Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 94 – February 24, 2008 (Swiss Time)
【 目次 /
2008年2月24日 国民投票
明子 ヒューリマン
National Voting
on February 24, 2008
<Halt air
force jet flights over
areas>, <Corporate tax reform II>
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
2008年2月24日 国民投票
明子 ヒューリマン
http://www.steuergerechtigkeit.ch/ の反対広告を見かけた。ところが、中小企業経営者の中には「州政府には恩恵があるが企業には無い」という意見があり、アーンスト・アンド・ヤングが500社に問い合わせた結果では、それを裏付ける内容となった。回答の三分の一しか今回の税制改革で減税の恩恵を受けないと答え、半数以上が減税よりむしろお役所仕事の弊害の方を問題視しているそうだ。聞いてみないと分からないものだが、これがこの先EUが問題視している持株会社に対する税改正の前段階との見方もあり、選挙民には可也深謀遠慮な判断が求められているようだ。
スイスの法人税の安さはEUに目の敵にされているのは弊誌でも既報の通りで、外資の持株会社が本社を税制の有利なスイスに設立していることから、EUは競争を歪めているとスイスの制度を批判し、変更を迫っている。この問題に関して両者の交渉は今もって進行中だ。前連邦評議員ブロッハー氏はEUに対して、スイスの税制の主権を尊重し、それと関連させてスイスへ労働力の流入を制限するよう求めたという報道があった。今年1月下旬、ドルダー会議の講演の為来瑞した「ミスターユーロ」と呼ばれる著名なルクセンブルグのジャン=クロード・ユンケル首相兼大蔵大臣http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Claude_Juncker もその折、「EU内のスイス制裁論者のグループには組しない」と明言しながらも、同時にブロッハー氏の政策には警鐘を鳴らした。
スイス雇用者団体http://www.arbeitgeber.ch/ のトーマス・ダウム理事長も、ブロッハー氏の戦略に反対で、スイスの税制と労働力(新規EU加盟国)の移動の問題は別に扱うべきという立場だ。EU企業にスイスは労働力を受け入れる門戸を開いているという信号を送らなければ有能な人材を獲得できず、スイス経済の成長力を維持出来なくなると懸念を表明している。EUとの二国間協定の成果は拡大EUのブルガリア人とルーマニア人の流入という不安材料も取り沙汰されているが、国家がダブルスタンダードを持つ事は政治的な危険を伴うと発言している。こうした状況下、外国人の若年犯罪者に対するスイス国民の視線は厳しくなってきており、連邦移民局も違反者にはより厳しい滞在許可取り消しもありとする姿勢を示している。
さて、「観光地の戦闘機飛行中止」の国民発議についてだが、こちらの議論は華々しく展開されているとは言い難い。連邦政府と議会は国の主権と中立を損ねると反対だ。中道・右派政党や各自治体も反対している。この議案は環境保護団体「ヘルヴェティア・ノストラ」代表フランツ・ウェーバー氏http://www.ffw.ch/content/view/136/57/lang,de_DE/ の発議によるものだが、113,049の有効な賛成署名を集めている。社会民主党と緑の党、他左派グループにブリエンツのホテル協会も戦闘機の飛行は観光に悪影響があると賛成している。狭いスイスではこうした主張には無理があると判断したのが、ウェーバー氏は新たにシーズンオフに訓練すれば良いとの見解を示している。
http://www.admin.ch/aktuell/abstimmung/00102/ (D/F/I)
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
National Voting on February 24, 2008
<Halt air force jet flights over tourist areas>,
<Corporate tax reform II>
Akiko Hürlimann
At first, let's think about the
actively discussed <Tax reform II>. The bill was made by the Federal
Government and Parliament to reduce institutional taxation for small and
medium-sized enterprise (SME). The main reducing measures are to moderate
tax burden for liquid funds or valuable securities in the capital, and to
put off partition of the estate for a certain period. As for the prefecture
level, tax capital levy will be reduced for companies, which have paid
profit tax. The focus point for the reform is that the direct federal tax
for enterprise capital dividends will be 50%, whereas for individual
capital dividends
it will be 60%. In this point,
prefecture tax can be fixed individually, and 18 prefectures have
introduced partial taxation for dividends. The government and parliament
try to convince people about reducing the tax burden for dividends; it
would be a re-investment and strengthens Switzerland as a location for firms. For the present, it would mean SFr.
130 Millions less capital for the national pension fund, however, on the
long-term the fund would be accumulated by up to SFr. 67 millions, based on
an estimation of the government. On the other hand, the opposition, mainly
left wings, estimates that the national pension fund would decrease by SFr.
150 millions, and lower tax revenues both federal and prefecture would
amount to 2 billions.
It is the same as in Japan, the existence of SME-companies is absolutely major compared
to big enterprises in Switzerland too; counted are 300,000 companies. If the tax burden was less
for SME, that would influence agriculture too, say agricultural
organizations and they also agreed to it. Different supporters say, working
places would be created, so people, goods, and capital would be more
frequently exchanged over the border, therefore, we could expect economic
growth. Based on media reports there seems to be only welcome signs.
Actually, almost all advertisements support the bill as far as I could see.
However, I saw an advertisement with an objection appeal "Do 250,000
pension fund people (AHV) pay for investors?" by
<http://www.steuergerechtigkeit.ch>. There is however an opinion
among managers of SME that prefectures would receive benefits, but not
companies. A survey made by Ernst & Young among 500 companies; only one
third of the answers said that they receive benefits by the reform and more
than half of them saw negative effects of bureaucracy as the problem.
That's an unexpected fact. Anyway, there is a view that the reform would be
a preliminary step of the next tax reform regarding to holding companies,
which was put into question by the EU. The constituency is expected to
judge and take it into a fairly deep consideration.
In the previous version I
reported that the EU had focused on the Swiss lower institutional tax
system. Foreign holding companies established their headquarters in Switzerland due a favorable tax system; the EU criticized the Swiss system
as a distortion of competition and requested change. Talks between Switzerland and the EU are still going on regarding to that matter. Former
Federal Councilor, Mr. Blocher demanded the EU to
respect the Swiss tax sovereignty and at the same time linked it to the
matter requesting a restriction of labor inflow to Switzerland. In January this year, the prominent Luxembourg Premier
minister and Finance Minister Jean-Claude Junker
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Claude_Juncker visited Switzerland to give a speech at the <Dolder
meeting>. On that occasion, he clearly said, "I do not agree with
the countries demanding sanctions against Switzerland", at the same time, he warned about Mr. Blocher's strategy.
Mr. Thomas Daum,
head and director of the Swiss employer's association, is also against Mr. Blocher's strategy. His stance is that the Swiss tax
system and the workforce migration (by new EU-countries) should be treated
as a different matter. He expressed his concern that unless Switzerland made a signal to EU enterprises that the Swiss labor market is
open, Switzerland would not be able get qualified workers, and might not be able
to maintain economic growth. He addressed the fear of an inflow of
Bulgarians and Rumanians as a result of the bilateral agreements with the
EU. However, nations with double standards are exposed to political risks.
Under such circumstances, the opinion of Swiss people regarding to young
foreign criminals became harder and the Federal Office for Migration also
intends to take severer measures to cancel the residential permit for such
people in case of offenses.
By the way, why could these two
countries be the concern of problems? Might it be related to the
independency of Kosovo? Swiss people have concerns that Romanies
from Eastern Europe might inflow into Switzerland, and Swiss people keep an eye on them with a view to the
social security system regarding to persons with no fixed jobs. On the
occasion of an independent celebration mass by Kosovars
in Switzerland, Federal Councilor Micheline Calmy-Rey gave a speech. That could imply that Switzerland approves their independency. She mentioned, "Do not
persecute minorities (e.g. Serbians)" in her speech. However, the
chairman of the foreign affair's committee of the Swiss Council of States (Staenderat) criticized her, saying that her judgment
was premature. According to the politician's long experience in foreign
affairs, he thinks that Kosovo is as crime-infested area not having a base
yet to be an independent country. He said that it is also wrong to think
that only Serbia could be the assailant. But, by February 23rd, the foreign
affairs committees of both federal parliament chambers recommended to
approve the independency of Kosovo however under certain conditions.
Well, the initiative about
<halt air force jet flights over tourist areas>, the argument were
not very active. The Federal Government and the Parliament are against the
initiative, because the bill spoils the nation's sovereignty and
independency. Middle and right political parties as well as local governments
are also against the bill. Mr. Franz Weber, the founder of the environment
protection organization <Helvetia Nostra>, launched the initiative;
he collected 113,049 valid signatures. SP, Green, and other left wing
groups support the bill. The hotel association in Brienz
(BE) also supports the bill saying that air force jet flights over tourism
have a bad influence. Mr. Franz Weber might have understood that his
opinion could be considered unreasonable in a small Switzerland, and he newly expressed the idea, that air force jets could
fly in off-season.
A preliminary survey about the
results of the polling was conducted by the SRG (Swiss Public Broadcast) at
the beginning of February. Based on estimations, it was reported that the
<Corporate tax reform II> might be approved and the initiative
<halt air force jet flights over tourist areas> would be clearly
rejected. However, as a matter fact in Switzerland, certainly regional differences might occur. About the
<Corporate tax reform II>, the German part supports the bill slightly
more, but the in the French part it was almost antagonized, and the Italian
part supports it by nearly 60%. The results will be reported on the evening
of the polling day, and you can see details at the website of the Federal
Information site of the Federal
Government about the polling:
【Editor's comment】
As far as concerned about the
Swiss tax system, I have thought the judgments should be made on historical
facts and the related circumstances; otherwise we would make wrong
decisions. A new law always has the character of a temporary law
considering the rights of the people based on the people's initiative.
We are intending to offer you
current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular
release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please
subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。
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