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Cormarë Series.
Tales of Yore.
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Tolkien Through Russian Eyes is now available!!!
Read the abstracts ...
Translating Tolkien is now available!!!
Read the abstracts ...
Website news
24.02.03: updated page for Translating Tolkien.
17.02.03: Translating Tolkien - Tolkien as Tranlator
On account of the vast interest generated by the announcement of Translating Tolkien - Tolkien as Tranlator, and the large number of papers submitted, the Walking Tree Publishers have decided to publish a second volume. Publication of the second volume is planned for Spring 2004.
Website news
03.10.02: added new search function to search for publications by author, title or ISBN.
01.10.02: Translating Tolkien - Tolkien as Tranlator
Our next book, Translating Tolkien - Tolkien as Tranlator is making good progress. Publication is planned for Spring 2003. Read the abstracts ...
27.08.02: Oxonmoot 2002
 2002's Oxonmoot will be from 13-15th September in St. Anthony's College Oxford. Oxonmoot is probably the most significant annual Tolkien event. It is a wonderful venue for meeting fellow Tolkien fans, learning more about Tolkien at the lectures or informal meetings, and of course having a great time. Find out about Oxonmoot on the Tolkien Society's Oxonmoot webpages. The Walking Tree Publishers will be there too, so here is a great opportunity to meet us personally and buy our latest books.
10.06.02: review Four Chrisitian Fantasists has been reviewed by the German Evangelic magazine Chrismon. www.chrismon.de. Read the review (in German) here (mirrored on this website here and in English here).
14.05.02: Mittelerde-Fest 2002
The Walking Tree Publishers are pleased to announce that they are partners at this year's Mittelerde-Fest. (A major Middle-earth event to be held in two mediaevil castles in Leuk, Switzerland. 8-11th August 2002).
Website news
21.02.02: updated: links.
06.12.01: new page added: Contribute as an author.
Call for papers: Cormarë 4
You could contribute to volume 4 in the Cormarë Series (provisional title: Translating Tolkien - Tolkien as Translator). Read our call for papers.
(December 2001)
Mittelerdefest, Leuk
The Walking Tree Publishers are official collaborators of the Mittelerde Fest. This 4 day Tolkien event is being held in two mediaevil castles in Leuk, Switzerland (11-14 October 2001).
(October 2001)
Oxonmoot 2001
The Walking Tree Publishers are attending Oxonmoot (St. Antony's College Oxford, 21-23rd September 2001).
(September 2001)
Wilmot's Very Strange Stone

Wilmot's Very Strange Stone (Tales of Yore Series nr. 2) is now available.
(September 2001)
Review of Four Christian Fantasists
Have you read the review of Four Christian Fantasists, published in Amon Hen 170?
(July 2001)
Four Christian Fantasists
Cormarë Series nr. 3 is now available.
(March 2001)
The Terror of Tatty Walk

The Terror of Tatty Walk (Tales of Yore Series nr. 1) is now available.
(September 2000)
this page last updated 04.12.01
counter added 03.10.01