Volts in the Voltahalle...(2)

Click on the photos for bigger picture. 
Some technical details of the Voltahalle setup. Most of the pictures were taken by coiler friend Stefan Kluge, who kindly made them available to me.

Control box and some other details of the setup

194'004 bytes

52'261 bytes
Control Cabinet  
42'234 bytes

20'192 bytes

Filter & 100A Relays
73'100 bytes

49'948 bytes

Caps & Gap
47'188 bytes

Spark shielding...
84'424 bytes

Grounding sticks
55'132 bytes

Grounding the Caps
71'010 bytes

Some detailed pictures of  my 3000 RPM / 200BPS  SRSG (= Synchronous Rotary Spark Gap)

46'548 bytes
SRSG detail
40'234 bytes

Inserting SRSG
44'891 bytes

 SRSG in position
47'994 bytes

SRSG spinning
35'988 bytes

SRSG Electrode detail
20'015 bytes

SRSG Safetygap
39'133 bytes
Click, in order
to see more
about my SRSG

Martin Damev's Asynchronous Rotary Spark Gap and Lasertransformer

Martin's ASRSG.
54'554 bytes

ASRSG detail
57'167 bytes
This ASRSG was
used in the DC
charging experiments
and with Andi's TC
see at  Voltahalle 3

Martin's Laser-xfmr
36'817 byte

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