Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 89 – July 22, 2007 (Swiss Time)
【 目次 /
明子 ヒューリマン
Energy situation
in Switzerland
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
明子 ヒューリマン
先ず連邦政府のエネルギー統計 *1)を探してみた。スイスのエネルギー使用量を見ると、2004年は1,145,530TJ *2)だったものが、2005年には1,109,800TJと長年の上昇傾向から一転して3%も減らしていた!これはおよそ10年前の水準に近い。しかし電力の輸出入収支は2004年から2005年にかけて輸入超過に転じている。輸出超過のピークだった1994年には42,640TJ輸出超過だったが、増減を繰り返しながら2005年にはついに22,860TJの輸入超過に陥ってしまった!主要なエネルギー源の内訳を見てみると、最も大量に使用しているエネルギー源はやはり石油で、1990年にエネルギー使用量の51%を占めていたものを、2005年には49%にまで割合を減らした。とは言っても使用量はその間3.5%強増えている。次に大きな割合を占めている原子力発電は、2005年が21%強で、徐々に増えていた消費量を1993年の水準にまで戻した。とは言え、予想以上の割合を占めている事が分かった。3番目に多い水力発電とガスは各々10%強。残りは廃棄物、木材/木炭、石炭、その他代替エネルギー併せて8%強となっている。
27.55%、2)フィンランド 21.78%、3)オーストリア 20.34%、4) ポルトガル 15.78%、5) デンマーク 9.34%、6) スペイン 6.78%、7)
フランス 5.79%、8) ギリシャ 5.18%、9) イタリア 3.58%、10) ドイツ 2.97%、11) アイルランド 1.89%、12) 英国1.58%、13)
オランダ 1.24%、14) ベルギー 0.95%、15) ルクセンブルグ 0.62%で、EU全体では 5.48%。我がスイスは 15.10%と上位につけ積極派だ。これをEU振興策では2010年までに3%引き上げ目標を定めている。日本もこの分野では酵母を利用する等して生ごみや草からバイオエタノールを作る先進的な取り組みをしているそうだ。
スイスでは近年「ミネルギー *3)」という言葉をしばしば見聞きするようになった。つまり省エネの事で、産学官民共同で設立された機関「MINERGIE」が省エネ建築を振興している。スイスの住宅は高い断熱効果のある仕様の普及が進んでおり、又エネルギー効率の良い住宅の証明書を出す自治体が出てきてスイスではパイオニアと評価されているが、EUでは既に法制化されているそうだ。いずれにしても、太陽エネルギーによる発電はスイスでは未だ途上というところ。希望の星の新エネルギーは、全般にコスト高が解消されていない点が今後の課題となっているのは各国共通の事情だ。
主要電力グループのAXPO *4)は今年の7月初めに、ガス・コンバインドサイクル発電は止めると発表した。CO2の発生が主な理由の一つだそうだ。新しい原子力発電所の建設を求めるロビイストの活発な活動も報じられている。原子力発電所の建設には巨額の建設費がかかるのが魅力のようだ。又、発電コストが安い事と二酸化炭素を発生させないというので、原子力発電に強気の姿勢が伺える事情は日本も同様。厄介なのは放射性廃棄物の保管先だ。原子力発電所の事故やテロ攻撃も心配の種だ。大事故が発生した場合、被害を保険では到底賄え切れないので結果高上がりにつくという見解は無視できない。今年は10月に連邦議会の選挙
天然ガスと石油は2002年以降値上がり傾向が続いており、資源保有国がエネルギー資源によって強権外交を推し進めようとする傾向があるのも剣呑。バーゼルでは地熱発電の実験が行われたが、強烈な振動で住民に恐怖を与えてしまい、中止を余儀なくされている。ヴァリスではガスタービン・蒸気タービンの高効率複合サイクル発電の研究が進められているが、二酸化炭素の排出がネックになっているという。石油に代わる代替エネルギーとして近年特に注目を集めているバイオエタノールについては、政府機関のAlcosuisse *6)が甜菜を原料に試験をしているが、食料を燃料にする事には批判があり、農業廃棄物を利用すべきと言う意見がある。
*1) スイス連邦統計局: http://www.statistik.admin.ch
*2) TJ(Terajoules/テラジュール=1兆ジュール)ジュール:
*3) MINERGIE: http://www.minergie.ch/
*4) AXPO: http://www.axpo.ch/
*5) 選挙情報: http://tagesschau.sf.tv/wahlen07/
*6) Alcosuisse:
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Energy situation in Switzerland
Akiko Huerlimann
The other day, the kitchen
lighting shorted out, and the breaker was turned off repeatedly. At that
time, the first things I worried were about the refrigerator and freezer.
In case of an emergency, we could use candle or flashlight instead of
lighting, however, refrigerator and freezer are indispensable. Especially
about the freezer, where we store Japanese foods or long life foods, so in
case of a power cut or breakdown, we will face to a sad situation. If we
cannot use electricity, we will be in trouble for everyday cooking and
washing. Without having electric power for television, radio, and internet,
we will be absolutely alienated by information from Japan. We can read local newspaper every day, though the volume of information
is very limited. Bath and hot-water are supplied by nighttime electricity, so we can
bear it up to only two or three days.
Like that, our electric life style is nearly perfect; we just use
oil for the collective central heating system of the building and for cars.
Cooling systems haven't diffused to private houses, warm seasons are no
problem, but we will shiver of cold weather in winter. At a private level,
we cannot take much precautions regarding to energy; from a risk management
point of view, a too convenient life environment makes us instable. That's
why I decided to think about the energy situation in Switzerland.
First, I tried to find energy
statistics *1) of the Federal Government. Looking at the Swiss energy
consumption, 1,145,530TJ *2) in 2004, and 1,109,800TJ in 2005; that were years
with a rising trend which turned to minus 3%, showing the level of nearly
10 years ago. However, the electric power balance of import and export
turned into an adverse balance from 2004 to 2005. The peak of the export surplus
produced 42,640TJ in 1994, since then the country had a repeated
increase and decrease; at last it reached an import deficit of 22,860TJ! Let's have
a look at major energy breakdowns. The most consumed energy source is
certainly oil; it dominates 51% of the energy consumption in 1990; the
share dropped to 49% in 2005, however, the volume of energy consumption raised up
3.5% in the meantime. The second biggest energy source is nuclear
electric power generation with a share of more than 21% in 2005; gradually, the
increasing consumption went back to the level of 1993. Nevertheless, I
found that the share was more than I expected. The third share is occupied
by hydraulic and gas power generation, each of them over 10%. Lest has a total
of about 8% of waste substance, wood/charcoal, coal and alternative
There are four nuclear electric
power plants in the whole country. Three of them are concentrated in the northern
part, and one is located in the suburb of Berne. All of them are concentrated
around the northern half of Switzerland where big cities are located. That's not enough for
the North and the West part; therefore, the country imports electricity
from Germany and France. However, the South and East part include mountain area, where there a
number of hydraulic power plants, therefore, an electricity surplus are exported
to Italia and Austria. As aforementioned, contrary to my expectation,
Switzerland has kept its energy independency up to 2005. Though due to a
continuous increasing energy demand, the demand exceeded the supply. Now
instead of using exhaustible energy such as fossil fuel and uranium,
renewable energy draws attention in Switzerland too.
Let's have a look at an EU
comparison; they are eager to utilize renewable energy. The
renewable energy share of the energy consumption in 2003 was as
follows: 1) Sweden with 27.55%,
2) Finland with 21.78%, 3) Austria with 20.34%, 4) Portugal with 15.78%, 5)
Denmark with 9.34%, 6) Spain with 6.78%,
7) France 5.79%, 8) Greece with 5.18%, 9) Italy with 3.58%, 10) Germany with
2.97%, 11) Ireland with 1.89%,
12) United Kingdom with 1.58%, 13) Holland with 1.24%, 14) Belgium with 0.95%, 15)
Luxembourg with 0.62%. The overall
at the EU is at 5.48%.
Switzerland belongs to the ginger group with 15.10%. EU has
decided to raise it by 3% up to 2010 by taking measures of promotion. In that
field, Japan makes also efforts with a progressive approach by producing bioethanol with garbage or grass.
Recently we often hear or read
the word "Minergy *3)" in Switzerland. The meaning is energy saving, through an organization called
"MINERGY" that was established cooperation with the
academic-industrial, public and private
sector, promoting minergy architecture. In Switzerland, well isolated housing is
widely spreaded, and even a commune has started
to issue certificates of minergy houses;
that's considered to be a pioneer action, but the EU made it already legislation.
Anyway, electric power generation by solar energy is still on the way in
Switzerland. The new energy, as rising star has not yet solved the cost
burden, that's a mutual international theme for the future.
The leading electric power
group AXPO *4) announced to stop plans for a Gas combined
cycle power plant beginning of this July. One of the reasons was the CO2
emission. It's been reported that demands by lobbyists for a new atomic power
plant have become active. Huge construction cost must have attracted
them. Cheaper production cost of electricity and no CO2 emission encouraged
the position of pro-nuclear groups; that situation is the same as in Japan.
There are problems to find storage for used nuclear waste. An accident or
a terror attack to such a plant is also a cause for concern. In case a big
accident happens, damage would not be able to be covered by insurance;
we cannot ignore the opinion that the final cost could be even higher.
Federal parliament election are scheduled *5) for the coming October, and
the future energy politics is the main issue in that dispute. The priority
issues were debated in parliament and among political parties; the themes
were energy efficiency, new energy, gas and nuclear power, or energy
diplomacy. Leuenberger Federal Councilor who is
in charge of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and
Communications is pragmatic by saying "To the utmost extent diversified
energy sources should be used, however, nuclear electric power is also an
indispensable source." Major media creating a campaign now "Does Switzerland
needs a new atomic power plant?" Just then, since off the Niigata-Chuetsu
earthquake occurrence, Swiss media has immediately reported the accident
at Kashiwazaki-Kariwa
Nuclear Power Plant such as the radiation leak and other 50 cases.
The tone of the press "Are Swiss safety measurements at nuclear plant
sure?" We can see a strong interest about atomic plant safety
Natural gas and oil prices have
a tendency to advance since 2002; countries possessing resources tend to
precede power diplomacy by using their energy resources. That makes us
insecure. Presently, the federal parliament demands new energy developments
by photovoltaic power generation and geothermal power generation, in order
to make a quick price down of electricity. Actually, a geothermal power
experiment was done in Basel last year, but it made people fear by strong vibrations; the
development was forced to stop. Biomass as alternative energy resource has
attracted attention recently instead of oil, The governmental organization Alcosuisse *6) experiments with sugar beet, but its
drawn different critics for using food for fuel, and there is the opinion
that agricultural waste should be utilized.
Thus, considering emergency
cases, possessing diversified energy sources as many as possible for
private houses would be better as we used to do in the past. We can also
observe wasting energy. Ideally, we cook, boil water, and warm us up with
picked up wood or thinned wood. We can also use charcoal. Candlelight is
also nice. Such life style was relatively widely created in Japan as normal way of life just around 50 years ago. However, nowadays
some people approved the value of such life style and yearn, but unfortunately,
it has almost diminished in everyday life. In Switzerland, even people living in a flat have a deep-seated desire to
have a fireplace or stove; the stylish products are attractively displayed
at specialized stores. People tend to be fond of red marble or tile on the
floor, so the risk of a fire would be less than in Japan. Swiss forest industry had a tendency of collapsing for a long
time, but recently by a changed energy situation, lumber is considered as
fuel resource, and the industry has recovered. For a sustainable energy
use, we hope to be able to enjoy a little inconvenience.
【 Reference 】
*1) Swiss Federal Statistical
Office: http://www.statistik.admin.ch
*2) TJ: Terajoules,
Joule: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joule
*4) AXPO: http://www.axpo.ch/
*5) Election info:
*6) Alcosuisse:
【 Editor's comment 】
The theme of the current issue
was again too big, and the result was not very well formed, however, there
were some discoveries, and I could find the direction of target for a
private person. If we make ourselves too busy and ignore our time, it
becomes clear that economical efficiency cannot be reached at a long-term,
and the global burden will be bigger, and spoil our pleasant life. All in
all, the keyword is "slow life is cool".
We are intending to offer you
current topics, based on Switzerland and
Japan with global view as a
multi lingual magazine. Irregular release:
Weekly Swiss News Headlines
will inform Issuing schedule.
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magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
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