
Ich respektiere Ihre Pri­vat­sphäre: kei­ne Spy­ware, Ad­ware, Scare­ware o.ä. (⇒ false positives von An­ti­viren­soft­ware igno­rie­ren!).

Meine Programme können in ihrer un­ver­än­der­ten Form ohne Ein­schrän­kun­gen ge­nutzt wer­den. Free­ware be­deu­tet, dass sie nichts ko­sten. Ich ver­öffent­liche kei­ne Quell­texte zu mei­nen Pro­gram­men.

Die Programme auf dieser Sei­te lau­fen nur un­ter Mic­ro­soft Win­dows (x86 & arm).

No spyware, adware or other crap (⇒ ignore false positives from an­ti­vi­rus soft­ware!).

All programs on this page are Free­ware. There's no warranty of any kind. You may use them but you are not allowed to sell or rent any of these programs. I do not publish any source code.

The programs on this page run on Microsoft Windows only (x86 & arm).

DownloadInformation (Deutsch)Information (English)

vhksu.exe (176kB,
self extracting)
(ca. 172kB)

Versatile Hotkey v4.2.0.0

  • Automatische Sprachanpassung de/en
  • Multimedia-Funktionen
  • Sonderzeichen (Unicode-Symbole & Diakritika)
  • Text-Makros
  • Mini-Startmenü
  •  YouTube-Download via yt-dlp
  • Minimale Speicheranforderung
  • Installationsdatei, Freeware (de/en)
  • Einsatz auch als Portable-App:
    «Setup.exe» umbenennen zu «VHK.exe»
Versatile Hotkey - Taskbar
Versatile Hotkey: Rechtsklick
(automatische Sprachanpassung de/en)

Versatile Hotkey - Unicode Chars
Left click / Linksklick
(Hotkey: Win+Alt+i)

Versatile Hotkey -
        Start Menu / Startmenü
Startmenü: Win+Alt+A (automatische Sprachanpassung de/en)

Versatile Hotkey v4.2.0.0

  • Automatic language adaption en/de
  • Multimedia functionality
  • Text-Macros
  • Unicode-Symbols & Diacritics
  • Mini Start Menu
  • Minimal memory load
  • Standard Windows Installation/Deinstallation
  • Portable use:
    Rename «Setup.exe» to «VHK.exe»
Systray: Right Click
Right click (adapts automatically to system language)

Versatile Hotkey -
        Start Menu / Startmenü
Start Menu: Win+Alt+A (automatic language change: de/en)

ffmp4-Icon ffmp4su.exe (25MB,
self extracting)

ffmp4 - GUI für FFmpeg v1.6.0.0

  • Einfachste HD720 Video-Kodierung
  • Einfache mp3 & m4a Audio-Kodierung
  • Einfacher Bildschirmmitschnitt (Screen Capture)
  • HTML5 Media-Player erstellen
  •  YouTube-Download via yt-dlp (⇒ Video-Tutorial).
  • Anpassung an deutsche / englische Systeme
  • Freeware
ffmp4 - im Einsatz
ffmp4 - im Einsatz

Videokompression mit ffmp4 (deutsche Anleitung)

ffmp4 - FFmpeg GUI v1.6.0.0

  • Simple HD720 video encoding
  • Easy mp3 & m4a audio encoding
  • Easy Screen Capture
  • HTML5 Media Player creation
  •  YouTube Download using yt-dlp
  • Automatic language adaption en/de
  • Freeware
ffmp4 - in action
ffmp4 - in action

UBU-Icon ubu.exe (75kB)
(ca. 29kB)

User-BackUp v1.2.0.0

  • Einfaches BackUp der Benutzerdaten in 2 Schritten
  • Kopiert sämtliche OneDrive-Icon OneDrive-Inhalte
  • Verwendet den Windows-Befehl RoboCopy
  • Anpassung an deutsche / englische Systeme
  • Freeware.
UBU Schritt 1
Schritt 1

UBU Schritt 2
Schritt 2

User-BackUp v1.2.0.0

  • Simple User Data Backup in 2 Steps
  • Copies your entire OneDrive-Icon OneDrive content.
  • Uses Windows internal RoboCopy
  • Adapts to English / German systems
  • Freeware.
UBU Step 1
Step 1

UBU Step 1
Step 2

pdf123-Icon pdf123su.exe
(7MB, self extracting)

Pdf123 – einfaches GUI für PdfTK / Xpdf / NAPS2 / CPDF v2.2.0.0

  • Einfache PDF-Manipulation (Anleitung)
  • Zusammenfügen, auftrennen, drehen, verschlüsseln, scannen usw.
  • HTML-Seite mit integriertem PDF-Betrachter erstellen
  • Anpassung an deutsche / englische Systeme
  • Installationsdatei, Freeware
Pdf123 im Einsatz

Pdf123 – simple GUI for PdfTK / Xpdf / NAPS2 / CPDF v2.2.0.0

  • Easy PDF Manipulation (German Instructions)
  • Concat, split, rotate, encrypt, decrypt, scan etc.
  • Create HTML pages with integrated PDF-viewer
  • Adapts to English / German systems
  • Self-extracting Installer, Freeware


VlcDVD v2.6.0.1

  • BackUp und Kompression von Video-DVDs mit VLC media player
  • Anpassung an deutsche / englische Systeme
  • Freeware, direkt ausführbar (Portable Software)
VlcDVD in Aktion

VlcDVD v2.6.0.1

  • BackUp & compress your Video-DVDs using VLC media player
  • Adapts to English / German systems
  • Freeware, no installation needed (Portable Software)
VlcDVD in Action

Ältere Software / Older Software


ikbsu.exe (80kB,
self extracting)

IKB - International Keyboard

  • IKB auf allen Systemen mit europäischen Tastaturen (Codepage 1252)
  • Koexistenz mit jedem Tastaturtreiber.
  • Achtung: Virenscanner «erkennen» in IKB irrtümlicherweise einen Keylogger(!).
  • Freeware.
IKB - International Keyboard
  • IKB works with any European Language
  • Coexistance with your national language keyboard driver.
  • Hint: Some antivirus programs see IKB as a keylogger (of course it isn't!).
  • Freeware.

7zEncSU.exe (90kB,
self extracting)

7zEnc v1.1.0.0

  • Secure Encryption with / Sichere Verschlüsselung mit 7-Zip.
  • On-demand Shell Extension (=no additional memory load)
  • Integrated Installer/Uninstaller
  • Freeware (auto adapting En/De GUI)
Secure Encryption with 7zEnc Sichere Verschlüsselung mit 7zEnc
7zEnc - Secure Encryption / Sichere Verschlüsselung

(95kB, installer)

zFonts - Font Viewer v1.5.0.0

  • Quick preview of all installed fonts.
  • Lists ANSI/Unicode and Symbol-fonts with or without AntiAliasing effect.
  • HTML-sample page generator.
  • Installer included.
  • Freeware (auto adapting En/De GUI)
zFonts in Action
zFonts in Action / zFonts im Einsatz
(ca. 17kB)

vSubst v1.8.0.2

  • Creates drive-letters for any folders on your disk
  • Visual SUBST-Command
  • Volume-Label is always identical to the host label
  • Freeware

About my personal coding experience

My first computer was a Sinclair ZX81 - it was pretty basic - just as its language: BASIC. It was quickly followed by a Sinclair ZX Spectrum before I switched to an IBM PC compatible.

I started coding seriously back in the eighties using Borland's Turbo Pascal 3. In the 90s Borland's Delphi 2 Standard Edition became my favourite language.

Delphi is the most successful Pascal-dialect worldwide. Part of its success is the VCL (Visual Component Library) which allows even unexperienced people to write stable Windows-applications. The only drawback is their size. A simple "Hello World" results in an EXE somewhere between 170kB and 350kB depending on the Delphi-Version used!

That's why I avoid using the VCL. I write old-style Pascal-code instead (nonVCL)- the same way I did with Turbo Pascal thirty years ago. I won't publish my code but here's a code-snippet with the principle.

In 2010 I started using the superior Free Pascal compiler. As in Delphi I don't use the DCL/FCL, it's still pure Object Pascal…

Currently I am fascinated with the TTS-technology, especially using HTML5. Beeing a teacher this is quite handy. Here are some of my TTS-pages: Multilingual clock, Numbers & Colours.