Many tags do not have to be closed such as the <P> tag and the <li>
tag. Why is it important to have an opening and a closing tag when using STYLES?
The end Tag tells the Browser when to end
the specified style.
What is an inline style? Please provide and example. That
is a style that is written within the text of the body of the document.
<h2 style="color: green;">This is an inline style</h2>
</body> result
What is a document level style? Please provide and example. This
is a style that is written in the head of the document and applies to the
whole document. The project assignment is an example
of this.
What is a linked style? Please provide an example. This
is when you have code in the head of the document that links to an external
style sheet (or separate document). Example of code in the head of the document:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="format.css"> document example css example
What is the advantage to having linked style sheets as opposed to to inline
styles or document level styles? With a linked style
sheet, if you want to change something for the entire web site, you only have
to change it in the style sheet document. With inline or document level, you
have to go to each page and make the change.
What does the Cascade refer to in Cascading Style Sheets? That
is the ability to use more than one style sheet in a given web site. The first
one might apply to the whole web site and the second might apply to just a
few pages of the site. The second style sheet rules would override the first
one for those particular pages.
What effect will this coding create if applied to the <h1> tag?