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★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 43 – January 25, 2003
(Swiss Time)
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「滅私奉公精神が日本社会にもたらした影」 ドミ(ペンネーム)
"How Japanese father's diligence resulted in the
Domi(Pen Name)
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
私が、休暇の効用に期待することは、男性がもっとリフレッシュして、日本の将来を真剣に考えることです。会社や所属している組織から離れて、地域や子供たちに何が貢献できるかをぼんやりとでも考えてほしいと思います。社会人になったら、会社に貢献したり、自分の出世しか眼中にない方もあるでしょう。一方 会社にできる限り縛られたくない、休日は自己のしたいことをしたいという社会人も増加中と思います。しかし、子供のいない方でも、全く無関係ともいえないと思います。実際、非行化した少年に、何のいわれもなく被害を受けることが起こっています。
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Japanese father's diligence resulted in the society?"
Domi(Pen Name)
Japanese living standard has dramatically risen since 1945. However, Japanese
workers are not allowed to take long holidays such as three weeks and even
more. Compared with developed countries, Japanese must work longer hours.
Their paid vacation is 14 days, which includes sickness cases. Karoushi,
which means a death by hard working without rest (work 7 days) is unusual
phenomenon. It was nearly impossible to take more than 10 days holiday
except honeymoon 20 years ago. Recently, there are some twenty-year-old
workers who decide to resign their work in order to take a long vacation
more than a month or to challenge studying abroad. I suppose people who
spend time and money on the event that is available only now will increase.
Also people who choose flexible work style preferring free time rather than
higher salary will increase.
Juvenile delinquency
Juvenile delinquency is diversified.
* A decline of public manner---to
make-up in public trains and buses, to sit down in any public space
* The collapse of lessons in the public
primary and high schools---majority of students speak private conversation
in their classes ignoring their teachers. Some primary pupils even walk
around the class.
* Terrible bullying and refusing to attend their schools
* Purse-snatching, stealing, burgling, prostitution
* Murders---ex. killing his class teacher in his class, killing a passenger
in a bus.
I believe the fact that many fathers
cannot join their dinner at home and the increase of the juvenile
delinquency are mutually related. Some fathers accuse their wives or
schools only when their children offend serious crimes. They forget their
responsibility on their children under the justice, “I earn the money to
bring up them!” Those businessmen tend to have higher pride and do not
permit their wives to work. Indeed, Japanese wives and children are filled
up with plenty of gorgeous fashion, games, anything that can be purchased
by money. However, only their husbands and fathers can save their wives and
children who demand their love. Even there is a second tragedy that some
dissatisfied wives have love affairs or do prostitution as a short time
work. Then the miserable children left alone at home with games and comic
The background of hard work
Japanese workers work hard in order to raise their families, to earn
children’s education fees, to enjoy hobby and overseas travels, savings for
retire. But we do not confirm our working hours are even to the welfare
service in the coming aging society. We have expected our government to
restore our taxes by pension and welfare. Yet it is not enough clear the
usage of taxes, even create an anxiety the collapse of pension system by
population unbalance. While our international trade is black ink, the world
requests us to donate money. But if our pension system is failed, the
distribution of ODA should be reduced.
Japanese people seem to be chased all the time. They have a big stress from
the value of results in their school years, and then the same pattern
continues in their companies with quota and time limit even harder. Many
other countries legislate 6 years high school system which do not require
entrance examinations for grade 10th. Therefore they do not need the second
school. As long as a student passes the graduation examination, he/she can
enroll to the public university and can change his/her major subject if
wished, after entering the university. While French and German people enjoy
free education, Japanese people have to pay 10million yen (approximately
USD83, 333 when 1USD=120yen) for a child from kindergarten to university
education. Here again, Japanese work diligently and donate to the nation,
without repayment except pension fees. Yes, Japanese are exempted from
military service. On the other hand, if the situation changes from the
heavy recession and population unbalance, which forces to reduce the
pension seriously, Japanese lose the purpose of hardworking. Even worse we
do not know how to plan our lives and live independently, because we have
relayed on life employment system for years. If we work hard, we should
rest enough. That is the solution to satisfy one’s happiness, families and
one’s community.
Japanese have never loved hard working in the situation of “karoushi” (to
die by forced hard work without rest) by naming such as “an economic
animal” and "workaholic”. Japan
has a strong socialistic society that is believed to be capitalism in a
Japanese way. There were few people who doubted the current system, just
have followed the past cases. Having a month holiday is the duty, not the
right in France, sounds a dream for Japanese people. (Managers are an
exception.) There was strong criticism and pressure from the Western
countries that Japan should increase the holidays in the past trade
friction stages. If Japan had changed at the time then the working hours had adjusted to
those countries. If Japanese working hours had decreased, it might have
reduced the trade gap friction. I expect each Japanese worker pursuits his
own ideal life. As a result, the relationship between working hours and
holidays would be fixed according to the nation power.
Flexibility of working hours
Every Japanese department store and big supermarkets open at a.m.10:00 in Japan.
Some supermarkets open a.m.8:00 to p.m.11:00 in Australia. Small convenient shops open a.m.7:00 to p.m.11:00 while big
supermarkets open from a.m.10:00 in Japan.
In Hong Kong, high schools take turns at 6 hours shifts. The first group
study between a.m.7:00 to p.m.13:00, the second group studies between
p.m.14:00 to p.m.20:00, because of population density. Some Japanese firms
also use shift-working system already. Firms and workers in order to
relieving heavy rush hours and to seek new working system should encourage
shift working. For instance, how about dividing working groups who work 9 to 5, and who work 6 to 9? In fact, many
workers just remain in their offices although receiving no payment for
overwork. Many workers are afraid of low evaluation from their old
fashioned bosses by leaving their office at 5 o’clock.
The advantages of long holidays
Is there any disadvantage by longer holidays? Of course there are opinions
such as “Recent Japanese are too lazy” and “Learn from Chinese people who
work furiously”. However, the Japanese have tested the heavy working style
since postwar. As a consequence, the Japanese went into rapture creating
the bubble economy, and have struggled with minus assets after the
explosion of the bubble economy. The length of working hours itself does
not contribute to the development. The Japanese were tossed by world
affairs, had lost national savings by gambling, and have overworked all the
time. It had better to take long holidays like Western Christmas and summer
vacation. Then the new custom creates additional short-term jobs.
My biggest expectation on longer holidays is that the Japanese male workers
would refresh their spirit. They should think about Japan’s
future seriously, apart from their companies or organizations, how to
contribute on their children in their community. Many workers tend to aim
their own success in their firms. On the other hand, some workers try to
keep their own privacy as long as possible on weekend and enjoy their own
lives. In both cases, they never mind their community, especially if they
do not have their own children. However, the situation is still related to
anyone. In fact, some businessmen, older people, students have been
attacked from young offenders without reasons.
Recently, Japanese under teenage
children and teenagers are terribly pessimistic, momentary transient and
have mammonism. This trend seems to be created by scandals of upper class
bureaucrats, professors and teachers who are respected from people.
Children consider that to be a professional or a successful person is no
longer happy. Moreover, the floods of pornography everywhere in the TV,
magazines, and advertisement have interfered children to grow their normal
sense of true love. How many parents have ever read all the pages of
children’s cartoon books and games? Most of them include sex and violence
deeply. The two selections of game or cartoon books is too biased option to
play. They need outdoor experience. There is another strange story that
Japanese students must use 3 for the ratio of the circumference of a circle
to its diameter instead of 3.14 in the public primary schools. Although the
government abandons it, parents should teach their children to calculate
with 3.14.
If anyone who is not given a child but loves a child could help children in
their community or in his alumni, to bring children for climbing mountains,
insect watching, fishing, and playing soccer, etc. How about helping public
teachers by coaching baseball or any club activity after five as a
volunteer? Any good ideas to play children who lost their fathers by
accidents or divorce? There is a certain love that is only possible to be
given from male to children.
The new system of shift working
The further shift working system is expected to support taking holidays in
Japanese society. Public school teachers and nurses are always in the
overwork situation. Usually there is no alternative worker for just one-day
absence. If there are alternative workers in case of their sudden sickness,
the formal worker could rest before the situation get worse. The university
students and post-graduate students could try internship program while formal
workers take a month holidays in summer season. Japanese companies could
estimate new faces from the new shift system.
Compared with the Western countries, Japanese holidays are short. Japanese
workers are forced to stay in their companies with longer hours than other
developed countries. As a result, children have sacrificed from this biased
culture. Let’s follow the Western standard of working hours to participate
a fair competition in the world. The affluent society should offer substantial
free time to the residents. Japanese should aim to build such mature
society which can allow people to relax and to look back what to do
sometimes. Let’s say good-by to timeless overwork. If Japanese workers take
back their stability of hearts, the solution of recession might appear. To
increase long holiday would emphasize the change of people’s life style and
would proof that Japan supports Japanese workers to join their family. It could
decline the argument of Japan’s
threat. What is possible for the Japanese workers right now without any law
change? Just take all your holidays each year! Japanese workers also should
learn the history of France, Germany and Australia, where workers have achieved their right for the better working
It is sad not to have many vivid memories with my father. He devoted 90% of
his lifetime for his company. I guess he had substantial working years,
however, I think his life was unbalanced. My father had many domestic
and overseas business trips, therefore he had not have communication with
me for many years. I was hesitating to consult with him about serious
matters in my big turning point, because I felt the gap between us was too
deep. It is difficult to improve the relationship from a child side. I desire
Japanese fathers would take care of children more often.
在東京 短大英文学科卒
在東京 商社人事課と生保国際金融科勤務
Pen Name: Domi
Education: A Christian Junior College, Tokyo, and an Australian University
Employment: Accessory designer. Translator (internship), in a research
company, Sydney. Assistant to investment manager, in an insurance company,
international finance Dept., Tokyo. Administration supervisor, in a trade company, Tokyo
Favorite Artists: Andrea Boccelli, Midori Goto