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This page does not list Windows 32bit programs that work under Project Odin. If you would like to see this information then go to the Ham/2 Odin page.


  1. Morse Code Practice Programs
  2. Packet BBS Software
  3. Packet Terminals
  4. Hostmode Terminals
  6. APRS
  7. PSK31
  8. Fax
  9. Antenna Modeling
  10. Logging
  11. Rig Control Software
  12. Callbooks
  13. Satellite Prediction
  14. Propagation Software
  15. Clocks
  16. Electronic / Calculators
  17. Miscelaneous

Morse Code Practice Programs

Packet BBS software

Packet Terminals

  • PK-232 Terminal Software (Native OS/2)

    PK-232/PK-88 control program.

  • Flexpacket/2 (Native OS/2)

    An OS/2 Packet program from H. Stöcklein, DB5SH, and J. Dankoweit, DG5MKI, at Team OS/2 Ingelheim (Germany).

    Documentation is in German but the program can be run in German or English mode. To run in English mode add /N850 as an argument [in Version 0.540 the FP_N850.DLL is not included, contact an author for this National Resource DLL]. FP/2 supports a TNC in Hostmode, WA8DED-compatible. KISS-mode is not supportet.

    A partial English translation of the Flexpacket/2 Manual is available. This manual was written by, Oliver A. Durm, DL3SDW and passed to this website by Bill Scarlett, G3RXS. Thanks guys. To use this manual, unzip the .ZIP file and use view to read the .INF file.

  • PlusTerm Version 2.3 (Native OS/2)

    PlusTerm Version 2.3 (for DOS + OS/2) [search in site]
    PlusTerm is the terminal program for the SCS controllers and supports all PTC's, from the Z-80 up to the PTC-IIe. This TNC will do Pactor I and II as well as PSK31 without a soundcard. (Thanks Paul, VE3UUM, for this info)

  • WinPack (WinOS2)

    Found at Peak Systems, the home of G4IDE's WinPack packet radio software.

Hostmode Terminals


NOS is TCP/IP over packet radio. OS/2 versions of NOS comes in two flavours:

  • OS/2NOS which is a VIO (Text mode) program
  • PMNOS which is a graphical program
PMNOS may also use a program called PMMail

PMNOS is available in several versions (1.3 which appears to be the newest is linked above) but all are available from ftp.ucsd.edu

Dos versions of NOS should also run on OS/2. Has anyone ported the Linux (EMX) versions?


  • PerlAPRS (Perl)

    PerlAPRS A limited program to query aprs info from a tnc or internet and act on that information. Thanks to Ramsay D. Seielstad, KC2GMW for passing this along. Possibly a place to start for a more advanced program?

    You can get Perl for OS/2 at the Hobbes Perl Directory. If someone has a more up to date or more informative website for Perl for OS/2 please pass it on to me.

  • WinAPRS (WinOS/2)

    Yes WinAPRS will run under OS/2 Warp 4.5! with Fixpack 14 Get WinAPRS at the WinAPRS FTP site.

  • WA4DSY OS/2 APRS server (Native OS/2)

    This server open a serial port to your TNC and allow Internet users access to the received TNC data stream using telnet on port 14579. A simple OS/2 APRS Amateur Radio IGATE program by Dale Heatherington, WA4DSY, who has ended development on the code. Includes source code.
    Program URL: http://www.wa4dsy.net/aprs/index.html#aprsservers / Download



Antenna Modeling


Rig Control Software


Satellite Prediction

  • WinOrbit (WinOS/2)

    WinOrbit a freeware satellite orbit predictor. Download version 3.6 or newer as it has y2k fixes.


    PREDICT is a satellite orbital prediction program written under the Linux operating system by John A. Magliacane, KD2BD. But do not frighten! Look to the DOS version, there is also the C-Code included.

Propagation Software


    Hier finden Sie BEACLOCK, ein ufb Programm zur Überwachung der Kurzwellenbaken. Es wurde für Funkamateure geschrieben und ist freeware.

    BEACLOCK is a freeware program with which radio amateurs can see which of the NCDXF beacons are transmitting at which frequency.

  • Beacon Wizard (WinOS/2)

    Beacon Wizard will help find the currently active beacon. The new beacon system is very useful. It can be a bit confusing to try and figure out which beacon should be heard at a particular time; the "Beacon Wizard" solves this problem.

  • Gray Line (DOS)

    Gray Line is a DOS program for shortwave radio amateurs that helps them to plan their DX hunting activity.

  • PMGlobe2 - a World Globe for OS/2 [2.19] (Native OS/2)

    PMGlobe2 is a program which displays the Earth as a globe using OS/2 Presentation Manager. You can choose to view the globe from any direction, or select one of a number of 'standard' views.

  • Signals, Noise and Propagation - S N A P max (DOS)

    SNAPmax is designed to be flexible and yet easy to use, presenting the probable workability of an ionospheric radio path between any two sites, and ground wave to local sites, using algorithms from many sources.


  • Ham Clock (Native OS/2)

    HamClock 1.6 Is a split local time/UTC clock. Shareware.

  • PMWorld (Native OS/2)

    PMWORLD is a multi-city clock that displays a world map and up to 8 clocks at the user's choice of cities.

  • Time868 (Native OS/2)

    Time 868. A computer clock adjustment program that sets your computer to a time standard atomic clock (like the US Naval Obseravatory) over the Internet. This is quite useful if you are using satellite prediction software.

Electronic / Calculators


  • 7plus (Native OS/2)

    7Plus will split a binary file into small chunks and convert it to 7 bit data for transmission through the packet networks. 7Plus will also convert the small chunks back into the original binary file.

  • DTMF (WinOS/2)

    DTMF-Toene mit der Soundkarte erzeugen! Homepage is in German but the program is universal. Look at Download+Links. VBRUN300.DLL is needed.



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