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Cormarë Series

Tales of Yore

  title availability price per unit price per unit if 5 or more bought at same time notes

Cormarë Series

Cormarë 5 Tolkien through Russian Eyes. available

25 Sfr 20 Sfr  
Cormarë 4 Tolkien in Translation. available

25 Sfr 20 Sfr  
Cormarë 3 Four Christian Fantasists: A Study of the Fantastic Writings of George MacDonald, Charles Williams, C.S.Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. available

25 Sfr 20 Sfr  
Cormarë 2 Root and Branch - Approaches towards Understanding Tolkien available

25 Sfr 20 Sfr  
Cormarë 1 News from the Shire and Beyond - Studies on Tolkien out of print 30 Sfr 25 Sfr  

Tales of Yore

Tales of Yore 2 Wilmot's Very Strange Stone available

40 Sfr 35 Sfr 2CDs + book
Tales of Yore 1 The Terror of Tatty Walk available

30 Sfr 25 Sfr CD + book

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out of print: Volumes which are out of print may still be available from some retailers. Reprinting is possible in case of sufficient interest.

coming soon: Not yet produced, but reservations can already be accepted.

CD + book: Price for CD with booklet, items cannot be sold separately.

this page last updated 23.11.01
counter added 13.12.99