明子 ヒューリマン
スイスは単独の国家元首が居ない政治体制を採っている。7名の連邦評議員で構成される超党派の連邦評議会(内閣)*1) が国の最高執行機関になる。対外的な国家元首は毎年持ち回りで在任期間の最も長い連邦評議員が就任する。この連邦大統領と連邦評議員には不測の事態に備えて代理 *2)を置いているのだが、連邦評議員が互いに補佐する。実質的に国家元首が7名いる体制とも言えそうだ。それ故連邦評議員の選挙方式も周到になっている。
2011年12月14日の連邦両院議員総会での連邦評議員選は、朝8時からテレビとラジオで実況中継された。ミシュリン・カルミ=レ *3) 外相兼今年の連邦大統領は外相在任9年の後年内で辞任を表明していた為、後任の連邦評議員の選出はエヴェリン・ヴィドゥマー=シュルムプフ蔵相 *4) の選挙結果と共に特に注目されていた。通常連邦評議員選挙の議事進行は国民議会議長 *5) が行う事になっているのだが、今回ハンスヨルク・ヴァルター議長がSVP(スイス国民党)の候補として連邦評議員選に立候補した為、ハンス・アルター全州議会議長 *6) が執り行った。先ずはカルミ=レ大統領の功績を讃え、その後彼女の辞任演説が行われた。人権問題を中心にスイスの国際的な地位向上の為に強い意志で取り組んだ事を語り、改めて彼女の数々の実績が思い起こされた。演説の後大きな拍手に送られて颯爽と議場を去った。
連邦評議員選挙 *7) では7名の連邦評議員ポストを個別に投票で決める。各政党会派の会長が党の投票方針を伝え、同調するよう党内外の議員に訴えた。SVPを除く主要政党は現職の6名の留任を推奨し、ミシュリン・カルミ=レ連邦評議員の後任は自党候補者への支持を求めた。最初の投票はドリス・ロイトゥハルトゥ連邦評議員のポストだったが、史上最大の議員支持数を得て難なく再選された。SVPは11月の連邦議員選挙で可なり支持を減らしたものの、それでも連邦議会 *8) の最大会派 *9)を維持したので、今度こそは是が非でも連邦評議員のポストをもう一つ獲得しなければ面子が立たないとばかり選挙戦に臨んでいた。狙いは第2の投票エヴェリン・ヴィ
この後、SVP会派のカスパー・バーダ─会長 *10)は投票の合間の演説で、今回連邦評議員選で連携していたFDP(FDP-リヴェラル)との連携を一方的に破棄すると宣言して、SVP候補にのみ投票するよう訴えた。レース中の荒っぽい戦略転換に、焦ってトチ狂ってしまったとしか思えないSVP首脳陣の対応だった。当然FDP会派のガビ・フーバー会長 *11) は怒りの決別演説で応酬した。正に驚きのドラマが展開された。エヴェリン・ヴィドゥマー=シュルンプ連邦評議員個人を標的にしての、復讐心に満ちたなり振り構わぬSVP首脳の戦略は、他党のみならずSVP議員からも批判され、その後次々行われた4回の投票結果は、いずれも現職が過半数の支持を獲得して文句無しの再選を果たした。ミシュリン・カルミ=レ外相の後任だけは、SVPの猛攻によって1回目の投票で過半数を制した候補者は居なかったが、2回目の投票でSP(社会民主党)の候補が過半数を獲得して、SPは首尾良く2つのポストを維持した。今回もSPの戦略が功を奏した。
【 参照 】
*1) 連邦評議会:
*2) 連邦評議会の機能と代理分担:
*3) ミシュリン・カルミ=レ連邦評議員:
*4) エヴェリン・ヴィドゥマー=シュルムプフ連邦評議員:
*5) 国民議会議長:
*6) 全州議会議長:
*7) 2011年連邦評議員改選結果:
*8) 2011年連邦議員選挙結果:
*10) スイス国民党会派:
【 編集後記
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
The result of the
Federal Councilor (Cabinet posts) Election
and new Swiss
political landscape
Akiko Huerlimann
The Swiss
political system knows no single head of state. The Federal Council
(Cabinet) *1) formed with bipartisan of seven Federal Councilors is the highest
executive body of the country. The function as head of state is taken up
by the longest serving Federal Councilor based on a yearly rotation for
external purpose. President of the Swiss Confederation and the Federal
Councilors have substitutes *2) for in case of contingency that the
Federal Councilors assist each other. That could be called a system of
seven chiefs of state. That's the reason why the election method is well
The Federal
Councilors election at the United Federal Assembly on December 14, 2011
was covered live on television and radio from 8 o'clock in the morning.
The Federal President and foreign minister, Mrs. Micheline
Calmy-Rey *3) expressed her resignation within
this year after nine years tenure, therefore, her successor as well as
the result of the election of Finance Minister, Mrs. Eveline
Widmer-Schlumpf *4) drew specially attention.
Usually, as chairman of the Federal Councilors election the president of
the National Parliament is in charge of it; however, this time its
president, Mr. Hansjoerg Walter was candidate
for the election from the SVP (Swiss People's Party/Schweizerische
Volkspartei), therefore, Mr. Hans Altherr, the President of the Council of States *6)
took over the duty. At first, the chairman commemorated the deeds of Mrs.
Calmy-Rey, and then her resignation speech was
read out. She talked about her strong intention of improving the Swiss
position in the international society, mainly through human-rights
issues. I remember again her numerous achievements. After her speech, she
left the parliament with unanimous applause.
The Federal
Councilors election *7) take place individually for the seven posts. The
president of each party fraction explained their polling policy and
called on getting into line to inside and outside party member. The major
parties except SVP recommended to reappoint the present six Federal
Councilors, and asked the support to own party candidates for the
successor of the Federal Councilor Micheline Calmy-Rey. The first ballot was the post of the
Federal Councilor Doris Leuthard, and she was
re-elected with a record high support. The SVP-party lost substantial
support at the Federal parliament election on November 2011, even though
they could maintain the biggest fraction at the Federal Parliament *8).
They prepared their election campaign in order to get one more post at
the Federal Council by all means otherwise they would lose their face.
Their target was the second ballot for the post of the Federal Councilor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf. The
president of the National Parliament Hansjoerg
Walter stood for the election only for attacking Eveline
Widmer-Schlumpf, however, she was re-elected at
the first ballot with a majority vote of the valid ballot. The SVP got a
big shock and the reasonably respected president of the National
Parliament Hansjoerg Walter disgraced himself.
After that, the
speech at the intermission of the ballot, the SVP fraction president
Caspar Baader *10) expressed the unilateral
break of co-operation with the FDP-party (The Liberals group/FDP-Liberale), and asked to vote for the SVP candidate
only. By that harsh tactic strategic change during the race, the SVP
party leaders must have felt heated and went <crazy>.
Unsurprisingly, the FDP party president *11) Mrs. Gabi Huber replied the
breaking away of the SVP with anger. That's a surprising drama indeed.
Revengeful act of the SVP leaders against Eveline
Widmer-Schlumpf using steamroller tactics was
criticized not only by other party members, but also by their own
members; after that, four times of ballots were followed and all the
present Federal Councilors were re-elected without any difficulties. Only
for the successor of Micheline Calmy-Rey, no candidate got the (absolute) majority
support at the first vote by the vigorous attack of the SVP, however, at
the second vote, a SP-party candidate acquired the major votes, and the
SP-party maintained successfully its two posts. This time again the
strategy of the SP was distinctive.
The newly elected
Federal Councilor was Mr. Alain Berset, SP
Council of States member; he will be Minister of the Federal Department
of Home Affairs (FDHA). According to his experience, he was considered to
be suitable as successor of Foreign Minister Micheline
Calmy-Ray, and he himself showed his motivation.
However, his mother party SP wanted to contribute their energy to the
pension fund measures by replacing the present Minister of FDHA Mr.
Didier Burkhalter who became the new Foreign
Minister. Reportedly, the <New> Minister of FDHA Mr. Berset showed his motivation to that duty that tends
to be unpopular. The <New> FDHA minister Mr. Berset
is still young with 39 years old, but his political experience is already
remarkable, his clear brain, action, and showing a daring look on his
face as well as a charming smile implies his presence as politician who
is to rely on for the future of Switzerland. He is also the substitute of
the Foreign Minister; therefore, if his term of office will be longer, he
is nonesuch that he will surely accomplish the position of the minister
of foreign affairs as well. Because he is the sworn friend of the SP
president Mr. Christian Levrat; at the occasion
of the Federal Councilors election four years ago, he made a plan
together for stopping the re-election of the Federal Councilor (at that
time) Mr. Christoph Blocher
of SVP, he proposed the candidacy of Mrs. Eveline
Widmer-Schlumpf who worked, at that time, at
the Graubuenden Cantonal Government, and took
it to the hoop the plan.
The public view
about the SVP that lost both Federal Parliament election followed by the
Federal councilors election was its own fault. They didn't build up a
proper strategy of the elections for the preparation period of four
years. Just before the election day of the Federal Councilors, it's said
the only left over reasonable candidate of the SVP was Mr. Bruno Zuppiger, a National Parliament member; however, he
had to step aside due to a money scandal. Furthermore, the actual party
leader Mr. Christoph Blocher,
a National Parliament member, was found having acquired capital in one of
the major German newspaper <Basler Zeitung>; the newspaper lost a great number of
readers. I felt that Swiss people's wisdom supports their democracy that
they do not allow an act to buy a press with money. It's reported that
the popular ex-Federal Councilor Mr. Adolf Ogi
of the SVP proposed Mr. Blocher to take
retirement. Media reported about successors of the present party
executives of the SVP. Media bruit <Number is not all>. The Swiss
election system is repressible for the runaway of power, but it's only
enables when the brain fight is made excellent use of the system by
political parties and politicians. And the roll of the media, which
report to the people, is also important.
As President of
the confederation for 2012, the re-elected Eveline
Widmer-Schlumpf, Minster
of Finance Minister was definitely decided. Her home Canton Graubuenden celebrated their first female President
of the confederation before Christmas. Her father Mr. Leon Schlumpf was also Federal Councilor from the year
1980 for almost 8 years. In the year of the world financial crisis,
weighty responsibility is awaited for her to maintain the stable Swiss
economy. There is a result of research that the majority of Swiss people
think that she is the right person for the post, and no concerns about
her capability have been reported so far. The latest reported forecast of
the Swiss economic growth in 2012 is nearly Zero, however, I think that a
blow up of the Switzerland will be avoided, thanks to the Swiss political
system, the political consciousness of Swiss people, and the highly
innovative Swiss industry.
【 参照 】
*1) The Federal
Council: http://www.admin.ch/br/index.html?lang=de
*2) Federal Councilors
allocation and the substitutes of function:
*3) Micheline Calmy-Rey:
*4) Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf:
*5) President of
the National Council:
*6)President of the Council of States:
*7) The result of
the Federal Councilors election 2011:
*8) The result of
the Federal Parliament election 2011:
*9) Parliamentary
groups of the 49th legislative period 2011 - 2015:
*10) Parliamentary
group of the Swiss People's Party (SVP):
*11) Parliamentary group of the Liberals group:
【 Editor's comment 】
The dynamism of
Swiss politics has an element of empathy and intriguing. Swiss are
thought to be conservative; however, the politics is moved with
innovative aspect. In deed as well as in name, the sample of the
democracy is in Switzerland.
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