative
SVP occupies 7 seats, the middle left party Green occupies 2 seats, the
Green Liberal positioned between Green and FDP occupies 2 seats, and the
BDP spin-offs from SVP occupies one seat. The Tages-Anzeiger estimates
that the number of representative of the Council of States in each party
will not show a big change after the election.
After all, the
point of dispute at the election was the atom energy issue and sustainable
energy politics more than anything else. This led to a clear change of
the support rate to the political parties. However, the extreme increase
of the Swiss Franc amid mounting concern of the economy, heighten the
sense of crisis. The SVP campaign can be seen everywhere appealing to
stop mass immigration. Apart from that, many important issues should be
considered such as the tax system, health insurance system, pension fund
system, foreign affairs and national defense; as the usual final phase of
the election campaign tends to be multipolarized that is natural. Present
number of seats at the National Council *4) in each party is as follows:
SVP has 59 seats, SP has 41 seats, FDP has 35 seats, CVP has 30 seats,
Green has 20 seats, BDP has 5 seats, Green Liberal has 3 seats, and
others are 7 seats. The trends before the election are different in each
canton, though it is estimated that major trend is the breaking with the
nuclear power generation, therefore, the Green Liberal will get more
support and the half-baked policy of FDP will fall out of favor. On the
other hand, it’s reported that the BDP which is excluded from SVP gains
the most rapidly support ratio. I think that tolerance and
intellectuality of BDP seems to receive the support from people.
It's been said for
many years that the unsolved issue of election in Switzerland is the
opaque political donation to the parties. It's said that due to legal
provisions, it has not yet settled down. Reportedly the cost of the
election campaign is increasing by political parties, and claiming voices
for the transparency seems louder. About this matter, the Federal
Councilor Simonetta Sommaruga who is responsible for the Federal
Department of Justice and Police expressed that she will increase the
transparency by referring to the example of other countries. The nearly
excess campaign of SVP with seemingly the absolute fat budget can be seen
certain a backlash; often scribbled on their poster, therefore, it's said
that the party executives are angry about it. As a matter of fact, the
critical feeling of SVP is shared by many people, and that's showed the
share of the votes. On the other hand, the trouble of SVP is that they
occupy only few representatives at the Council of States. Reportedly
there is no sign of change about this situation for the time being.
About the other
phenomena, the presence at the election campaign by the incumbent Federal
Councilor is criticized and a movement of voluntary restraint can be
seen. In reports of media is visible a decreasing voting ratio by women,
political parties have also expressed their concern about a lower trend
of women's voting that could govern the election result. The younger
generation, especially the youth groups of major political parties have
started to appeal their existence, and many young candidates compete with
old-stagers. There is dauntless the SVP young candidate who was started a
campaign against the party policy and was under the spot light of media.
The candidacies of long tenure or elderly representatives are also under
About voting the
trends of constituency, the online questionnaire of Tages-Anzeiger dated
October 12, 2011 reported that out of 697 persons, 53% have already voted
by postal ballot, and 37% of them are certainly going to vote. The online
questionnaire tends to be answered by the people who have interests about
the matter, however, ballot papers were just delivered the beginning of
October; more than half of the answered had already finished ballot, and
I guess people have a great deal of interest on election. The brochures
of parties and candidates were sent by the local administration office.
As a constituency who is pressed for a decision, a clear point is that I
do not vote a party or a candidate that does not openly aspire to break
with nuclear power generation. Also in Switzerland, a message was
reported that energy has no problem without depending on the nuclear
energy. Anyway, writer Mr. Charles Lewinsky in Zurich said in an
interview with the Tages-Anzeiger on October 3, 2011, protecting the
Swiss political system "It's boring that the political system is
going on well too long, but efficient." The evidence of a matured
democratic country is like that.
【 Reference 】
*1) Federal
elections 2011:
*2) Members of the
Council of States:
*3) Members of the
Council of States by canton:
*4) National Council:
【 Editor's comment 】
Parliament members
work for the development of legal systems for four years, during this
period, their activities and opinions are constantly reported to the
nation, and seek voters response through the next election; Such
conditions are established in Switzerland. In addition, the Swiss head of
state follows a rotating schedule, and seven government members are
selected upon parties' recommendation at the parliament. The power
distribution is carefully systemized like that and very well balanced.
When I see such a successful example for years, I doubt about the
Japanese system that says the premier has the right to dissolve the Lower
House. Now, Japan is in abnormal circumstances that the judicial branch
of the government acts in illegal search and judgment to politicians and
the major press cooperate with them. I am not the only one who worries
about the fact that in reality the parliamentary democracy in Japan is
not functioning reasonably. Anyway, when I find interesting phenomena of
the results in the coming Swiss federal parliamentary election, I’d like
to make a report later.
We are intending to
offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view
as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release: Weekly Swiss News
Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail
magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。
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