Two weeks in Umbria

Visit to Perugia, since the beginning of history the most important town of Umbria:

In Perugia we have a long visit (with an unexpected guide) to the "Museo Nazionale dell'Umbria"; where they expose many wonderful examples of the works by regional artists, such as Il Perugino, Il Pinturicchio, Duccio di Boninsegna, Piero della Francesca, from the XIII to the XV century. 


Two exemples by Il Perugino:


This painting was made by Piero della Francesca.


That's another work by Piero della Francesca; here below there is a detail of the top of the painting, that shows the first studies of perspective in Italian paintings:

A list of Italian painters:

Could we miss to find a brewery? we have a simple dinner at "Il Birraio", where the 2 beers are nice but too warm; they're a bottom fermented blond pilsner and an amber pilsner.

In the evening we can walk around and listen to the Umbria Jazz Festival, with many international artists playing in the squares of Perugia: