of the maintainer of these pages
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The ramblings of this page are to describe current developments on this website and how I wish to develop it further. More detailed information on individual modifications and additions is traced on my what's new page. This ramblings page won't be updated quite as often, and will be more geared towards the general direction these pages are taking.
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23.11.99 -- state of the website
 In the (almost) 5 months since I began developing this site I have managed to gain some idea of what I intend to achieve, even if I have only managed small steps towards actually getting there.
The first area developed was that of the Walking Tree Publishers. The Walking Tree Publishers are a publishing group of which I am a founding member which was hatched under the wings of the Swiss Tolkien Society, Eredain. It had long been decided that I would design a website to help market their books. Well, as things often go, I didn't quite manage to have anything online for the first book, but I made it for the second. Initially, the site was to have been in the webspace of Patrick Näf, who also maintains the Eredain website. We decided, however, to transfer it to my webspace. The reasons for this were: (1) this had not existed previously (2) it is more practical for me to access and make changes. After a series of initial re-adjustments, the website of the Walking Tree Publishers is largely complete. The remaining priorities are to gain more links to this site from relevant Tolkien websites. Although sales on the whole have been good, business generated through the website has remained disappointing.
The Walking Tree Publishers' website can alternatively be accessed through Laketown Publishers. For historical reasons, some people know us better under this name.
Following this, I added a Tolkien page of my own, the Shadowfax Pastures. I don't yet know how I will develop this site further. I may post some of the articles I have published in the Agalared (magazine of the Eredain).
I then turned my back on Tolkien related pages for a while and added a page on Tintin. This page is also available in French. I intend to add to this. Probably next in line for this site will be an illustrated report on a visit I made to Nyon in search of the house of Prof. Topolino, and other scenes from The Calculus Affair.
On a different line again, I created my tram website. This will ultimately be a collection of personal impressions, facts, pictures and links on trams, especially those in Freiburg and Zürich. The most developed of these at present is Freiburg, where a number of pictures have been added to the text of the index page. The tram site also has a guestbook and is part of, or hopefully soon to become part of two webrings.
Yet to be developed are pages on classic Macintosh computers and the Newton PDA.
Check "what's new?" for a day to day (almost, sometimes) update on developments.