┃ Multi Lingual Internet
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jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 82 –
November 21, 2006 (Swiss Time)
☆ http://www.swissjapanwatcher.ch/
明子 ヒューリマン
Point of dispute about national voting
on November 26,
<Assistance to the East>,
<Family allowance law>, and others
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
明子 ヒューリマン
「家族手当法」の争点については、「外国に住む子供の手当てまで引き上げるかの!」という反対キャンペーンが目に付くのだが、中道左派のクリストフ・ダルベレィCVP(キリスト教民主党)党首と中道右派FDP(自由民主党)のガビ・フーバー副党首の論点が分かりやすかったのでご紹介しよう。先ずはダルベレィ CVP党首の賛成論。近年子供の数の減少に伴い、1979年以来給与に占める家族手当の割合は10%減っている。新しい法律はこの割合を1979年と同じレヴェルに引き上げるだけ。家族手当の種類は今日50種類にもなっているが、現状にそぐわない家族モデルが基準になっている。両親が共にパートタイムの仕事をしながら育児を分担しているケースが増えているが、養育にパートタイムは無いので家族手当に不測の事態が生じている。若い共稼ぎ夫婦の子育てと教育を支援する事は社会基盤を強くするだけでなく、国の経済力も強くする事につながる。こういった事情から全国一律に子供1人につき月額200スイスフランの扶養手当を支給する方が現実的だ、と言うのが賛成派の代表的見解。
反対派の代表意見として中道右派FDPの フーバー副党首は、税の軽減措置、奨学金制度、児童保育施設、健康保険料の軽減、公共住宅建設等々、州レヴェルで子育て支援に差があるので、連邦法だけ一律にしても格差は残ると主張する。給与水準と物価に地域格差があるので手当てに差があるのは妥当。家族手当はあくまで州と雇用主が支給すべきもので、国がプレゼントにすべきものではない。敢えて言うなら被雇用者の負担を増やすべきだという。折りしも連邦政府と州政府が財政調整と役割分担の改定を承認したばかり。これ即ち地方分権を推進する流れと理解できる。今日子育てをしながら働く女性が増えていることから、子供の養育手当てを引き上げる事は左程意味を成さない。むしろ、保育施設の充実や学区再編、全日制の時間割を進める事の方が重要である。「家族対策は国が変な補助金を出して口出しするより、地方に任せろ」という論理だ。賛成論を見ながら「成る程」と同調しかけていたのだが、反対論の説得力にコロリと考えを変えられた。
English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
About national
voting on November 26, 2006
<Assistance to the East > and <Family allowance law>
Akiko Hürlimann
As mentioned in the previous version, the last voting of this year will soon
take place. Constituencies have already received the explanation booklet
and voting slip. The chief point of controversy was reported at newspapers
the beginning of the month too. I also gradually have to make up my mind.
The preliminary contention is not very active this time, I feel. The reason
could be that the consensus among people has been built up more or less;
the atmosphere implies a formal approval. Nevertheless, I don't want to
vote unserious; I sorted out points of contention involved.
Regarding to the bill of <Assistance to the East>, I haven't seen a
particular contra campaign yet so far. However, the opinion of the majority
is that Switzerland should continue direct individual projects; the support
law should remain as it was, instead of submitting the funds to the EU
headquarters. Otherwise, nobody would know where the money was spent.
Without such information, the support of the Swiss, and its effectiveness
would be also invisible. The bureaucracy at the EU headquarters is not less
than at the UN (United Nations) at the moment, the attitude of the Swiss
people is reasonable. The own interests of nations and the attempt of the
EU bureaucrats' to save their own neck would crash into each other in a
complex way. It's said that certain nations consider such a Swiss style way
as a paradigm. The campaign about <Assistance to the East> is visible
at the media everyday; arguments are an increase in export, a build up of
investment there by Swiss companies would bring more working place to Switzerland.
Anyway, it seems irresistible, that the tone of voting "no" would
spoil the nation's interest.
Regarding to the dispute about the bill of the <Family allowance
law>, I've often seen the following argument of the contra campaign:
"Allowance for the children in abroad would be risen too?"
However, the pro and contra arguments between the center-left of CVP
president Mr. Christophe Darbellay and center-right of FDP Vice President
Mrs. Gabi Huber was comprehensible, so let me introduce both opinions. At first,
I state the pro opinion of Mr. Darbellay as President of the CVP. Due to
the recent decrease in the number of children, the family allowance ratio
has decreased by 10%. The new law is to adjust the ratio to the level of
1979. Today, the family allowance counts around 50 different kinds, and the
family model has already become unmatched to the present one. Both parents'
work part-time, and share the work of bringing up children, such cases have
increased. However, the upbringing is no part-time job; it faces an
unanticipated problem. Support in child-care and education to young dual
income couples is strengthening not only the social infrastructure, but
also the country's economics. Based on these circumstances, a
representative opinion of the pro-bill appeals that a practical solution is
to provide a child allowance of SFr 200. -- per child and per month
As to the representative opinion of the contra bill, Mrs. Huber, Vice
President of FDP says that regional gaps will remain, if only at a federal
level, a unified standard of child allowance is established. There is a gap
regarding to child support among prefectures, for instance about tax
reduction, scholarships, child-care facilities, deduction of health
insurance premiums, constructing public housing and so on. Different
allowances are reasonable, because salary levels and consumer prices are
different too. The family allowance has to be paid by the prefecture and
employer, but should not to be given as present form the central government.
What we dare to say is, employee should share the cost burden too. Just
recently, Federal government and prefecture governments have agreed to a
revision of financial burdens and task sharing. I understand that the
tendency is to forward decentralization of power. Nowadays, many women
bring up children and work; increasing the financial support for children
doesn't make sense. It's more important to enrich child-care facilities,
reorganizing school districts, and proceeding full-time courses at school.
The idea is that "Central government shouldn't intervene into family
politics with a bounty, but leave the job up to local governments." I
had almost agreed to the theory of the pro bill side; however, as soon as I
read the statement of the contra
bill side, I was convinced.
At prefecture level, there are individual bills too on that date. Let me
explain two bills I looked at. In Zurich, the biggest prefecture in
Switzerland, an initiative of "only one foreign language at primary
school" is going to be voted. The reason for it is, that teaching
additionally English besides French is too much a burden for children. The
<Tages-Anzeiger> is a leading newspaper in the German language; it
plays a role of an opinion leader expressed against the initiative. It says
that children have to learn English properly in order to survive further
internationalization; otherwise the Swiss nation power would become weaker.
Because of the diffusion of the Internet, English is more and more used in
the society. It often happens that English verbs are used with a German
conjugation. It's no use to resist that. A large number of originally
French words have already mixed up with German for a long time.
Furthermore, another phenomenon is that children belonging to a minority
language live with further one or two foreign languages at home. The
environment is not easy for children, but they simply should adjust
themselves with practice.
At my residential prefecture a vote regarding to a revision of the tax law
will be taken on that date. The prefecture is well known for its low
corporate tax rate; many foreign institutions have settled here and
contribute to the tax revenue. The prefecture government makes continued
efforts to reduce expenditure and maintain a healthy budget; that is considered
to be a good sample of other prefectures. Because of such fundamentals,
objections coming from the left wing side and labor unions are not well
accepted by inhabitants. I myself too, before I lived here, I innocently
believed that "favorable taxation is only for the wealthy class that
is questionable". But now, I changed my opinion. Because, I learned
with my own eyes, that the mechanism to let wealthy people paying tax is
through the measure of a favorable taxation system. In Japan, media reported
that the governmental tax commission has just completed suggestions of the
abolishment of tax cuts for securities; there was strong critic against
preferential tax system regarded as a privilege to rich. The president of
the committee, Mr. Masaaki Honma, showed his strong intention to complete
another suggestion about the reduction of corporate tax rate. In Japan,
which way can you contribute to the tax revenue either by reducing
corporate tax or increase it? The understanding of a majority people is still
divided in two groups. I learned by a news report that inhabitants of the
financially collapsed Yubari city (Hokkaido) have gradually started to move
out; they are expecting heavier tax burden. I wonder what do you think
about that.
Explanation of the Federal Government for the national vote:
[日本語 / 英訳 ]
Akiko Hürlimann: jp-Swiss-journal
We are
intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland and
Japan with
global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular
Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule.
Please subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
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Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願
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