the ultimate link collection

  Search no further. Your quest for the ultimate truth has ended. Forget verything you have ever seen, read, heard or learnt, for all links that you will ever need in your life and beyond are on this page.

And please remember, that in contrast to other leading link collections on the internet, these links are absolutely free.

Continue in peace and remember to recommend this free service to your friends.

Visitors to these websites are warned that the opinions represented are ill-informed and miguided unless they agree with my own. They are furthermore warned that attemts by the authors of these websites to refute or reverse this statement are to be interpreted as proof of the misguidedness of their opinions.

Opinions which agree with my own, however, are proof of the greatness of spirit and wholistic vision of the truth the authors of these websites have.

A-G | H-Qr | Qs-Th | Ti-Zc | Zd-Zl | Zm-ZZf | Zzg-Zzz | other links | back to my homepage

NOTE: Specific links to the following subjects are available from specific websites.

A-G Access denied
A link to the website of Marcel Bamert
Altavista (com)
Altavista (de)
BAMERT - Marcel (website of)
Datacomm - mail
H-Qr Homepage of Marcel Bamert
Link to Marcel Bamert's website
Marcel Bamert's website
Marcel Bamert (website of)
my website on geocities
the home of Palarran
other links
Qs-Th surf.agri.ch/maese
The official website of Marcel Bamert.
The website of Marcel Bamert.
Ti-Zc top of this page
Yahoo - mail
Walking Tree Publishers
Walking Tree Publishers on geocities
Website of Marcel Bamert

  other links

many links concerned with subjects discussed on these pages are not listed here. Please refer to the individual links pages of these sections. These are:

classic mac links
Polybahn links
Tolkien page with links
Tintin links (to be done)
tram (general) links
tram in Freiburg links
tram in Zürich links (to be done)
Walking Tree Publishers links

last updated 14.03.02.
links checked 14.11.99.
mailto: shadowfax@datacomm.ch
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