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Translating Tolkien - Tolkien as Translator (2) Cormarë Series No. 6. The Walking Tree Publishers are pleased to announce that a follow up volume of Translating Tolkien is planned. Watch this space for more news! Provisional list of contributors in alphabetical order (February 03): Translating Tolkien (Cormarë Series 5, planned publication spring 2004) Marcel Buelles (Germany): On the German translation Vincent Ferré (France): The movie - some comments. Mike Foster (USA): The movie adaptation Thomas Honegger (Germany/Switzerland): Tolkien and the Web of Languages Mark Hooker (USA): A Dutch Samizdat Edouard Kloczko (France): Tolkien's 'translator-persona' in the LotR Rainer Nagel (Germany): Translating Names (esp. into German) Danny Orbach (Israel): The Israeli Translation controversy - What about and where to? Diego Segui (Argentina): A Translating Experience: The Adventures of Tom Bombadil into Spanish Richard Sturch (Great Britain): The Latin Tolkien René van Rossenberg (The Netherlands): On the Dutch translation(s) of LotR / The Hobbit. Christian Weichmann (Germany): How modern is Middle-Earth - A new German translation for a new century? | ||
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