Ham/2, Amateur Radio, OS/2 and eComStation

OS/2 enabled Hams
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Started May 15, 2000 (by Paul Davidson, VE3UUM). Last update April 17, 2002 (by Thomas Frey, HB9SKA)

I have found that many Amateurs have submitted information for the Ham/2 page but have the idea that they are the only Amateurs that use OS/2. This list is here to disprove this idea.

If you would like to be on the list, send an e-mail with your name, callsign, version of OS/2 that you use along with a short comment and I will post your info here. Please note that because of privacy concerns, I will only post E-mail addresses if you explicitly ask me to do so. Also added on May 21, 2000 a line for your AX.25 packet address so if you want that posted please drop me a line.

Some users have noted a personal web page of interest, I have now tried to include those. If I missed anybody's page please send me another e-mail.

Stations are listed in order of entry to the web page. Oldest first, newest last.

OS/2 Enabled Hams

  1. Callsign: VE3UUM
    Name: Paul Davidson
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Warp4 Fix13 and Warp 3 Fix 40
    Comment: I'm Microsoft free!
    E-mail: vd7xo3w001@sneakemail.com
    AX.25 Packet: VE3UUM@VE3HQR.#ECON.ON.CA.NA

  2. Callsign: VE3BZY
    Name: Richard Hobson
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Warp3 fix 40 and Warp 4
    Comment: OS/2 a stable friend, a Thoroughbred
    E-mail: ve3bzy@rac.ca
    AX.25 Packet:

  3. Callsign: N7HIT
    Name: John Drabik
    OS/2 Version: Multiple Machines (Warp 3 &4)
    Comment: OS/2 is still the best
    E-mail: jdrabik@xmission.com
    AX.25 Packet:

  4. Callsign: N3JJA
    Name: Jim Nuytens
    OS/2 Version: Warp 4 and FP 12
    Comment: We need more Java-based Ham apps
    E-mail: n3jja@csi.com
    AX.25 Packet:

  5. Callsign: WA3FIB
    Name: Albert Schwartz
    OS/2 Version: I have used OS/2 Warp 3\4 fer Years
    E-mail: aldel@attglobal.net
    AX.25 Packet:

  6. Callsign: KC5VSU
    Name: Sue Ann Delk
    OS/2 Version: Warp 4 FP12
    Comment: Why would you use anything else?
    AX.25 Packet:

  7. Callsign: KC5VQH
    Name: Allan Hall
    OS/2 Version: 3 Warp 4 machines, FP12
    Comment: Why would you use anything else?
    AX.25 Packet:

  8. Callsign: KC5MLE
    Name: Scott Lambert
    OS/2 Version: 3 connect, 4 FP 12, 3 server, and 3 advanced SMP
    Comment: In Russellville, AR
    E-mail: slambert@os2warp.org
    AX.25 Packet:

  9. Callsign: VE3FAM
    Name: Frank McKnight
    OS/2 Version: I currently run WARP Connect , WARP 4 and Warp Server for E-Business on a variety of Machines from a 486 -33 to a Huge ALR 6 Processor PPro 200 MHz Server.
    Comment: I have been using OS/2 since version 2.0 back as far as 1992. In all its years of service to me, OS/2 has proved to be the most stable and productive OS around.
    E-mail: paragon@ntl.sympatico.ca
    AX.25 Packet:

  10. Callsign: LU8EYW
    Name: Guillermo G. Lloréns
    OS/2 Version: Using wonderful Warp (3 since 1996 until 1998, 4 since 1998 until now, FP10)
    Comment: 73's & DX from Martinez, Buenos Aires
    E-mail: nagato@arnet.com.ar
    AX.25 Packet:

  11. Callsign: WD8DJB
    Name: Dave Johnson
    OS/2 Version: Warp4 FP 12 at home and work
    Comment: OS/2 Application Programmer since Version 2
    E-mail: wd8djb@arrl.net
    AX.25 Packet:

  12. Callsign: VA7PB
    Name: Phil Baker
    OS/2 Version: Currently running Warp 4.0 FP13
    Comment: OS/2 has been running here 24/7 at VE7BPH since ver 2.1
    E-mail: pbaker@jetstream.net
    AX.25 Packet:

  13. Callsign: KB9REO
    Name: Jim Lattis
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Warp 4
    Comment: have been using OS/2 for home and office since ver. 1.2
    AX.25 Packet:

  14. Callsign: K2ASP
    Name: Phil Kane
    OS/2 Version: WARP 4 FP 12 on a Celeron/350
    Comment: Ham since 1952 OS/2 User since 1992
    E-mail: k2asp@arrl.net
    AX.25 Packet:

  15. Callsign: VE3SJV
    Name: John Lindsay
    OS/2 Version: EcomStation (networked)
    Comment: Have been using Warp since 95 and find it to be the most stable OS I have ever used
    E-mail: jclind@sentex.net
    AX.25 Packet:

  16. Callsign: VE3TJD
    Name: Tedd Doda
    OS/2 Version: I have 2 Warp4 machines, one Warp Server machine
    Comment: Have been running FBB packet software under Warp 3/4 for over 5 years, and using OS/2 since 2.0. I just laugh at the Windows guys (what's a crash!!).
    E-mail: ve3tjd@rac.ca
    AX.25 Packet: va3sed@va3sed.#swon.on.can.noam (DOS FBB under W4)
    ve3sed@ve3sed.#swon.on.can.noam (Linux box, telnet forwarding only)

  17. Callsign: VE2MXO
    Name: Michel Ouellet
    OS/2 Version: WarpServer for e-Business
    Comment: From 1.2 to 4.5 non-stop
    E-mail: ve2mxo@amsat.org
    AX.25 Packet:

  18. Callsign: G3RXS
    Name: Bill Scarlett
    OS/2 Version:
    Comment: Program call to load Windows- "Here_piggy_piggy_piggy"
    E-mail: bill@eldwick.u-net.com
    AX.25 Packet: G3RXS@GB7KLY

  19. Callsign: DL3SDW / KC2ELI
    Name: Oliver A. Durm
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Version: WARP4 + FixPack 10
    Comment: have been using OS/2 since V2.0. It is still the best OS.
    E-mail: dl3sdw@amsat.org
    Website: http://www.durm.org
    AX.25 Packet: DL3SDW@DB0LX.#BW.DEU.EU

  20. Callsign: G0RGJ
    Name: Roger Provins
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Version Warp4 FP12
    Comment: Been using OS/2 since 2.1
    E-mail: rogprov@aol.com
    AX.25 Packet: G0RGJ@GB7GLO, TCPIP Packet: g0rgj@g0rgj.ampr.org

  21. Callsign: HB9SKA
    Name: Thomas Frey
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Version: Warp 4.5 (FP 15)
    Comment: I use the best OS also with Odin to test Win32 HAM-Soft.
    E-mail: hb9ska@amsat.org
    Website: http://home.datacomm.ch/th.frey/
    AX.25 Packet: HB9SKA@HB9PD.CHE.EU

  22. Callsign: W8JG
    Name: John Gallucci
    OS/2 Version: Warp 4 w/ FP12
    Comment: Great operating system, been using OS/2 since 1992
    E-mail: j2@kokosing-inc.com
    AX.25 Packet:

  23. Callsign: VE7LDB
    Name: David Butt
    OS/2 Version: Warp 4 FP 11
    Comment: Upgraded from DOS 5 to OS/2 Warp 3 and haven't looked back!
    E-mail: dfbutt@bulkley.net
    AX.25 Packet:

  24. Callsign: VE7CJA
    Name: Jim Custy
    OS/2 Version:
    Comment: I'm not active on ham radio at present due to a variety of reasons but I use OS/2 Warp 4 for business and pleasure exclusively. I was on packet for awhile years ago.
    AX.25 Packet:

  25. Callsign: KB7NMU
    Name: Chris Kennedy
    OS/2 Version: Warp 4 fp13
    Comment: Don't work much with radio, but always working with OS/2
    E-mail: kb7nmu@home.com
    AX.25 Packet:

  26. Callsign: DG5MKI
    Name: Juergen Dankoweit
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Warp4 Fix6, Warp-Server
    Comment: I'm Microsoft free! Writing Apps for OS/2-Hams (WeatherFax,TRX-Control)
    E-mail: Juergen.Dankoweit@T-Online.de
    Website: home.t-online.de/~Juergen.Dankoweit
    AX.25 Packet:

  27. Callsign: IK3OIJ
    Name: Pietro Canevarolo
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 sinc v. 1.2 now Warp 4.0 fp 12
    Comment: Not very active this year, but who knows?
    AX.25 Packet:

  28. Callsign: PA0SHY
    Name: Sjoerd Ypma
    OS/2 Version: Warp 4 fixpack 12; runs on a P133 with 72 Mb RAM
    Comment: I use it for already some years to hook on to a DX-cluster via NOS; it never fails !
    AX.25 Packet:

  29. Callsign: K5ZT
    OS/2 Version: OS2 VERSION: WARP 4 FP13
    AX.25 Packet:

  30. Callsign: KA9LXP
    Name: Mark Brueggemann
    OS/2 Version: Running Warp 4 on the home and work desktops, plus a ThinkPad
    Comment: President, OS/2 User's Group of New Mexico Started with OS/2 2.0 in 1992, been MS free ever since.
    E-mail: ka9lxp@arrl.net
    Website: www.qsl.net/ka9lxp
    AX.25 Packet:

  31. Callsign: VK3ALE
    Name: Paul Girling
    OS/2 Version: I'm now using Warp4 fixpack 12.
    Comment: Been using OS/2 for 3 years. Started with 2.1 Did use LINUX for about a year but use OS/2 exclusively now. PC here is P166, 32meg RAM. Main interests in radio are packet, SWL, weatherfax, weathersats and HF propagation. Help run the Moorabbin and District Radio Club wormhole. (thats in Melbourne, AUSTRALIA folks!).
    E-mail: pgirling@netspace.net.au
    AX.25 Packet: vk3ale@vk3apc.ampr.org

  32. Callsign: S57HCY
    Name: Kreso
    OS/2 Version: WSeB
    Comment: OS/2 user since 1.3. Used for everything. Only usable OS today.
    E-mail: kbuben@canberra.com
    AX.25 Packet:

  33. Callsign: DH0DZ
    Name: Dieter Wachsmuth
    OS/2 Version: Warp 4 FP12
    Comment: Looking for a OS/2 SSTV-program. Any chance?
    E-mail: 101.199579@gno.de
    AX.25 Packet:

  34. Callsign: KL7JL
    Name: John Stannard
    OS/2 Version: Warp3/4
    Comment: IP Address Coord. for Alaska; running full-service JNos BBS/tcp node on 145.01, 147.96, 3.605, 14.098
    E-mail: stannard@alaska.net
    AX.25 Packet: KL7JL@KL7JL.AK.USA.NOAM; kl7jl.ampr.org []

  35. Callsign: KG4GZG
    Name: Andrew Barbour
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Warp 4 fixpack 12
    AX.25 Packet:

  36. Callsign: KI7RW
    Name: Lee Roberts
    OS/2 Version: I have been using OS/2 Warp 3 for many years. I'm planning on upgrading to Warp 4 by ordering from Indelible-Blue on July 3, 2000. I maintain OS/2 version 1.3 at work and it is very stable, also.
    Comment: I'm using the OS/2 Boot Manager since I need to run Windows NT Workstation, also, since my computer science course is Windows (32-bit) based
    E-mail: ki7rw@arrl.net
    Website: http://www.scottsbluff.net/~ki7rw/mypage.html
    AX.25 Packet:

  37. Callsign: DL4BAP
    Name: Charly
    OS/2 Version: Warp 3 with Fixpak 35 and Warp 4 with Fixpak 8
    Comment: I'm use OS/2 to 80 %. Started to use Linux Suse last year
    E-mail: dl4bap@on-line.de
    AX.25 Packet:

  38. Callsign: KB6LWN [CM88]
    Name: Bruce
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Warp v3 Connect (Red)
    Comment: I *AM* where I want to go today...
    Website: http://www.qsl.net/kb6lwn
    AX.25 Packet: kb6lwn@solake.ampr.org []

  39. Callsign: KC2GMW
    Name: Ramsay D. Seielstad
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Warp4
    Comment: I'm Microsoft free since 1989 and a newly sheepskined swine!! Tried & True OS/2 Blue since 1989.
    E-mail: mrhuey@worldnet.att.net
    AX.25 Packet: kc2gmw @ N2TY.FN32BQ.NY.USA.NA

  40. Callsign: HG1DFB
    Name: Biro Tamas
    OS/2 Version:
    Comment: OS/2 'fanatic' user from 2.11 :-), Now I wait for eComStation and if arrive I will upgrade immediately.
    E-mail: hg1dfb@freemail.hu , birot@swi.hu
    Website: http://w3.swi.hu/birot/index.html
    AX.25 Packet:

  41. Callsign: WA1ZRI
    Name: Roger Ward
    OS/2 Version: 3.0
    Comment: I have been an OS/2 user since 1.3. I currently run 3.0 and expect to upgrade to 4.0 in the next few months.
    E-mail: WA1ZRI@arrl.net
    AX.25 Packet:

  42. Callsign: N9OO
    Name: Don Buska
    OS/2 Version: 2 Warp 4 machines, one at work and one in the ham shack at home.
    Comment: My webpage http://www.qsl.net/n9oo was written exclusively using Homepage Publisher for OS/2 (great program). Been using OS/2 since version 2.0, currently only one using it here at work (NT Network - WIN office), do have a WIN98 system here for those needs that can't be addressed by OS/2 (only 2% of the time for special database application apps). Although, I do display my WIN98 laptops screen on the OS/2 machine using VNC!
    E-mail: n9oo@qsl.net
    Website: http://www.qsl.net/n9oo
    AX.25 Packet:

  43. Callsign: N5ARW
    Name: James True
    OS/2 Version: 4
    Comment: I have been using OS/2 as my main operating system, both in ham radio and my business since V1.2. I run Warp 4 on all my machines now.
    AX.25 Packet:

  44. Callsign: PA0HWN
    Name: Johan van der Houwen
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Warp4 (V2.4.5) next is eCs
    Comment: OS/2 since V1.3 (mostly programming in assembler)
    E-mail: javdhwn@attglobal.net
    AX.25 Packet:

  45. Callsign: WB9ZPH
    Name: Janet Gobeille Crenshaw
    OS/2 Version: OS/2 Warp4
    Comment: I maintain the Garland Amateur Radio Club website: http://www.qsl.net/garc/. Will be using OS/2 for a packet station
    E-mail: janet11@airmail.net
    Website: http://web2.airmail.net/gerryc
    AX.25 Packet:

  46. Callsign: KG4MVC
    Name: Steve Hobbie
    OS/2 Version: WARP 4 FP15
    Comment: HPFS and REXX, Solid.
    AX.25 Packet:

  47. Callsign: WA4ZLW
    Name: Leon D Zetekoff
    OS/2 Version: WSeB + ACP, Warp 4.0 + FP15(?)
    E-mail: wa4zlw@wr4ayc.org
    AX.25 Packet: (currently offline)

  48. Callsign: 4N4DA
    Name: Sinisa Pavlovic
    OS/2 Version: Warp 4 FP14, soon to be 15 though
    Comment: Not very active last several years, but hope to improve. :-)
    E-mail: 4n4da@qsl.net
    AX.25 Packet: (Not yet, hope that our packet network will improve in 2002)

  49. Callsign: KB8POA
    Name: Walter Gunstrom
    OS/2 Version: 2.1, Warp 3 & 4
    Comment: I've been running my MFNOS BBS and Convers server under OS/2 2.1 for almost four years now. In that time, the box has not crashed once!! I also run Warp 3 & 4 on some other boxes around the house.
    E-mail: kb8poa@k2mf.intac.com
    AX.25 Packet: kb8poa@w8hhf.#nwoh.oh.usa.noam (kb8poa@bbs.kb8poa.ampr.org on AmprNet)

  50. Callsign: KG4RRH
    Name: Mike Stilz
    OS/2 Version: 4.51 (eCS)
    Comment: QTH is Lexington KY. USA
    E-mail: kg4rrh@qsl.net
    Website: http://www.qsl.net/kg4rrh
    AX.25 Packet:

  51. Callsign: N7NVI
    Name: Kent Hunter
    OS/2 Version:
    Comment: os2 user for over 5 years. QTH; Honolulu, HI
    E-mail: N7NVI@cs.com
    AX.25 Packet:



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