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Contents: About these links Commercial links Links to non-commercial book and publication sites Links to Tolkien related sites of linguistic or literary interest Links to Tolkien societies and organisations Links to Tolkien events Tolkien in the cinema Important lists of Tolkien links Tolkien webrings Tolkien mailing lists and online discussion forums Other Tolkien links Links to other sites connected with our authors or content comments, suggestions etc. How do I get my site listed on this page? About these links This list is intentionally kept restrictive. There are many good collections of Tolkien links on the net, and there is little point in us duplicating them here. Websites on this page are websites of people or organsiations:
How do I get my site listed on this page? -->top of page Commercial links: For good Tolkienia retailers, we recommend those on the "Where can I buy these products?" page. -->top of page Links to non-commercial book and publication sites: TolkBiB.de is striving to list all books published by or about J.R.R. Tolkien. There are now more than 300 books, audio books, radio plays, calendars, diaries, postcard books and poster books in the database. The site offers the discussion of books in individual message boards for each book and allows visitors to comment on the editions. -->top of page Links to Tolkien related sites of linguistic or literary interest: Ardalambion. The most comprehensive site about Tolkien's invented languages that you are likely to find on the net. Includes biblical translations! -->top of page Links to Tolkien societies and organisations: Visit the Swiss Tolkien Society (Eredain), of which we of the Walking Tree Publishers are all members, and to whom we are closely connected. Società Tolkieniana Svizzera. Arda Online at Parish's Garden. Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft (in German). Heren Istarion, The New York Tolkien Society. The Tolkien Society (UK) The Philippine Tolkien Society -->top of page Links to Tolkien events: Oxonmoot (or, "Let's meet in Oxford in September") is probably the biggest and most significant annual Tolkien event. Mittelerdefest, a 4 day Tolkien event in two mediaevil castles in Leuk Switzerland 8-11 August 2002. -->top of page Tolkien in the cinema: The Hobbit Movie. Now that The Lord of the Rings is such a success in the cinema, how about filming The Hobbit? This website will tell you more about this interesting prospect. You can also sign a petition to make it happen! -->top of page Important lists of Tolkien links: The One Ring is currently the most authoritative and complete collection of Tolkien links. The collection grows continually, and is tidily maintained, with dead links being removed on a regular basis. Links are ordered by useful categories. The Cave of Lost Scrolls, A Tolkien Website Directory. LoTROnline, has an extensive link collection. Eric Lippert in Canada maintains an extensive, structured and very useful list of Tolkien links. This is a good starting place for exploring the numerous Tolkien sites on the web, and a good place to come back to, but, unfortunately, appears not to have been maintained for some time. -->top of page Tolkien webrings: The Inklings Webring connects websites dealing with the Inklings, especially J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis and Charles Williams. The Lord of the Rings Webring. The Tolkien Webring. Die Gefährten, a German language Tolkien webring. -->top of page Tolkien mailing lists and online discussion forums: Elfish Linguistics Mailing List (elfling). Sensible JRRT Fantasy List. Tolkien and the Inklings (formerly: The White Council). Michael Martinez's discussion forum. LoTROnline, has active discussion forums. The Tolkien Language List. -->top of page Other Tolkien links: Rolozo Tolkien. The Hobbit Hole. -->top of page Links to other sites connected with our authors or content: The Charles Williams Society. Middle-earth: the Wizards Special Interest Group of the Swiss Tolkien Society. -->top of page Comments, suggestions etc. If you find that any of these links are incorrect, or have any comments or suggestions concerning this page or site, please contact the maintainer. How do I get my site listed on this page? To get your site listed, please write to us. A return link would be greatly appreciated. Please link to: http://go.to/walkingtree links checked 13.03.01 counter added 13.12.99 |