May-July 2001
Lorenzo is now nearly three and a half years old. He enjoys going out in the garden especially when mummy is also outside and when the weather is nice. He either plays in his sand box or drives around with his small car or helps Rita do gardening. Inside he plays with his trains, his cars or he does puzzles (up to 100 pieces). Drawing and painting are also very nice activities. Fortunately he didn't use walls or other places for his artistic needs. The only objects which were "transformed" were the TV, a computer with its screen, Of course he has other games and toys but he plays less often with them. He enjoys watching his videos (kid films). Since Lorenzo was a little bit older than two, he started playing (working) with the computer. Titian has installed for him in the sitting room a portable Mac but there is also a desktop Mac, installed in Titian's office, which can be used. Lorenzo knows how to turn the computers on and off, to start applications like MS-Word, Excel and of course his educational programs such as Pingu, Globi ABC, Globi 123, Addy Junior. Of course he can also change the background image of the screen (desktop) and change the system parameters or trash files, but about this Titian isn't so pleased. With MS-Word Lorenzo learned the alphabet and to do drawings using also the cliparts. Lorenzo can count up to 30 and also do some elementary calculation but he get quite quickly boared. He is olso very often down at Oma and Opa; with them he goes walking at the Rigi on Sundays, sometimes even if it rains.

During the last weeks Lorenzo started to play more often with Chantal, though sometimes he becomes quite rude and rough. With the cats he seems to understand that he can hurt them so he knows now that if he wants to play with or pet them he must treat them much better.

Sunday is now daddy day: Lorenzo wants to be most of the time with daddy on Sundays. This is normal because during the whole week he doesn't see daddy very often since he is always away for work or for football practice.

The top most pictures on the left and right shows Lorenzo searching easter eggs in the garden.

The lower pictures show him with opa's dog Socchi on the top of Rigi.

Last revised:Mon, 15. Apr 2002