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Jena, December 2001, | |
Call for papers Walking Tree Publishers is planning the publication of volume 4 in the Cormarë Series with the (provisional) title Translating Tolkien - Tolkien as Translator. The volume is dedicated to the critical discussion of translations of Tolkien's work all over the world and to Tolkien's own published translations from Middle English (Pearl, Sir Orfeo, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight). Length: Each essay may contain 10'000 to 12'500 words (or about 46'000 to 57'500 characters, or c. 20-25 pages). Deadline: The deadline for handing in the papers is 2 September 2002. Format: Contributors will be sent a style sheet in due time. I use Microsoft Word (Mac or PC) and would be grateful if you handed in the paper as a Word-readable file. Potential contributors are kindly asked to submit a brief outline to the correspondence address below. Correspondence address and coordination: PD Dr. Thomas Honegger Chair for Medieval Studies Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Ernst-Abbe Platz 8 D-07743 Jena Germany Email: t.m.honegger@swissonline.ch Wæs þu hæl! counter added: 04.12.01 |