Today, the 26th March 2002 was Lorenzo's fourth birthday. He was waiting unpatiently since two weeks for this day. He received toys from mama, papa, oma, opa and other persons but we thinks he was mostly happy because it was his day: he got the attention from everybody. Here we show some pictures of that evening when we all eat his birthday cake.

Last month Lorenzo started to go every Tuesday to a children group. At the beginning he didn't want to go but after a couple of times he found it great and now he is just waiting for Tuesday.

On his birthday Lorenzo started to play violin. Papa has rent a small violin (1/16). The whole story started last Dezember when he saw papa playing around with his violon. Lorenzo said he wanted to play also. We asked him several times in the next months and he also answered yes. Now he has his violin but we wouldn't describe it as love at first sight. Up to now he is just getting use to hold it and to use the bow in the right way. So far it is certainly somewhat boaring but papa tries to make it funny. Since he doesn't want to play every day with it except if papa also plays with his violin, we don't expect much from this story. We will keep you informed about his steps.

.Lorenzo is a very good boy. Last time he went to the physio with papa and he sat on the chair for nearly an hour watching the massage without moving. and disturbing. He watched everything very interested.

Lorenzo also goes together with papa to watch football (I mean soccer). We are going both to the match Basel vs. Lugano at the biggest stadium in Switzerland, St. Jacob in Basel. We are interested in how he will behave there.

Lorenzo plays a lot with his computer, PowerMac G3 beige, but we cannot say what he does on it because we are mostly away. One thing we can say is that he doesn't trash anymore files. Since last time when Titian had to reinstall most of his educational games and since Titian explained him what Lorenzo did and why his computer wasn't working anymore, we had peace with things not working. Never the less Lorenzo still likes to change the system configuration with new desktop colors, pictures and so on....

Now it will soon be warmer, then he will spend more time in the garden with mummy. Let's just hope that this summer the weather will be better than last year...

Last revised:Mon, 15. Apr 2002