Multi Lingual Internet Mail Magazine
★ jp-Swiss-journal ━ Vol. 97 – May 31, 2008 (Swiss Time)
【 目次 /
2008年6月1日 国民投票
1. 「民主的な国籍取得法」
2. 「国民の主権を守る」
3. 憲法条項
明子 ヒューリマン
National Voting
on June 01, 2008
1. <Democratic
2. <People's
sovereign instead of authority's propaganda>
3. <for
quality and cost-effectiveness in health insurance>
Akiko Hürlimann
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【日本語 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
2008年6月1日 国民投票
1. 「民主的な国籍取得法」
2. 「国民の主権を守る」
3. 憲法条項「健康保険の質と経済性向上の為」
明子 ヒューリマン
今回の国民投票は政府の説明書*1)によると、1.と 2.はいずれも右派政党で最大会派のスイス国民党(SVP)*2)の国民発議だ。 3.は連邦議会と政府の発議で、こちらは「健康保険の基本料金を低く」という国民発議に対する対案として出された。連邦政府は国民に
1.と 2.には反対を、3.は賛成票を投じるよう推奨している。5月22日付ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙*3)は調査会社<GfS>*4)による世論調査の結果を報じた。国営放送*5)
1. 「民主的な国籍取得法」
「大量帰化の阻止」をモットーに繰り広げられているスイス国民党(SVP)の「帰化」イニシアティヴ委員会*6)とこれに同調する<sifa>*7) の宣伝活動は主要紙、地方紙に度々大きく掲載されている。イニシアティヴ委員会によると、1991年に帰化した外国人は5千人レヴェルだったものが、毎年一直線に右肩上がりにその数を増やしており、2007年だけで45,000人にまで達したと主張。<sifa>とは帰化した若者の暴力や社会保障の悪用を止めさせようと活動している組織らしく、幹部には保守派の政治家、軍事・治安・国境警備・刑法の専門家等が名前を連ねている。イニシアティヴ委員会は、国籍取得は各地方自治体で判断出来る様にすべきという主張だ。
2. 「国民の主権を守る」
3. 憲法条項「健康保険の質と経済性向上の為に」
最近眼科医に行ったら待合室に、「健康保険の独裁に反対」委員会* のパンフレットが置いてあった。反対委員会は家庭医のネットワーク、歯科医師会、患者保護団体、薬局組合、消費者団体、介護職員組合、自助努力で健康問題に取組む「健康国民会議」等々で構成されている。主な主張は、「医師の選択は信頼に基づくもの、患者の自由選択に任せるべき。」とある。それに「介護は贅沢なサーヴィスではない」、更に「健康問題は健康保険の都合だけで判断されるべきではない。」という点にまとめてある。確かに、医師の選択が自分の自由意志で出来る現在の制度は患者にとって欠くべからざるものだと思う。筆者も今のホームドクターになるまでに何件かの医院を渡り歩いた。眼科医も歯科医も地理的経済的な理由で変えたが、医師との相性も無視出来ない要素だ。いずれにせよ、健康保険は莫大な財源が必要で今後益々増大するのは誰もが承知の事実だ。だから予防医療で医療費を抑制するのが望ましい。それに個人として出来る自助努力はせっせと心掛けることにしよう。
*1) 連邦政府の国民投票関連サイト
*2) スイス国民党(右派)/SVP(Swiss Volks Party) http://www.svp.ch/
*3) ターゲス・アンツァイガー紙 http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/
*4) 調査会社<GfS.Bern> http://www.gfsbern.ch/ (D/F/E)
*5) スイス国営放送 http://www.srg-ssr.ch/
*6) 「帰化」イニシアティヴ委員会
*7) «sifa – SICHERHEIT FÜR
ALLE» (みんなの安全)
*8) SF(スイス国営放送)
*9) 「健康保険の独裁に反対」委員会
The Swiss Portal(スイス国内事情):
□━━━━━━━━━━━━━━【 English 】━━━━━━━━━━━━━━□
National Voting on June 01, 2008
1. <Democratic naturalization>
2. <People's sovereign instead of authorities propaganda>
3. <For quality and cost-effectiveness in health
Akiko Hürlimann
According to the Government's
brochure *1) about national polling of June 01, 2008; number 1 and number 2
are people's initiative bills by the Swiss Volks Party *2) which is right
wing and the biggest party in the Federal Parliament. Number 3 is a
counterproposal presented by the Federal Government and the Parliament
against the people's initiative for <lower health insurance premiums in
the basic insurance>. The Federal Government suggested people to vote
<NO> for bill 1 and bill 2; and <YES> for bill 3. The newspaper
<Tages-Anzeiger> *3) reported the result of an opinion survey on May 22, 2008. The survey was conducted by the market (polling) research
institute <GfS> (*4) by order of the state-run broadcasting station
(*5). The survey showed none of the bills would have chance to get the
people's approval.
1. <Democratic
The <naturalization>
initiative committee *6) of the SVP with the motto <stop massive
naturalization>, and <sifa>*7) which is in tune with, are very
active with their advertisements on the newspapers. According to figures by
the Initiative Committee, the number of naturalized citizens was at around
5,000 people in the year 1991; its number has increased by now as straight
as an arrow. The Committee alleges that the number of naturalized people
had reached 45,000 persons only in the year 2007. <Sifa> is an organization
with the objectives to block violence and misuse of the social security
system by naturalized young people. Their listed executive members are
conservative politicians, specialists in fields such as military, security,
border security, and penal law. The Initiative Committee claims that
nationalization should be judged on a commune level.
About that matter, a TV debate
with former legal minister Blocher against his <enemy> incumbent
justice minister Widmer-Schlumpf drew sensational public attention at the
evening of May 16, 2008.
Major newspapers declared justice minister Widmer-Schlumpf the winner with
her cool-headed, undaunted, and flowing arguments. Whereas about Mr.
Blocher, they reported that he had changed his hairstyle. It was poked fun
at Mr. Blocher's debate; he ignored often the determent of the talk show's
host and rushed forward with bristled hair. The talk show <Arena>
video is still available at the website of SF *8); you can rarely see such
an exciting battle. The incumbent justice minister's drift of an argument
is that there is no need to introduce a new law, but the present federal,
prefecture and communal laws are sufficient. Opposition groups against the
bill also advocated that if the matter is deferred to the community's
arbitrary decision, a law-governed country does not work any more.
2. <People's sovereign
instead of authorities propaganda>
This title of people's
initiative is called in another word the <Muzzle Initiative>. The opinion
(matter) is, that on the occasion of national polling, as soon as the
parliamentary discussion had finished, the Government and bureaucrats
should be allowed only the preparation of the explanatory leaflet. Other
political propaganda should be banned; putting them a muzzle. This is a
claim for a pure people's sovereignty indeed. Whereas the opposition says,
that responsible authorities should explain the citizens thoroughly and
join the discussion in order to make efforts for deepening their understanding.
However, information should be objective, transparent, and relative.
Actually, if the objectives and explanation of policy leaders are not well
informed, the press cannot report properly. If so, the citizens would be
unable to make their decisions, and the value of national voting might be
lost. Middle-of-the-road and left wing parties hold political power and
control, so the SVP seems to be struggled to realize their opinion.
3. <For quality and
cost-effectiveness in health insurance>
Recently, I went to see my eye
doctor where I found a leaflet by the opponent committee with the slogan
<No, against health insurance dictatorship> in the waiting room. The
family doctors network, dentists association, patient's protection
organization, pharmacy association, consumer organization, care specialists
organization, and the health league conference form the Committee. The
health league conference acts for the self-help endeavor. Their main
affirmation is summarized, as "the selection of a doctor is a matter
of trust, so it should be left up to the patient". Besides, "Care
is not a luxury thing", furthermore, "Health matter shouldn't be
judged simply in favor of health insurance". Actually, I also changed
my family doctor sometimes until to the present doctor. Besides, I changed
my eye doctor and dentist too due to geographical and economical reasons;
however, to have a good <chemistry> (relationship) with your doctor
is not a negligible factor. Anyway, everybody knows well that health
insurances need enormous funds and the cost will continuously increase in
the future. Therefore, I think preventive care such as alternative
healthcare is accepted certainly as a favorable system in order to
contribute to saving medical cost. I also try to do self-help endeavor.
As polling day is coming soon,
I found that the initiative committees' exploitation campaign are getting
active, however, the proportion of the number of SVP parliament members and
the said opinion research of pros and cons is exactly synchronized. The SVP
is the biggest party in the parliament, however, still has only one third
of the power. Their power is still beyond the solidarity of the
middle-of-the-road and left wing parties. But, it depends on the relation
with the EU and the international society; that balance might be gradually
changed. My personal impression, so far Switzerland was quite generous in accepting foreigners compared to Japan. As long as I live in Switzerland, I have to keep my eyes to the politics what's going on.
*1) Information site of the
Federal Government about the polling:
*2) SVP(Swiss Volks
Party) http://www.svp.ch/
*3) Tages-Anzeiger
*4) <GfS.Bern>
http://www.gfsbern.ch/ (D/F/E)
*5) Swiss National Broadcasting
*6) Initiative Committee of
<naturalization> http://www.einbuergerungen.ch/
*7) ≪sifa ?
SICHERHEIT FUR ALLE≫ (Security for all)
*8) SF Video file
TV discussion program
<Arena> May 16, 2008
Blocher against Widmer-Schlumpf:
*9) 「No for
Health Insurance dictatorship」Committee
The Swiss Portal:
【Editor's comment】
The TV discussion program
<Arena> of May 16, 2008,
Blocher against Widmer-Schlumpf was mainly talked in Swiss German, but even
you do not understand the language well, the discussion is quite exciting.
The debate was heated, even the smart program host had to break into
debaters. But, I was simply marveled by the fast-talking of the attendants.
<Arena> imitated an ancient Roman fighting arena by a verbal battle
indeed. Please see the polling results at the website of Federal Government
We are intending to offer you
current topics, based on Switzerland and Japan with global view as a multi lingual magazine. Irregular
release: Weekly Swiss News Headlines will inform Issuing schedule. Please
subscribe both mail magazines. Some amendment can be made later.
スイスと日本を基点にグローバルな視点で、ニュース性に重点を置きながら、適宜日英独仏語の多言語でお届けします。不定期発行: 発行案内はWeekly Swiss News Headlines からも随時お知らせしますので、両誌共にご愛読お願い致します。 後日修正が加えられる場合があります。
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