Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 96 – May 01, 2008 (Swiss Time)
【 目次 /
明子 ヒューリマン
Solidary swell
for the Swiss democracy
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
明子 ヒューリマン
弊誌Vol. 92とVol. 93 でお伝えしたスイス政界の異変は治まるどころか、益々こじれて目が離せない状況になってきた。エヴェリン・ヴィドゥマー-シュルムプフ法相誕生で起きたスイス政界の激震から100日が過ぎ、法相は今も現職に留まり職務を遂行しているのだが、再び嵐が巻き起こった。4月ツューリッヒでは恒例の春の祭典「ゼクセロイテン」が催され、ツンフトゥ(ギルド)の組合員や民族衣装を纏った子供達のパレードが日曜日に、翌月曜日には雪ダルマ「ボェーグ」の火炙りでその年の夏の天候を占う1大イヴェントがある。日曜日のパレードには各界の名士と共に連邦評議員も加わるのが通例なのだが、件のエヴェリン・ヴィドゥマー-シュルムプフ新法相は参加を見合わせると発表した。ここから新たなうねりが始まった。
Widmer-Schlumpf 法相は国営放送(SF)に記者会見の実況中継を禁じてSFを苛立たせたものだ。彼女は手段として利用されるのを嫌ったもの。殊ほど左様に、スイスの政治を取り巻く環境も様々な捩れを見せてはいるが方向性は健全で、それはあって然るべき現象と捕らえるのが自然だろう。そして、ここからが民意の見せ所だ。ついでに言うと、日本も混乱を恐れるより、スイス流民主主義を取り入れるなら、政治にもっと緊張感が生まれると思えるが。
*1) SVP(Swiss Volks Party):スイス国民党(右派)
*2) The Swiss Portal(スイス国内事情):
http://www.ch.ch/verzeichnis/index.html?lang=de&viewpage=kanton (D/F/I/R/E)
*3) ウルス・ロイトゥハルトゥ: スイス国営放送の政治討論番組
「Arena」司会者 http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urs_Leuthard
しばしばタイトルによって弊誌の内容が導かれてゆくという経験をする。そのタイトルの 因って来るところは取りも直さず、マスメディアと反応する社会のうねりの大きさによる。時に胸の熱くなる思いを共有しながら又弊誌の一文が仕上がった。
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
Solidary swell for the Swiss democracy
Akiko Hürlimann
As we reported in our magazine Vol.
92 and Vol. 93, an abnormal change in the Swiss political world has not
worked out peacefully, but now becomes even worse. The situation can't take
our eyes off. A seismic tremor of Swiss politics was caused by the birth of
Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf as justice minister; the first 100 days have past
now. The justice minister still remains in her post and continues her duty,
however a storm has blown again. There is a big event in Zurich, the Spring
festivity <Sechselaeuten> taking place every April; guild (Zunft)
people and children wearing traditional costumes participated in a parade
on Sunday, and Snowman <Boeoeg> was burned for reading the weather of
the coming summer on Monday. Many prominent people as well as Federal
Councilors used to participate on the Sunday parade, however, Eveline
Widmer-Schlumpf, justice minister informed not to take place in that event.
From that incident a new swell has started.
SVP *1), Mother party of the
justice minister, criticized her decision. The party leadership held a
meeting on April 2 and decided to tell her an ultimatum for resignation and
apostasy. Reportedly, Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf justice minister had been
faced relentless pressure, got threats, and even her life was put in peril.
At first, media criticized her decision that she kept distance from people.
Soon later, the justice minister explained about her non-participation.
"I decided not participate for holding my life dear. If I had
participated, I would have been guarded by many bodyguards, and it had cost
even CHF 200,000."
The turn of that event, people
who heightened sense of crisis started to act, that if they don’t support
justice minister now, Swiss democracy would be in danger. Former Federal
Councilors, women organizations, and political parties except SVP were
involved making a nationwide proclamation. They placed a full-page ad in
major newspapers on Friday, April 11. The title started with "Decency,
tolerance, and respect are indispensable a basic value. It concluded with
the appeal "We, women, support democratically elected and competent
woman politician Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf." Swarms of names of
supporters were published together. At the end, it called for readers to
participate in a solidarity demonstration at the Bundesplatz (Federal Square)
in Berne on the same day from 14:00 till 15:30. Media reported as headlines
that the Bundesplatz was filled with more than 10,000 people.
By the report of both days, my
heart was filled with great emotion and I was captured the attention to
them all day long. TV and radio formed special programs and I paid
attention to comments of SVP member who became an enemy role. They said if
Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf even temporarily quit the party, the present
confusion would be solved. If the justice minister did so, the party
leadership would be able to choose again their favorable Federal Councilor.
However, if their candidate were refused at the parliament, their aim would
have again failed. But justice minister clearly expressed her will that she
will neither quit her home Graubuendner SVP nor serve as Federal Councilor
with nonparty. Despite some young hard-liner in Graubuendner SVP, on the
previous day, 400 party members had a meeting in Felsberg where is the
hometown of the justice minister and confirmed the solidarity to support
her. That decision annoyed nearly all regional SVP. The majority reportedly
thinks they cannot easily eliminate Graubuendner SVP, though their feeling
hasn't been soothed yet. It seems still not yet easy to find common ground.
Through all these movements, I
wonder whether the constituency's mind might have changed, nevertheless,
recent results of local government elections showed a gaining momentum of
SVP in Schwyz, Thurgau, Uri, and Nidwalden, though those areas are
considered a traditional conservative electoral regional base. The politics
of confrontation remained unchanged. An opinion that Swiss democracy does
not tolerate a legitimately elected incumbent to call for her scrap and to
accept assertive demand of SVP, even the biggest party in parliament that
twice deselected former Blocher Federal Councilor should be replaced. The
opposite opinion is that a Federal Councilor who was elected by <enemy
parties> should get out from its own party and should set off on its own
path. Berner SVP has kept distance to that political fight so far. However,
newspapers reported on April 22 as headlines, that at last, they held a
meeting of representatives and decided to fall in line with Graubuendner
SVP. Furthermore,
among others, SVP Glarus expressed disagreement with SVP party leadership
to exclude Graubuendner SVP.
SVP reached to its initiative
to a plebiscite on June 1, for restricting acquisition of Swiss
nationality. Government and Parliament recommend voters to reject it. The
justice minister has endured enormous pressure and she clearly expressed to
be opposed to the initiative. She showed her strong mental strength like
<rare metal> despite her slender and small appearance. Increasing
cases of threat attempts on government members' life were reported. The
host of the famous TV-discussion program [Arena] Mr. Urs Leuthard will
resign this Spring. His interview was reported on major newspapers; there,
he talked what kind of pressure he received from political parties during
the past six years. On the other hand, Mrs. Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf
prohibited the Swiss TV station SF to transmit her press conference live
irritating them. She dislikes being instrumentalized. As described,
political circumstances in Switzerland show various torsions too, however,
its direction looks reasonable. We should understand that's a normal
phenomenon. Then, we should show clever mind of constituency. If I may say,
Japan should better adopt the Swiss democracy system not being afraid of
confusion, and then the politics would become more vigilant.
*1) SVP=Swiss Volks Party
*2) The Swiss Portal:
*3) Urs Leuthard: Compare of TV
discussion program [Arena] at Schweizer
Fernsehen (TV) http://www.sf.tv/sf1/arena/
【Editor's comment】
I often experienced to have
been led thorough the context of the magazine by its title. The reason for
that obviously depends on the size of swell coming from mass media and
social reactions. I occasionally share great emotion with them, and I could
complete this report again.
We are intending to offer you
current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi
lingual magazine. Irregular release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will
inform Issuing schedule. Please subscribe both mail magazines. Some
amendment can be made later.
スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。
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