Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 85 – March 04, 2007 (Swiss Time)
【 目次 / INDEX /
2007年3月11日 国民投票の争点
明子 ヒューリマン
Point of dispute about national voting
on March 11, 2007, for
<Standardized Health Insurance System>
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
2007年3月11日 国民投票の争点
明子 ヒューリマン
イニシアティブ委員会の試算と健康保険会社の業界団体[ ソンテスイスhttp://www.santesuisse.ch/
[ http://www.comparis.ch/ (D/F/I/E)]上でこの事実を公表したという記事が出た。これ以後論争はインターネット上にも飛び火したという。どうもイニシアティヴの準備不足は否めないようだ。
【編集後記 】
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
of dispute about national voting on March 11, 2007
<for Standardized Health
Insurance System>
Akiko Hürlimann
Regarding to the OECD report of 2003, medical cost ratio accounted by the GDP
of Switzerland is 11.5%; it is the second highest after the USA with 15%. For your
information, Japan is ranked 12th
with 7.9%. OECD and WHO criticized, that the Swiss medical system is good,
but too expensive, and they demanded a reduction in medical cost without
decreasing quality. The initiative claims two points of reforms. One of
them is to unite the compulsory part of the health insurance system into
one; presently, 87 health insurance companies, organized as unions,
foundations, cooperatives, and official organizations, manage the system.
The second one is, that the insurance premium should be judged according to
the income and assets of the insured person. The point of dispute is,
whether the ever-growing premium will be able to be reduced by those
About the second point, I found a remarkable comment at a readers' forum of
a leading newspaper in the German part. The point is "Do we have to
show our tax payment certificate each time in the future? If the price is
decided according to the income, the premium will be fixed after tax declaration
three to four years later. It may be the case that we will even have to pay
a shortfall later. The system becomes more complicated." That
described expected problems of the unification.
One of the backgrounds of the initiative is caused by the regional gap of premiums
even in the compulsory part. For instance, based on a monthly average of
salary, the premium in the most expensive prefecture of Geneva costs CHF 423.30.
That is CHF 113 more than in Zurich. Specialists
commented the reason, that people in the French part tend to go to see a
doctor more often than people in the German part, and there are even two
university hospitals. The serious point is, that people who cannot pay
premiums reached nearly 150,000 persons and the number is on the increase.
There are sorrows that certain people will not be able to go to see a
The Federal Government needs time to prepare necessary amendments of the present
law; therefore, they expressed their opinion that in the meantime prefecture
governments should guarantee the premium. However, the prefecture
side is reluctant to that idea, because they might have to owe the responsibility
for health insurance at the end. Nevertheless, the Prefecture of Valais already introduced
a measure to guarantee the premiums for inhabitant who couldn't afford to
pay the premiums last year. This aid measure is for chronically ill
patients who will not anymore be provided Rx (prescription) at the
pharmacy, or in order not to create patients that hesitate to go to see a doctor.
On the other hand, Prefecture Ticino newly made
an amendment of the law that the prefecture can pay certain emergency medical
cost and premiums for children; it was dated back (validated) to January 1, 2006. But it said that both
prefectures would possibly have to seek new measures depending on the
future federal law amendments.
The problem of the hospital side is chronically ill patients who cannot pay
the premiums have increased at emergency wards; therefore, the amount of unpaid
bills reached SFr. 400 millions at hospitals in Switzerland. There are many
other reasons to press hospital management, so hospital integration has
proceeded. One of such hospital in Zurich is a private
clinic called Hirslanden Clinic. The management is proud of themselves
regarding to their efficient management compared to public hospitals. We
can easily imagine that their management must be easier with wealthy
patients, having said that, it is true, that such private clinics owe a
state-of-the-art medical treatment too. However, the opinion among medical
health professionals is different; home doctors e.g. who are constantly
annoyed by the health insurance organization, they are longing for a
unified health insurance system. This is just an aside; hospitals in Switzerland do not allow patients
to stay even a single day of unnecessary medical admission, due to strict
control by health insurances.
The cost estimation between the initiative committee and health insurance companies
organization "santesuisse http://www.santesuisse.ch/" came
to a different result. As an example, the initiative calculated for a
family with two children in Zurich, with annual
income of SFr. 120,000, premiums of SFr. 8,000. Calculations by Santesuisse based on the same case resulted in SFr. 13,000.
The estimations were opened at the stage of both party criticizing each
other that the counter part didn't calculate correctly, so it said that the
model calculations were considered unknown as information for making a decision.
However, in February, the newspapers reported that the initiative gave up
insisting their estimate, and they informed at internet comparison site
(D/F/I/E)" that they have adopted the estimation of the counter part.
Since then, the debate spilled out over internet too. Apparently, an
insufficient preparation of the initiative seems to be undeniable.
Providing basic medical treatment to every citizen must be one of the major
existing values for a nation as a community. However, representative opinions
of opponents are as follows; a huge unitary health insurance cannot make
real reforms, or the system becomes a matter of a government bureaucrat's
monopoly, and insured people will be under their control. It is said that a
uniform system is not suitable for consumers being kings; not only high
cost will remain unsolved, but also tax will be doubled. These views are
based on the principle of market mechanism guiding to effective prescription.
On the other hand, the pro-initiative side says with certainty, that
increasing premiums year-by-year is caused by the enormous advertisement
cost and salary burden for manpower and management of over 80 health
insurance organizations; such market mechanism are fictitious competitiveness.
However, according to the result of 2005, management cost of health
insurance is only at 5.4% of the total expenditure, and this is only 5
centimes (Rp.) per SFr. 1 of premium. It is said
that this figure is not bad compared to the unemployment insurance or the
disabled pension fund.
With the present system, the insured can choose the health insurance
company by him, and each health insurance provides its own services such as
basic service, half private service, and private service. Simply stated,
basic service offers six people in a patient's room, half private service
offers a room for two persons, and private service offers a single room.
Apart from the patient's room, in case of receiving checks or operations at
a private clinic, or alternative medical treatments such as acupuncture,
the cost covered depends on the insurance company and insured services. As
we can choose various services, it's said that the principle of market
mechanisms is assured. Various sectors are concerned about the uniform
system, because the insured will not to be able to choose services like the
present diversified services, and governmental business tends to be at high
cost. Many voices such as the Consumer Protection Fund (SKS), reviews, and constituencies
questioned the proposal of the initiative, expecting greater burden on
middle-income earners. Ballot papers have already arrived. Federal Government
and parliament are also against the bill. It looks almost as if there is no
chance that it will be accepted by the national voting this time.
【 Editor's comment 】
At the early stage, as contours of the discussions were clear, I expected the
debate won't be very active, however, day by day, media reports in many aspects,
and debates among constituencies at reader's forum of newspaper became
active. It wasn't easy to work up my report. Major trends of polling will
be reported by the evening on the polling day. Please see the result at the
website of the Federal Government. http://www.admin.ch/aktuell/abstimmung/00102/index.html?lang=de.
We are intending to offer you current topics, based on Switzerland
Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular release:
Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule.
Please subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly
Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願
い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。
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